dtc cheating

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dtc cheating

Post by steffo »


reporting dtc, demo is attached. This fag jerked off with his autoshoot for several matches.

It's my first time posting here, so thanks for your work on servers, board, client and such.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Hanniballs »

Hi there !
Steffo, it's my first time posting here, so thanks for the demo of myself... Man, i couldn't determine if i used a wallhack, or autoaim, or autoshoot, or even if it was me playing :)
I think some people here know me.
As it is not the first time it occurs (aliasing Zorro ie), i had to tell you : please guys, watch your language when accusing someone, that's a bit heavy.
Nice day
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by adminless »

hey hello there steffo no problem and welcome to the forum :D

agree, good spot there definitively, that guy there is this guy here fake nicking yet even one more time. to me for the most part that guy there looks like a "noob" (a average player here) with a cheat, I mean, it looks like every damn time he does hit does it the same way, flicks, locks, hits and then release, and beside that he can't hit "normally" or just even differently at all, I mean, not even by chance, not too mention those way too often times when he hits people who appears randomly flying over his screen all of the sudden.

so let's see overall this guy was already high suspected, he was doing off-the charts stats (+2.5 K:D against ~2.1 K:D of the second ones and top guys here, i.e. +0.2/+20% ahead) while fake nicking all-over the place (even of know good players, which btw that was already a cause of ban, at least temporal, itself) and "out of the random" it gets reported by a well know frequent player in a demo where there was even another guy doing +40% accuracy (that it'll even open post about myself now btw) and that even if only "at times" as you're saying yourself, I'm quite sure that when something like this happens is mostly because prior and after that there was plenty of more flicking shots and weirdness not simply "out of random" so I mean, I believe that I don't need to say anything more other than I've just placed a ban.

thanks for report
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Plumse »

Wow, not to meddle in others' business, but guys, I watched the demo AND I played vs dtc for 3 games in a row. He has some lucky shots but in general he is just good with the rail. If he was using any sort of aim assist it would be blatantly visible - locking onto targets and perfect tracking - which there was none in the demo (nor when I played vs him).

If I were you I'd rewatch the demo and reconsider your decision, but at the end of the day, it's your server - do what you want, just saying this guy is legit.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by adminless »

don't worry that you don't get in the middle of anything the forum is there for that, for people to express their opinions, so feel free to give yours. it just happens this time that I believe that "we" have different views here, I believe that there's enough hack shots and a clear pattern of them in the demo as to evidence a cheat at least to my standards and specially considering all the unacceptable fake nicking of good players and background of this case as to place a ban.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Hanniballs »

Im surprised to be called a noob (i was there in 1999) or cheater (never even tryied any hack), i guess shit happens and i'm sad to be forced to justify.
Please have a rewatch, and dont be influenced by bad players who have been asskicked.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by adminless »

well like I said you were high suspected well before this report and by several people so don't think you so important as to be someone to get reported because of butthurt people. furthermore like I also wrote (in expectation from a response like this) that argument doesn't even make much sense when on that very same demo there's someone in particular clearly over dominating the room (curiously the guy who just joined in your "aid") but that wasn't reported. and also overall for the frequent unacceptable fake nicking even of know players you have no excuse at all whats-o-ever.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Plumse »

The reason I jumped to his aid was because I frequently get accused of cheating in FPSs, mostly because I gravitate towards flick shotting weapons, such as shotguns/snipers, so I feel this guy's pain. Sometimes I have a lucky night and a lot of my kills are random, maybe this guy got a bit too many hits on the same person and skewed their perception. And just as an example, today there was a guy that changed his nickname several times that the whole server UNANIMOUSLY called out as using an aimbot - could see it too, just from spectating (Name was Impressive/Excellent/Chocolate). He was just using the LG and you could see the near 100% accuracy (overall he had 65-70%).

In any case, I'd only trust the top 10ish people on the stats board of the server when it comes to accusing of cheats (e.g. newb.zi, Black Nastia, Blaze), those are genuinely highly skilled players.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by adminless »

I know I've just reported you myself just in case xD ok, sure word of that just reached me out a moment ago and as we speak I'm currently handling the situation with that guy. thanks for report.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Hanniballs »

Well, u guys are fun, sorry about kicking arses and sorry about not calling myself UnnamedPlayer.
Considering stats, i've played all best players on ur server several times, u really think they're good ?
Maybe u should go on other servers to see real skills.
Ban me if u want but i think it is stupid.

btw, thank you Plumse
Last edited by Hanniballs on Sat Feb 17, 2018 23:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by Hanniballs »

btw, thank you plumse
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by steffo »

@Plumse: 1.52, 3.20, 8.38, 8.59, 10.56, 14.50 aren't enough for you (mixed wh/aimlock)?
Even if he flickshots while pressing the aim assist button, the longer he presses, the bigger is the aimlock movement leading to the hitbox perimeter. If you aren't experienced with this (which is weird for a player who moves good and hits constantly like you, weird as the fact you wrote for the first time in this forum just to defend hanniBALLS), just set timescale to 0.3.

Hanniballs wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2018 21:53 Im surprised to be called a noob (i was there in 1999) or cheater (never even tryied any hack), i guess shit happens and i'm sad to be forced to justify.
Please have a rewatch, and dont be influenced by bad players who have been asskicked.
Excuse me, dtc, when did you asskick me?

I was playing on lost world, then you joined (iirc you turned on your trick-track shot ALT-X programs during that map) and lost the match. :roll:
Then, I specced you for 2 matches in which you went full-retard and called me idiot several times (so, be polite my ass).
Should I post those demos as well?
As all the cheaters I reported, you make no exception at all: blatant lies, denying the evidence and playing the "noob" card... n o p e
It's getting boring and I lost enuff time in this. Enjoy your ban or evade it in 5 minutes as you probably did.
So long and fuck off.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by i_cezar »

Hi I'm aka Blaze. I played vs dtc the other day and zorro some time ago. To me the guy seems one of them pub monsters, I think he is just that good. I dunno for how long he has been playing. After seeing the demo i dont think he is a cheater. Why would anyone use aim assist in random situations and not use it in clutch moments? That would be just absurd and frustrating to have such a masterplan. I'll keep an eye out though. As to steffo he is also very good playwise but his judgement on cheater spot i do not trust. He accused me also several times so I know for a fact. He screams "cheater" at every flick shot.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by adminless »

I know he is quite quarrelsome usually picking on arguments/personal wars against other players which is definitively not so nice however as I noted so far in several months already (I guess something like ~half a year) he had quite a lot of opportunities of reporting even know cheaters/big players however so far he only reported him which leads me to believe that there's definitively something really wrong (or more wrong) than with the rest of the people with this guy, be it cheating (as it seems) in particular or something else (his overall attitude/behavior etc) and nevertheless he seems at least knowledgeable and to have experience about the matter so let's give the guy some credit.
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Re: dtc cheating

Post by tar »

Plumse wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2018 22:43In any case, I'd only trust the top 10ish people on the stats board of the server when it comes to accusing of cheats (e.g. newb.zi, Black Nastia, Blaze), those are genuinely highly skilled players.
Please do not list Blaze or Black Nastia when talking about high skilled players :roll: I would not even consider myself as that as I really need to improve my movement before I would call my self "high skilled".

In my opinion, there are two main categories of players on UnFreeZe that are hard to kill and the reasons therefore are extremely different:

Category 1: Skill

Those players are moving completely on their own on the map and use their skill to hunt down their opponents.

Category 2: Bubble Gum Zerger

They are 90 % hiding on particular camping spots, mostly with some mates around and even if they obviously outnumber the living opponent(s). When moving through the map they also most often walk behind their mates like a gluey bubble gum in order to gain easy low hitpoint frags and thawing points. This behaviour has been encouraged by the actual respawn settings where 40-80% of a team respawns around the same location and so the majority of each team needs to align to this in order to prevent getting zerged.

Unfortunately, even skilled players are adopting to this as it is frustrating permanently running alone into a horde, especially when the own team is still hiding/waiting behind or spamming and shooting you directly into multiple opponents. I also regularly need to change my behaviour after some rounds of a new map as category 2 most often gets the edge on me and frustration sets in.

As you can easily observe, the majority of players now belongs to category 2.

Moreover, some everyday champions seem to completely forget they have a forward key whenever an opponent appears :lol:
Last edited by tar on Mon Feb 19, 2018 14:42, edited 1 time in total.
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