suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

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do you think that dogma is a cheater?

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suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by pyron83 »


recently I noticed a player nicknamed "Dogma" with always perfect rail shots.

I began to track his games following his cam and I noticed suspect stuff:
*almost infallible aim (humanized aimbot like in Quake Live?)
*weird tracking (sometimes his weapon looks like to follow people behind walls)

and so on...

Is there any way to check if he is cheating or not?

Do you need a demo?
I need to google how to do that in Q3A but I think I could record one if needed.

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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by adminless »

hey there

I "know" that guy (I mean the guy is a frequent player at the server) and to tell you the truth is the first complain I receive about him. if I've ever come across him I'll take a look but unless is totally clear he is cheating the policy is to not do anything.

so yes a demo would be useful mostly because more people could watch it and have a opinion. to record a demo just use the command \record and then \stoprecord to stop recording. later you can find your demo in your demo folder inside your unfreeze folder at the path were you put your cfgs, if that way doesn't find it just search in your computer for files with a extension dm_68 (i.e. *.dm_68) and that should bring you the demo you just recorded (typically staring at demo0000.dm_68 if it's the first one you recorded).

after that you should have permissions to use attachments at this forum so you should be able to upload it here, in case it doesn't allow you/doesn't work, just let me know. finally to watch it just download it and put it in a demo folder inside your unfreeze folder (also works in baseq3 folder) at the path where you installed Quake 3, again if doesn't find it search for q3config.cfg in your computer and that should bring you the right path (then place next to it demo/demo0000.dm_68 for example) and then open Quake 3 (load unfreeze mod if desired or used the unfreeze folder) and load it with the \demo demoname command (ex. \demo demo0000).

thank you for report

PS: I edited your post to add a poll so people can vote
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by pyron83 »

Thx, I'll try to catch a demo of him when I'm there (not very often).

What I found weird is that when a few ppl accused him of cheating, suddenly through his cam I noticed a change... He still had a decent aim, but those impossilble rails became less frequent.

Whatever, I'll try to catch a demo ASAP.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by adminless »

btw I remember I came across this player a couple of days ago and I spected him for a while and he seemed pretty "average" (for the "average" server skill, i.e. ok)
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by pyron83 »

Same ip address? Considering that Nicknames can be manually edited, there is not even chances that he is the same player.
Btw the player I saw was definitely above average (level at least on par with Miroslav, but Miro is not cheating at all, I know him)
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by adminless »

well attached you have a sample average demo of a average game of the guy who regularly plays as dogma, I know is not a very long demo but you can trust me that is representative of the random controls I made over this report, so sure of course I can not guarantee that this guy didn't ever cheated at any given point (as you can guess I'm not gonna be 24/7 specting this guy at any given time to be able to make such a statement) but I can say that the times I checked him what i found was like that, average (I mean, you can check the attached demo yourself, I believe it's clearly just some "average" gameplay).

well about the rest I don't really know if I missed something I'll try to investigate further.
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by pyron83 »

hi adminless,

I finally found the time to watch this demo.

This is definitely not the guy I saw playing that day, he was abusing insta-weapons (LG-RG) and aim was much better (bot or not).

option A) I was drunk :<
option B) that Dogma isn't the same Dogma of this demo (considering that nickname can be manually edited with 'name' it wouldn't surprise me).

My fault that I didn't record a demo that day.
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by adminless »

nah that sounds unlikely I think that most likely is the option c you missed dude just downloaded some random thing that didn't even knew what it was and it turned out to be some cheats, use them for some time and got bored or some stuff like that. anyways what ever it was what matters is that I believe that we can say that at least he's not cheating regularly anymore.
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by fernandinho1337 »

pyron83 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:45 Btw the player I saw was definitely above average (level at least on par with Miroslav, but Miro is not cheating at all, I know him)
i feel humbled. cheaters getting compared with me :-)

best regards,

redirkulous/ miroslav :-D
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by pyron83 »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:47
pyron83 wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:45 Btw the player I saw was definitely above average (level at least on par with Miroslav, but Miro is not cheating at all, I know him)
i feel humbled. cheaters getting compared with me :-)

best regards,

toni / redirkulous/ miroslav :-D
you have far too many nicknames to be tracked of ;)

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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by fernandinho1337 »

xxx is my realname.
everything else is transparent at my account. i am not trying to hide :-)

ppl track me on your server with their crosshairs :-)
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by tar »

Spotted Dogma today, perhaps aimboting, wallhacking or/and autoshooting. You can find it in the demo attached but only after 13 minutes in.

The first minutes I am just normally playing but after some minutes strange rocket damage bugs appeared which you tried to solve according to your posting (viewtopic.php?f=19&t=27&start=10#p143). It happened after using ioQuake v1.33 - also it did not happen on the maps before with the same version (there I only noticed a strange rocket damage behaviour overall but was not sure). I just could not get hit while enemies fired their rockets at me (in demo after minute 5:50). The result was that the rocket jump also didn't work sometimes (as you can see after 10:30). I also noticed that sometimes my rockets also seem not to harm enemies. Could you also check this issue on rail shots? It seems they do also miss sometimes even if I am convinced that I directly aimed at the enemy - but I could be wrong due to netcode and that I aimed some millimeters next to the enemy :D

After playing some minutes longer I noticed that Dogma hit every rail on unlikely situations. So I went to spec mode and recorded him. I hope you can also spot the suddenly jumping crosshair when he rails and the autoshoot-like behaviour- something is really strange here.

There are also three other things that bother me:

1) The new map (forgot the name) seems not to fit to Unfreeze, esp. not with the zerg supporting respawn settings set on the server. I guess it could work with cpma movement but so a round tooks more or less double the time as on the other maps (which is bad for the statistics) and there is less skill involved as the teams are either camping the center area with their 28276 buddies railing from every corner/plate or one player can be lucky meeting someone 1v1 in the wonderful 500 corridors where the movement possibilities are more or less ludicrous. TLDR: "the map is gay" (quoting Dirk here :lol: ).

2) As I tried out ioQuake v1.33 instead of the 1.36 build I usually use, I noticed the surround sound on my headset is completely different. It feels like you can hear every player and their shots through the whole map which is rather confusing as I am unable to spot one particular player, esp. on Q3DM6. Guess I will switch back to v1.36 even when the console is then filling the whole screen again :(

3) Some weeks ago I also tried out your unfreeze.pk3-files. But when I copy those in the unfreeze-folder the game looks really strange, esp. the player models and their colors are confusing as well as the score board. I don't want to go into detail because I am too tired now to take some screenshots :P Perhaps you have a hint for me on this issue?

EDIT 01:40 a.m.: Made some corrections on content, grammar and added timestamps.
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by fernandinho1337 »

tar: what ingame nicks are u using.

btw gay can have different meanings: i mean it like gay = brightly coloured/ merry
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by tar »

Hi there,

you can recognize me on those 3 nicks:
- newb.zi (first used as stultification, but began to like it and now I use it primarly)
- tar! (my "real" nick that I now use seldomly, misinterpreted from the quake system as "tartar!" due to the used ingame color change effect)
- chake quampion (not used since several weeks - as I also stopped playing QC)
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Re: suspected cheater "Dogma" on 55-unfreeze

Post by adminless »

@tar yes that's the good stuff thanks a lot for the material, that's precisely in what I was working and that it looks that then I'll have to triple patch instead hehe as you can understand fully address that will take me more time that just a casual morning, so make sure that I'll track that down and I'll update this when necessary, thanks for report mate.

regarding the new map, that's already being discussed here so follow the conversation there instead and about ioQ3 1.33 I'll write you later in detail (I'm busy now, sorry i can't deal so many things together at the same time).

finally about dogma, yes around minute 17 and something it becomes evident and also I noticed him recently going from "average" score (expected from the average player I recorded) to over the top score and accuracy (in your video +50% with rocket jumping and spam) while as you can see I don't do stupid shit like ban people solely based on their score or their accuracy I believe that again there's already enough proofs and/or reports (as you can evidence here as I told you even if not 100%, most times when someone bother in really reporting some "random" player out of the blue even if not "properly", it's a very strong signal) that if we put everything together it's fair to proceed with banning him so I added a ban for him this morning as always it's still possible that I have to re-update/re-work those bans, just saying in case someone could meet him, then I'll be watching this issue from now on and taking action as necessary.

thanks for report, see you