gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
- User lv4
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gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
mam pytańie, czy możesz schłodzić gracza o nicu "pizdukas"? od dluzszego czasu jego zachowanie jest irytujące, i dziennie za każdym razem jak gra co kilka sekund pisze dogryzając teamowi który przegrywa
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- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
tych screenshot mam wiecej
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- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
już wiecej wklejać nie będę żeby nie zaśmiecać
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- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
a przez takich graczy później dochodzi do nie potrzebnych kłótni na serverze
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
ok, let's make a poll then and wait for the people's votes.
- User lv3
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
haha, that is xearo aka grinngo, or am i mistaken?
same talk, which is just scratching the surface. Ban me too as we are at is (this is sarcatic,if in any doubt). Behaves fine. Little camping, little trashing keeping things alive. Not best team player, but if we start banning on that bbehavior, I can provide a list.
same talk, which is just scratching the surface. Ban me too as we are at is (this is sarcatic,if in any doubt). Behaves fine. Little camping, little trashing keeping things alive. Not best team player, but if we start banning on that bbehavior, I can provide a list.
- User lv3
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
I've seen people using racist, sexist and homophobic comments, and others who were spammers. This case in comparison does not seem so serious. I believe that Xaero does not try to offend but simply to be funny in his own way.
- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
Nie pisze żeby został zbanowany niech sobie gra , ale wyciszyć go, przez takie dogadywanie dochodzi do kłòtni:) bana na pisanie też mu dać
He does not write that he should be banned, let him play, but calm him down, he gets faint by such an agreement ban on writing also give him
- User lv5
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
1. i think it is great to have adminless overseeing the server because he really cares.
2. gringo might be a trash talker. just ignore it as long as he doesnt destroy the game. there is no need to trouble adminless for minor childish things. if we start complaining about EVERYTHING the server will be dead in no time
2. gringo might be a trash talker. just ignore it as long as he doesnt destroy the game. there is no need to trouble adminless for minor childish things. if we start complaining about EVERYTHING the server will be dead in no time
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
@YS yes he's. so yes, overall I feel it the same way as most people here as I use to review the server regularly and I didn't really have knowledge either of any important misbehavior from this user besides the normal stuff that's going to take place at a online fps public server and that even to some extend are part of the normal everyday. nevertheless, since d6vil brought the topic here is always good to hear more sides of the history, glad to hear this time that your points of view also coincided with my impression here, thanks for report guys. then, yeah, overall bottom line here:
besides this, this here also clearly evidences why you, d6vil, are chat banned here, for overreacting to any random thing, this is the kind of your usual non-sense I was referring to, perhaps the problem is not "you" (the adult one) but your child (as I believe that I understood on some of your other posts, though don't really know as I do not understand polish myself) coming with this stuff anyways if you even use the same accounts there's no much to do about it at the end of the day "you" (the adult one) is the one who is going to be at blame.if we start complaining about EVERYTHING the server will be dead in no time
- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
Ja nie pisze by go z gry zbanować , ale go wyciszyć newbz wtedy ze mną grał i w ciągu minuty pisał swoje testy po 10x screeny mam ich więcej ale możesz go ochłodzić że pisać nie będzie mógł przez jakiś czas to nabierze trochę rozumu u Szczecinku dla graczy a ja mam pytanie na kiedy bym mógł się spodziewać organowa nie mnie czata w q? Z nastia się komunikować niemoge
I do not write to ban him from the game, but mute him newbz then played with me and within a minute he wrote his tests for 10x screenshots I have more of them but you can cool him that he will not be able to write for some time in Szczecinek for players I have a question on when I would expect the organ not to watch me in q? The unauthorized one can communicate with nastia
- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
Poprawione to pierwsze z błędami bylo
Nie żebym go z gry zbanować , ale go wyciszyć newbz wtedy ze mną grał i w ciągu minuty pisał swoje testy po 10x w ciągu całej rozgrywki to mam chyba że 100 screenów i takie komunikaty no niestety doprowadzają do kłòtni ,jak mozesz t o go ochłodzić że pisać nie będzie mógł przez jakiś czas to nabierze trochę rozumu i Szacunku dla graczy
A ja mam pytanie na kiedy bym mógł się spodziewać odbanowania mnie czata w q? Z nastia się komunikować niemoge
Nie żebym go z gry zbanować , ale go wyciszyć newbz wtedy ze mną grał i w ciągu minuty pisał swoje testy po 10x w ciągu całej rozgrywki to mam chyba że 100 screenów i takie komunikaty no niestety doprowadzają do kłòtni ,jak mozesz t o go ochłodzić że pisać nie będzie mógł przez jakiś czas to nabierze trochę rozumu i Szacunku dla graczy
A ja mam pytanie na kiedy bym mógł się spodziewać odbanowania mnie czata w q? Z nastia się komunikować niemoge
Corrected the first with errors was
Not that I should ban him from the game, but mute him with newbz then he played with me and within a minute he wrote his tests after 10x in the whole game I have 100 screenshots and such messages unfortunately lead to fussiness, how can it cool him to write no he will be able to get some sense and Respect for players for some time
And I have a question for when I could expect to unban me in q? The unauthorized one can communicate with nastia
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
first after our last conversation I had thought that you was ok with being chat banned so I just had forgot about the issue.
second as a matter of fact after just one morning your chat ban failed it lead to this, seriously, I'm sorry to inform you that you're not going to get chat unbanned for obvious reasons, I mean like I've just explained if you're unable to cope with random people dropping random "ugly" messages here and there and are going to get set off by that instead, you're better chat banned so at the end of the day you won't have to bear with that kind of stuff at least and probably even end up getting in-game banned because of that.
third once again as I explained, of course, if someone is just being a dick, overdoing it or simply just being a pain in the ass and overall killing the fun sure he will get banned/chat banned or whatever (just like you have been for example), that's what this forum is for here at the end, happened this time that as you could you see most people here have another impression about that matter and no don't worry that I don't need like a hundred screenshots of random messages, be sure that if somebody has something more to say or another complain they will reach this thread, thus so far please don't continue spamming over again the same stuff.
fourth I don't know who "unauthorized one" you're talking about, as far as I know there's no other know fake "d6vil" user besides "you" (you and your son apparently), I think I didn't properly understand that part.
second as a matter of fact after just one morning your chat ban failed it lead to this, seriously, I'm sorry to inform you that you're not going to get chat unbanned for obvious reasons, I mean like I've just explained if you're unable to cope with random people dropping random "ugly" messages here and there and are going to get set off by that instead, you're better chat banned so at the end of the day you won't have to bear with that kind of stuff at least and probably even end up getting in-game banned because of that.
third once again as I explained, of course, if someone is just being a dick, overdoing it or simply just being a pain in the ass and overall killing the fun sure he will get banned/chat banned or whatever (just like you have been for example), that's what this forum is for here at the end, happened this time that as you could you see most people here have another impression about that matter and no don't worry that I don't need like a hundred screenshots of random messages, be sure that if somebody has something more to say or another complain they will reach this thread, thus so far please don't continue spamming over again the same stuff.
fourth I don't know who "unauthorized one" you're talking about, as far as I know there's no other know fake "d6vil" user besides "you" (you and your son apparently), I think I didn't properly understand that part.
Najpierw po naszej ostatniej rozmowie pomyślałem, że nic nie przeszkadza ci w czacie, więc zapomniałem o problemie.
po drugie, po zaledwie jednym poranku twój zakaz czatu się nie powiódł, poważnie, przykro mi informować, że nie zamierzasz czatować niezarejestrowany z oczywistych powodów, I mam na myśli to, co właśnie wyjaśniłem, jeśli nie jesteś w stanie poradzić sobie z przypadkowymi osobami upuszczającymi losowe "brzydkie" wiadomości tu i tam i zamiast tego zostaniesz wyrzucony przez to, że jesteś lepiej zbanowany na czacie, więc pod koniec dnia nie będziesz musiał znieść tego rodzaju rzeczy, a przynajmniej w końcu zostaniesz zbanowany w grze z tego powodu.
Trzeci raz, jak wyjaśniłem, oczywiście, jeśli ktoś jest po prostu kutasem, przesada lub po prostu boleje w dupie i ogólnie zabijając zabawę, na pewno dostanie zbanowany / czat zbanowany lub cokolwiek innego (tak jak byłeś na przykład), to właśnie to forum jest tutaj na końcu, zdarzyło się tym razem, że jak można zobaczyć, większość ludzi tutaj ma inne wrażenie na ten temat i nie martw się, że nie potrzebuję jak setki screenów z losowe wiadomości, upewnij się, że jeśli ktoś ma coś więcej do powiedzenia lub inny narzeka, dotrze do tego wątku, więc do tej pory nie przesyłaj dalej spamu tym samym materiałem.
po czwarte nie wiem, kto "nieautoryzowany", o którym mówisz, o ile mi wiadomo, nie ma żadnego innego znanego fałszywego użytkownika "d6vil" poza "tobą" (ty i twój syn podobno), myślę, że nie zrobiłem poprawnie zrozumieć tę część.
- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
Bo mi nic nie przeszkadza, my się poprostu nie rozumiemy
Because it does not bother me, we just do not understand
- User lv4
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Re: gracz o nicku "pizdukas"
Inaczej napiszę, inni ,a takie zachowanie są od razu banowani a teraz piszesz że takie zachowanie jest normalne i nie zwracać uwagi! Tylko jest wielka różnica jak pisze się co jakiś czas , a niż w ciągu jeden rundy Pisze z 10x która trwa np. 1 minute , a tak samo piszesz o próbie co dwa dni temu mogłem pisać i nic tam takiego nie pisałem co by miało kogoś uraźić , także teraz już sam nie wiem za co mam bana na czata , ale ok twój server
Otherwise I will write, others, and such behavior is immediately banal and now you write that such behavior is normal and do not pay attention! Only there is a big difference as it is written every now and then, but in one round It writes with 10x which lasts for example 1 minute, and you write about the trial every two days ago I could write and I did not write anything there that would have to offend someone , now I do not know what I have for the chat, but ok your server