UnFreeZe mini-tournament (first edition)

fpsclassico masters 18 - matacristos champion, Miroslav undisputed
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UnFreeZe mini-tournament (first edition)

Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

I was checking the rank site now and I was thinking about arranging a mini-tournament, so I don't know if people would be interested or even if it would be possible at all thus I'm just saying. currently my idea for the mini-tournament would consist on duel games divided on two divisions of just four players each. by digging the rank site and giving the engagement of the people I would set the following chart:
  1. serie a
    1. game 1: Miroslav vs. matacristos
    2. game 2: newb.zi tar vs. Facehugger spec
  2. serie b
    1. game 1: Blaze vs. ...jutuli...
    2. game 2: Kra7oS vs. ^{BLACK} NASTIA
that would be for the first initial round, then for the second final round it would lead to the following chart:
  1. Grand Final: serie a game 1 winner vs. serie a game 2 winner
  2. Promotion Finals:
    1. serie a game 1 loser vs. serie b game 1 winner
    2. serie a game 2 loser vs. serie b game 2 winner
  3. Redemption Final: serie b game 1 loser vs. serie b game 2 loser
first round games would be one map for each player to chose among the standard maps that run on UnFreeZe (no fancy map selections allowed) and second final round games would go up to two maps per player. in the event of a tie a final map will be played chose at random. promotion final winners will secure a spot on the serie a while losers will stick to/or be downgraded to the serie b for following events (if there will). games will be played at the FreeFUn server (it's the very same thing as UnFreeZe) that it's currently set for 10 min/40 frag games and that it should fit this purpose. server would simply be passworded for the mini-tournament games and I would make the map arrangements for the cup via console. for communication during the event we can just use the fpsclasico.de webchat (https://webchat.fpsclasico.de) which even works from a smartphone. and for the schedule I believe that most games could be arranged on weekends or just on dates both players agree and it would also be awesome if people would record their games and upload them at YouTube so the rest of the party can enjoy the fun :D

so that's it, like I started started saying, this is just a idea and I'm not even sure how it would work out or even if it would work out at all, thus don't get your hopes too high, I'm just saying nothing more, then let me know how you see it and/or if some else more (or less) is also interested (or disinterested).

finally needless to say that any mayor disrespect, rage quit, misbehavior, no show (after confirming appearance) will lead to disqualification from the whole current and following (if there would be) event/s and unfortunately unless people wanna make a pot/bet their own money on this there will be no economical prizes.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Hi adminless,

1) basically a good idea

2) i would suggest some adjustments to your proposal

a) one tournament (double elimination) open to all interested players.

otherwise the tournament will likely be limited to very few players. also it will help determine who is actually good or not so good dueller and this information could be used for future tournaments. though, i believe just making one tournament open to all will be better in the end.

b) using your unfreeze +unlagged mod but with vanilla settings

(quad disabled, 125 health/0 armor and no weapons except gauntlet and mg at spawn)
everything else will take away tactical elements that made duel matches interesting. it would be run and gun otherwise.

c) map pool must be chosen wisely

A maps (former pro tournament maps):

B maps (no pro tournament maps but still 'fun' for casual gaming):

c maps (basically still playable in a tournament looking at the map layout but not usable for serious playing):

d) make some type announcement on the server to catch everyones attention
maybe a poll in a sub forum where you dont have to register and log into the forum

best regards

PS I would love to get newb.zi tar's but so let's go! ;-)
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

1) yes I think so :)

2.a) I think it's unrealistic, I mean, I even highly doubt all the mentioned guys on my initial proposition will finally show up/be interested let alone the "general public", not to mention that it could lead to very largely unbalanced duels and lot of frustration on any part. furthermore I know from experience that the best chance for this is just a couple of weekend of games to end the tournament, in other words, that it's something to keep it short, rather than a long term league it's better to have various mini-leagues if not things get unmanageable.

2.b) also agree, one of the reasons why I never really pursued a 1vs1 server is because the actual mod is not very suited for it. another possibility would be just to set a basic cpma 1vs1 server for the occasion (perhaps I just even set it anyways), which seems to be pretty much the standard for 1vs1 tournaments.

2.c) yes that can be discussed among everybody I think, although as the host I personally wouldn't even consider q3tny5,6, q3dm17 and q3dm1, the rest I agree (yes I think it's right to remove the big team maps from the pool, ex. q3dm14, q3dm11).

2.d) ok, that's no problem, I can open a thread+poll at the unregistered guest sub forum now, about server spam you know I hate it with a passion so by now let's start with this and we'll see :P

so yeah we'll see like I said it's just a idea for the future (perhaps for next holidays would be a good time) if it happens, if not it's fine too.

PS: and yeah with utmost respect for everybody but you vs tar/face looks like a grand final hehe
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »


I can basically agree with everything you say

just one thing: mod:

if you set up a cpma server can I use OSP or your mod to connect? from my memory: in CPMA are lots of changes and one thing that is seriously problematic is mouse sentivity settings. it just feels different than OSP/your mod/ baseq3. I would strongly recommend a server mod that allows different client mods (atleast baseq3/osp/adminless-unfreeze).

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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

hehe that's a strong point there, yes perhaps the best option then it's to set up some basic spin off from the regular well know mod as, no, cpma will lock it to cpma basically (and I can't do anything with it, so yeah basically you either like it and take it or not there's nothing more to do about it). so, we'll see, first let's see if there's still a couple of guys interested and then if so I'll deploy the server.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by matacristos »

If it is playing Quake 3 count with me. But I agree with MIro: playing 1vs1 is better with duel rules. OSP maybe is the best mod for that. CPMA is good, but the movement and other stuff is diferent. I think OSP mod is not valid to play CPMA.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

ok, that's cool because having someone duel miro I think it was the biggest challenge of arranging this tournament altogether then we're only missing a couple of more players and then we'll be good to go :) even if we don't make it to the initial eight player roaster I had planned (I think that by now it's obvious that it's not going to happen) I believe that just with another two payers for another semifinal it should be enough to get started and have some fun :D so we'll see if some of the other guys or someone at the public thread ping (having just voted at the public thread doesn't really help anything).

yes like I just said I'm currently involved with the new servers and setting up/polishing out everything so until this doesn't get going on I'm not gonna spend time/resources on building up a server that probably it doesn't even end up being used at all, but yes as soon there's like four players for the next week or so I'll deploy some basic small duel server for this. yes having just osp for that seems like another option although probably I'll just sort out the UnFreeZe thing for duel mode, I think that that's the best option for everybody. ok, one thing is clear cpma will be discarded.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »


if there is a significant group of people that would participate if I don't then I have no problem in calling my participation off.
additional idea: we can make 'show matches' instead of a tournament.

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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

nah don't worry that that's not the problem at hand here, think that there's actually two series for a reason, so people of the serie b don't have to directly play people of the serie a (which is not just you btw), not at least initially, I mean. so we'll see, I believe that at least 4 players we should be able to get at some point, 8 as I had initially planned would be ideal but if it's not possible 4 should be just fine too. less than 4 I believe that it would be a little uncool for any sort of a so-called "tournament" but yes anyways it's likely that a clash between you both will happen at some time here at least as a rehearsal match to test the things out so yeah we'll see how this finally turn out. I'll definitively be looking forward that in the next days/weeks and I'll let you know as it goes.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

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ok, Kra7oS just contacted me that he is indeed interested in participate but that he has lost his forum password xD so we'll see how we can communicate with him hehe anyways, I believe that probably some of you could get in touch with him at the server and/or I'll also reach him when the time comes. so, with this we're just one more player away from arranging this small cup thus I believe that one way or another it's gonna happen. then this last days I've been dealing with various server connectivity stuff (just barely finished yesterday/today) and I still have some stuff left missing from the migration so then I guess for the next week I'll deploy the duel server so we can test it. as discussed most likely unless it breaks badly or something I'll just do some small variation of the well know mod for this if that doesn't end up working or whatever I'd go for osp I think, anyways, one thing is clear as discussed by most so far cpma will be out of the picture. expect it for the next Wednesday/Thursday or so (if issues don't arise).
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

hi :) revolution has finally logged in :)

more or less when played? and how does it look like, do you need to get a weapon? Will I be all weapon at the start? will energy be 100 \ 200 or 100 \ 50? and I think to turn off the fraglimit and set the time limit only for 15 minutes
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

hey hi

ok cool you got back in :D to play i think that the next weekend 10-11 of November 2018 should be a good date if everybody agree and is available so the date depends more on you than on me. yes don't worry about that, I'll just deploy the server now between 24/48 hours and you'll can test it and make suggestions/changes or whatever before playing. initially after think about this and given the actual participants (mostly osp based) I believe that the best option for everybody (this time even me included) is just to set up a basic duel osp server and if so on future editions make other arrangements. and no, as discussed here ruleset will be traditional duel rules, so no start up anything.

well, now I gotta go, I'll go writing more details along these days.
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »


i wanted to propose the tournament to be on a sunday. friday/ saturday night is party night for many people so I assume not everybody will have time. sunday is still a weekend day, nobody is usually going out on a sunday night so i feel that would be the best day in general for tournaments.

unfortunately i could not attend on 10/11 november.

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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

17, 18 November? this weekend exactly on November 10 for a night to work, we are doing our day off on November 2, yhhhh, you have to find a convenient date so that everyone can fold
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Re: UnFreeZe mini-tournament

Post by adminless »

ok, np don't worry we'll talk, yes 10/11 (or 17/18, there's no need to play everything together) it's basically that, Saturday/Sunday so yeah Sunday's are ok but I think that it's good to have Saturday's too as I believe that given our age not everybody is still on their "party" years and more into the "family/rest" years hahaha so I think that perhaps Saturday's can be handy for some. anyways also given that we're finally going to make this with just three players (unless someone just show up out of nowhere in the next few days, if some one does later it will be scheduled for another edition) I re-arranged the mini-tournament so now I can confirm that it will go like this:
  • Grand Final & Promotion Final: serie a participant, matacristos vs serie b participant, Kra7oS (initially 17/18 November)
  • Show off Final: Grand Final winner vs Miroslav (initially 17/18 November)
so I finally followed on your suggestion of cast you aside a little from the tournament miro hehe unless other serious top players join (and overall) I believe that it's the best option for everybody and the most fair and fun, so I'll just set the tournaments depending on the number of players and so if possible with a couple of series and then I'll leave you there on a serie of your own as a show off/exhibition final against the champ unless strictly required to set up the tournament or that you fit in on another way.

then for this edition I'm thinking about just going straight for a Grand Final and that will be the champion of the tournament. since this final will clash a initially (with utmost respect according just to statistical data) serie a player vs a serie b player I'll also make it a promotion final so whoever come on top of this match will promote/stay on serie a and who lost will downgrade/stay on serie b for future editions (if there's). ultimately the winner will face miroslav just for a show off match/honorific tittle/championship, nothing more. so I don't know how you see this? giving the circumstances I believe that it's the best option.

since they are final matches, they will be up to 5 games, two maps per player and a hypothetical (if so) tie breaker map given at random. to avoid arguments, all the maps will have to be chosen before the match, and they will be played in (player) a-b-b-a-tie order. forgot to mention but as put above maps will be 10 minutes, I believe that it's pretty much the most standard now-a-days and also the most handy. 15 minutes maps will make matches too long (around 1:30/2:00 hours between some things and another) and also they doesn't fit on YouTube straight away (in case some one wanna upload it) so I believe 10 to be a better alternative. for the fraglimit yes it will be removed.

and well that's it for now I think to go talking haha I'll post more details/things as they happen for now it's better that I just finish with migrating what's left into the old south west node and that I move into deploying the server so we have something more concrete to talk about.