Homyak aimbot

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Homyak has been cheating?

Poll ended at Tue Dec 26, 2017 23:47

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Homyak aimbot

Post by adminless »

hey hi guys

letting you know that this morning while I was debugging some stuff at the server I came across this guy (Homyak) mostly playing rail only and making +50% accuracy note that that guy is at the bottom of the rank and in his history he has frequent 35/40% accuracy games, I mean wtf.

unfortunately I was short in time and couldn't catch a proper demo (thought I saw him clearly cheating to my standards) and his game was heavily inconsistent and different from the game i spectated him, usually I would just ban him on my own but well since we have this forum I will leave it to you.

then check it out and I would appreciate if someone could post some demo.

see you
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Re: Homyak aimbot

Post by onlycape »

Today I recorded some demos of the supposed cheater.
The most interesting moments for me:
- demo17, 00:1.20 s
- demo23, 00:17 s
- demo24, 00:24.15 s

His aim was between 20% and 30% (has very little aim with the rocket). He combines very accurate shots with others very far from the objective.
In general, he looks like a player with little movement ability, with slow weapon changes and who finds more difficult to use the rocket than the rail (which is not usual). Of course, I say it with all my respect.
Seeing their "strange" statistics and these demos. I would say that uses aimbot with a probability of 51%. And if it does not exceed 95% I can't accuse anyone :) . If someone with more criteria sees something conclusive ...
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Re: Homyak aimbot

Post by adminless »

good stuff thank you mate I'll check that out this evening and I'll write more about.
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Re: Homyak aimbot

Post by adminless »

agree, the demos aren't 100% clear, the clearer one is the last one, when he just rail someone out of the blue but that could be simply some random lucky shot nothing really remarkable as you points out, for the rest it doesn't really seem like he is cheating there. anyways I'm sure that if he cheats or cheated he will end up getting caught for good sooner or later. thank you for the material.
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Re: Homyak aimbot

Post by Black.Nastia »

Hi. I think the player Homyak not use cheats. I've been to see him on the server and he constantly trains railgun. and achieved some success. he tries to take a comfortable position for firing and when it gets to me I realize that this is not accidental. besides, I sometimes watch him and his target does not say anything about cheats. just he has learned well to use this weapon. but he still remains a player of average level because he is very weak strafe and firing other weapons.
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Re: Homyak aimbot

Post by adminless »

hey hi there welcome to the forum nastia

ok, that's good then, thank you for tell me, you use to play in the mornings often with him so you'll have a much better picture overall of the issue than me, thanks.