team UnFreeZe training and draft

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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

sure I already answered your PM back this morning. of course you have a seat besides various guys are doubt and/or only partially available. glad to have you in, thanks for get back to me. ok, then let's sum up again if I haven't missed anybody else so far I have noted for this fau, blaze, aimer, nick, magi, cthu, pacman, semi, sub-zero (?), optical, bishop and narcell. give some will join/leave early/late I feel like there's probably still room for a couple or more guys, any other volunteers?
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

ok, PM sent now to all the people who have signed up, if somebody haven't received it just let me know, thank you very much for joining in. as usual if there's still somebody interested in participate don't hesitate to join in, there's probably for a couple of spots more, don't waste your chance.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Agi »

Got pm, if there is still a place - sure
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by MyWifeHatesQ3 »

I'd love to take part too.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

awesome PM sent now with the remainder and pass for the session, thank you for joining in. good, then with you both I believe we're finally all set for the session and we should be full now. as much I believe we could only have room for one more extra special guest if anybody else not mentioned is interested?

for the rest please remember that the goal for this session is to draft probably one or two more players for team UnFreeZe after this session and that as mentioned before due the nature of the process on the final line-up (6/7 people) there could be differences from the drafts depending on the different circumstances at the time (ex. availability, final gameplan, overcrowding etc). I hope everybody here takes that just as a normal part of the event (i.e. not everybody can ultimately fit but I believe I invited everybody around to participate and have fun nevertheless) and that hence there will be no bad feelings later on.

additionally please remember that in favor of a more transparent game for this fight it's been established the rule to have players submit their point of view demos after the game. so far only CTHULHU has done so then please ensure you've got everything going on your client (i.e. \cl_autoRecordDemo 1 plus you can find/upload the demo later on) to comply with this as although it may ultimately not end up being enforced (there's really no way to enforce that) this will be something important to comply to anyways. nothing else so please have fun and thanks for joining in.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Optical »

Sorry guys for a stupid question but, what command in the console should I use to connect to the server with a password from the console?
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

I just saw your contact now already answred (same with yesterday contact) so check on your email (junk/spam folder?). here is the answer:
\connect and then when you read "invalid password" do \password [PM's password] in this case. that password won't work until 20:55 approx at the moment the password is just 1234 so give it a try and let me know if you experience nay problem and/or if you have any other questions.

btw also remember that due some client issue sometimes it may be necessary to enter the password twice, that's it, another time once connected in-game.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by stoned »

Guys if you lack people sometime I'd be happy to join your training sessions

Yours Stoned.EZ
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

I think that at the moment beside some special guest we should be full for this session so I'll send you the pass/reminder now anyways but I can not guarantee that you will later have a spot in-game. the people who signed up first will have preference as well as obviously team UnFreeZe and current drafts (which I repeat they might change on this or the next session). the plan is to make some 5vs5 so if finally everybody show up (unlikely) then for this session there will also be changes.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

Unfortunatelly it is not possible for me to play today. I would like to take part in the next session if it is still possible.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by PacMan »

KlarDerAbsahner wrote: Sun Dec 12, 2021 18:06 Unfortunatelly it is not possible for me to play today. I would like to take part in the next session if it is still possible.
Cu around!
Yayeeee it's klar VW hax man !
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

yes man glad to see you around and hear back from you. no problem, next session I can already tell you, Sunday 19 of December of 2021 at 21:00 CET (UTC+01) then after that it starts fight time versus wtf this time then as I know that you're quite busy, it would be good to know before hand what your availability to play for the next weeks after the 19 would be? particularly, would you be available the 20 night (let's say 21:15) or the 26 night (let's say 21:00)?

great then with you that means team UnFreeZe is finally assembled, at least the core, you will be joining fau, aimer and blaze all top skill players. unfortunately this means bad news for the guys here on the draft as this obviously decrease the available slots to only two or three, so fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck to everybody involved.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Bishop »

It'd be great if you'd start these sessions at 20:00 CET (in the future). This is just a tiny request, if it's possible, of course. I confirm. I'll be available for today's sessions — a game or two.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Optical »

I was glad to participate, there will be a recording of games on YouTube? And also i was ready for next training
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

thank you about that good point. indeed, as I said it's still pending discussion but the fau, blaze, aimer, nick, mywife team UnFreeZe looked in tremendous shape this night. if we add klar and sub-zero as backup players I believe team UnFreeZe is finally starting to take form. ggs and thank you very much to everybody who participated and as mentioned earlier, please start booking your places for the next Sunday 21:00 CET (UTC+01) training session. lineup/drafts/changes and related team UnFreeZe things coming tomorrow.