He has 70+ rail accuracy, but he shoots at the walls to bring his acc number down. In reality it would be 80+. Aimer also suspects wh during this demo, and at one point at least dorf obviously tries to shoot through a wall... reflex mistake?
Obvious wallhack, i was moving behind walls at the other side of dm7 and he knew exactly my position without sound cues every time.
Just upload the demo, it was so evident it might even be the same guy with 70 rail and no rj skills who has been around a while.
I would even argue that 40 rails are too many to start with and many (top) players easily go rounds pretending it's instagib only.
How about halving the number of rail shells to 20 and adding 20 more rockets instead? That would definitely discourage this behaviour and stop the rail fest that happens in the servers every day after 6pm..
Yesterday I observed guy with perfect rails, but shitty rockets and other weapons. He wins DM7 round and then he was totally out in next DM 11 and other maps, then he leave after a some time. I dont have a demo and dont remember his nick (smting like "sdk" or similar), it just was strange because he had no aimbot (at least on first look) but so high rail accuracy and so bad other weaps make him suspicious...
Aimer you should get only 6 rail shells - 5 classic rails and 6th should start your own autodestruction
that was a random nobody then I guess that your observations should probably be right. ban just added now and I'll keep monitoring that. however I would also like to have the demo as if not the ban could be appealed. don't confuse a in-game demo with a video file. you don't need to produce a video out of the in-game demo to post it here (as I do for the inside tournament for example). that's another topic, you just need to post the in-game demo itself. to create one in-game demo you just need to open the console and type "\record". that would create a .dm_68 file at the demo folder of your usual unfreeze path. to stop the demo use "\stoprecord". if you can't seem to locate it afterwards you can probably just look for the "demo0000.dm_68" file on your computer or just for "*.dm_68" files. once you have your demo file located you can just upload it to the forum normally as any other attachment (from full editor posting mode).
I agree with you that this is not a rail only gametype and therefore it shouldn't be played like that. currently the settings already account for that, the amount of rails is already inferior to that of rockets for example. of course, we could argue whether or not that correction is enough but that's a fact. anyways, that being said, part of the success of this is based around the fact that this is a blend of several elements which some of them, yes of course, also include insta gametypes. it's important to not forget that either to not end up neglecting one another. as usual from time to time I might review the rulesets looking forward a better balance/experience however I think that making both, only 20 rails per spawn and giving 70 rockets at spawn, is clearly overkill even on both sides of the spectrum. the former would virtually "kill" any insta gamestyle altogether and probably would reduce the rail game influence to just "testimonial". while the later would also be detrimental on the other end as it would lead to even new levels of spam which, frankly, is as bad as (if not more) than hardcore railers.
like I use to say there's always room for improvement and adjustments and I look forward that but so far by looking at the rank sites and comparing different profiles I believe things are generally well balanced and doing reasonably good.
PS: the yesterday sdk, kemp and so guy was this same
adminless wrote: ↑Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:10
I agree with you that this is not a rail only gametype and therefore it shouldn't be played like that. currently the settings already account for that, the amount of rails is already inferior to that of rockets for example. of course, we could argue whether or not that correction is enough but that's a fact.
Fair enough rails are 10 less, but rockets are also used to rocket jump to different locations or escape enemies while rails are not.
adminless wrote: ↑Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:10
anyways, that being said, part of the success of this is based around the fact that this is a blend of several elements which some of them, yes of course, also include insta gametypes. it's important to not forget that either to not end up neglecting one another. as usual from time to time I might review the rulesets looking forward a better balance/experience however I think that making both, only 20 rails per spawn and giving 70 rockets at spawn, is clearly overkill even on both sides of the spectrum. the former would virtually "kill" any insta gamestyle altogether and probably would reduce the rail game influence to just "testimonial". while the later would also be detrimental on the other end as it would lead to even new levels of spam which, frankly, is as bad as (if not more) than hardcore railers.
Agree, it's probably too drastic of a change, how about leaving 50 rockets and lowering rails to 25/30 in the second server for a week then?
I know, that's why there's a fair amount of rocket ammo on the maps (higher than the default btw) while there's none for the rail. that's a critical difference, with the rail you're left just with what you spawn. so about lowering the rail a little, giving the circumstances, well, I think that may be 35 could be a more adjusted value. I'm not a fan of creating differences among the servers, I think they probably might end up confusing people, so I might consider that. by now, like I said, by basic digging the rank sites I don't observe any major issue. most players do a balanced rocket/rail usage already. honestly the only exception I observe seems to be WhoAmI, for the rest the rocket/rail balance looks reasonably good so far. anyways, thanks for suggestions.