PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Cheaters Reports Discussion forum.

was PositiveVibrations cheating?

Poll ended at Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:10

yes for sure
may be but unsure
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I don't think so
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PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Post by onlyraillmao »

it lasts too long, the player: "PositiveVibrations" should be permanently banned. For about a week he has been playing wallhack with no concealment, here are some actions recorded: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxg89ujt1v9s1 ... s.rar?dl=0 , I'm sorry, but I can not connect all the recordings together, my computer shuts down when converting to mp4, it's too weak. In the case of reluctance to watch individually, I will try to combine the whole into one to show his shameful activities.

- best regards, a regular unfreeze player hiding under different nicks :lol:
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Re: PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Post by ...jutuli... »

I think it is not the wallhack, but maybe just an antilag mode he is using. He aiming and shooting very well, smooth movement and also skill can be seen when u spectate him and all this with ping about 250ms. Just my thought.
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Re: PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Post by onlyraillmao »

Have you ever looked at these demos? About 30 actions, I also had many other moments, just like ".WTF! Wrong!", I watched this "Positive" for several hours, even with confidence. If you say so, you have not even seen them. Did you have 1 vs 1 with him in the open? He is a total noob, he can not play, he shoots from behind the walls only. I am particularly surprised by your attitude, because I also saw suspicious moments in which you died by him.
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Re: PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Post by ...jutuli... »

I spectate him few times, because I was curious how he can get such score with his ping and he seems to me as not completely noob by his movement and shooting. I did not have 1 vs 1 with him, he appeared at the server not so long ago. As I said, just my thought ...

EDIT: I looked at some demos you upload, some shots look suspicious, but this is also exactly what unlagged mode do sometimes. You see railshot delayed or it looks like you are already behind the corner and you get shooted. I wrote about it in other thread. Anyway, I am not judge here and dont want to argue with you, maybe you are right.
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Re: PositiveVibrations - Wallhack

Post by adminless »

this guy has also already been reported to me these days, as for cheating I definitively agree that he is very suspicious but I also agree on that he is not a total noob either. overall he looks to me like a old skilled player so giving the circumstances although difficult it could be plausible then unfortunately I don't find it so clear. but whatever the case is, it doesn't even matter, the thing with this guy is that he is actually playing with a shared connection to prevent being identified (hence his non-sense ping) which is totally not allowed here and consequently I already placed a block on that network yesterday which should keep him away at least for some time. if after this he still comes back then we'll re-evaluate his cheating again. thanks for report and for your input you both.