mfz crystal

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mfz crystal

Post by tar »


through several maps I wondered how someone could hit every rail and sometimes instantly around corner while almost never hitting any rockets. After another strange 180° twist with two instant rail hits I got triggered again and as you can see in the attached demo I think the case is clear. No movement, no rocket skill, hitting nearly every rail and sometimes instantly around corner.

I can only guess that he is using some rounds only rockets due to the overall efficiency stats but see for yourself.
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Re: mfz crystal

Post by adminless »

yes definitively that guy game is kinda awkward specially between the third and fourth minute of the demo when he switches to the rail and doesn't even move/jump/aim properly yet hits basically everything, for the rest is just some random rocket playing although even there his cross "locks" and "flicks" at times at least, overall I would still have liked to see some more material but nevertheless I know that there must be more than what is just show in the demo (as you're reporting yourself) that lead you to report this as so far you're specially know here for no making any fake/trash/meaningless reports and in addition to that checking his game history at the rank site (profile) his performance is pretty inconsistent, on past games he was struggling to make any average (here) performances yet now he seems to hold over average performances quite easily (in particular yesterday, if you check his best performances are all from yesterday when you reported him) and it even goes as high as 52% acc for 12 kills (here) in a apparently rail only game, while a very experienced rail based player could eventually hit something like that by chance at some point is clearly way outside what to expect from someone of his experience by a huge margin then as always if we sum up everything I believe is fair to take action against him so I added a ban for him this morning, hope that gets him away from the server, just in case I'll be monitoring it, so let me know if you encounter further problems relating this issue (it's always possible).

just as a unrelated random funny fact this guy also went by the nick iTzHack3erPrO (iTzHack3erPrO).

thanks for report and let's see if then this next week I bring the time thing we had talked about unfortunately this week I had to deal with the technical issues at the server, mostly solved them yesterday (for UnFreeZe2).