Accuracy (and new version comment)

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Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by hurrenson/boltok »


This might just be my imagination but is there something different with the accuracy percentage? I think that everybody's % is somewhat lower than usual. There are much more people now in the 1x range that would be higher (at least from my memory/experience) and of course i noticed my own, which is since today or so steady ~2x and below. Whereas before i usually was in the higher ranks 35-50% (thanks to rocket skill and limited rail use -_-). But as i said, maybe i'm just imagining it (and in my case i just suck more than usual).

Unrelated a comment: I know this is a case of you can't please everyone but i actually preferred the model/weapons stuff in relation to the picmip setting. Yes that meant i got sometimes nice plasma rectangles flying at me and i couldn't see much, but i didn't have to turn off explosions, since they where nice light translucent clouds which gave a somewhat useful visual feedback for rockets. Now i have star trek like photon torpedos disappearing in the walls/floor/etc which "feels" weird (but is much better than the "unpicmipped" explosion). Also now i have stupid things like clouds from jump pads and shotgun :/ (which is not a big deal).

Since i don't think you wont change it back, is there a possibility to get the old file version?

And as usual: thanks for putting the work into the project.
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Re: Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by adminless »

hey hello buddy

hehe you've been quick to notice eh I didn't even have time to finish the post about hehe yes like I had commented somewhere else I still had to "patch" the accuracy stats so starting this morning I added a bit more accurate accuracy code to the server, now accuracy not only tracks if you hit something or not but also how you hit it (i.e. a direct hit or a more or less distant hit and how distant), therefor in general, yes, it decreases the values a bit since we're not making perfect hits all the time I guess (when applies of course a rail for example always hit perfectly or doesn't hit at all). I believe this to be much more significative and realist than the old code where virtually everybody was making around the same numbers and there was really not many differences between a spammer just randomly hitting anywhere in the distance to a skilled player accurately placing most of his shots may be not "perfectly" but much more closer and therefor much more accurately. on a positive note in addition now it also compensates for rocket jumping and related techniques. overall I was checking it before and accuracies looked much more significative to me really making differences between the different players and play styles. also now this will definitively mark a even clearer spot for cheaters (with this code even the own bots doesn't use to go above 40, now bots do some more reasonable "human" a-like accuracies values, so making almost a consistent 50%+ accuracy 98%+ cheating). in short just get used to the "new" more real accuracy values.

as for the mod yes I came into some of your problems with the new version when reviewing the server yesterday, well I believe that your "lg black bars" and that damage redness/blinking issue should already been solved in this morning update (let me know if they don't) and as for the rest reading into your comment I believe that you're in for the picmip fixed model and weapon effects and the problem seems mainly to be the explosions as well as some eventual "vapor" effects, well as you well say yourself of course is not realistically possible to create a mod customized for everyone's particular tastes but I'm sure that we'll be able to find the common ground here so I believe that so far nobody requested for the picmip fixed explosions so I believe that I'll simply revert the picmip there and I'll look into the "vapor" thing you're reporting me now (wasn't aware of that yet) just buy some time, let's say may be later this evening or tomorrow.

hey and thanks for report I believe that it's definitively better to get this fixed rather than being stuck with a old version that can break any day so better just spend some time working this out with isn't that much of a deal and that for the rest I believe that is a step forward.

Re: Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by hurrenson »

I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

And yes i had some uhm let's say "issues" with the lg and especially with the damage indication redness and was more than happy that it was already resolved this morning. You probably saved me from having a stroke or something ;)
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Re: Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by adminless »

haha yes yes I saw that coming don't stress buddy just when something like that happens let me know and I'll look into that. ok, I just patched those picmip explosions (reverted back to the glitched ones) and completely disabled "vapours" effects for everybody (picmip'ers or not, I always hated them anyways) on last update I've just pushed now, not big deal.

well i believe that that should do what you asking me so re-download and re-place usual file and let me know if you have further problems.

see you
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Re: Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by adminless »

well I guess that it did it's job then I'll "officialese" it now please update again that this time I polished and optimized a bit the quick fix I made before for this, I've been testing it now for some time and it feels suuuper smooth and stable now, really sweet.

Re: Accuracy (and new version comment)

Post by hurrenson »

Nice work! I'll give it a spin tomorrow.
Btw I can confirm the issue with the models tar mentioned in the download-thread. I thought it was a problem on my side and did a vidrestart as soon as i got killed on new team to get correct models -_-

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