Lil Bill

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Lil Bill

Post by tar »

After gotting strangely hit by nearly every rail in the map before I wondered what is wrong today but first I thought it is just the old me vs. many while my team just holds hands on the other side of the map as usual. Also the server seems to lag somehow. But after that some players left and within the next match it got a bit better except for one player whose behaviour was somehow strange: Lil Bill. As I am always a bit suspicious when someone is constantly hiding with rail and permanently running away - even if he received no damage before - the realization was not long in coming. At 5:04 in the game I got hit by an instant 180° rail shot without any turn movement from him.

Guess what? That triggered me :P

But hey, Lil Bill is smart and therefore he then runs around only using rockets for several minutes; without any strategy, without movement skill, even without any visible rocket skill. As if that wasn't enough for a guilty plea, he started to use his "skill keys" after he could not hit shit with rocket and rail after I began spectating him.

The case is more than clear.

See timestamps:
- 5:04 (instant 180° rail)
- 7:52 (after hitting nothing with rail, he shortly locks two times on the opponents but still did not hit - because he missed I was not 100% sure)
- 8:50 (first hit lock)
- 9:42 (locked and instantly switches to other enemy - final proof for me so I stopped recording)

It shocks me how lame some people are. Even with decent ping some players prefer to use aimbot in a stealthy way. Shame on thee, Lil Bill and whoever else is using that and ruining this game for all others :(
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Last edited by tar on Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lil Bill

Post by adminless »

don't know but it's probable, that's some of the usual trash/spam/non-sense talkers that got recently the chat disabled at the server thus I guess that since he can't disturb us anymore with his chat he decided to go for cheating instead, so it's likely. I'll have a look at that tomorrow and I'll write here/take action and so, now I go sleep, I'm tired.
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Re: Lil Bill

Post by Plumse »

I can confirm newb.zi's suspicion even without watching the demo. I spectated him several times during the night - he seemed legit most of the time, but out of the blue he did 180 degree, 100% hit rails randomly. When I saw the first one I thought it was just lag, but he did it at least 3-4 times during the course of the night. I didn't speak up because in general he didn't dominate the server and his outbursts were random...

Edit: Just watched it, can definitely see it in the end. I always wondered who would go to the length to cheat on specific shots, well, here's proof I guess.
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Re: Lil Bill

Post by adminless »

ok, no problem better not waste any more time on this kind of cyber scum, switched back to the ban for this guy. thanks for report.
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Re: Lil Bill

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

lil bil
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