Plumse aim hack

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do you think that plumse cheats?

Poll ended at Thu Mar 15, 2018 22:02

yes I'm sure of it
may be he does but may he does not, I'm not so sure
I'm sure that he does NOT cheat
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by Plumse »

They have some story and lore in Overwatch to justify their classes, it's not exaclty copy paste :)

But honestly, Quake 3 and Modern FPSs are just different. Q3 is much more responsive, faster, newer FPSs rely more on tactics and weapon knowledge (e.g. weapon spread). In addition, I feel like Q3's map design is very minimal, which helps with identifying targets faster. Newer FPSs focus a lot on making maps look pretty and it's sometimes hard to see enemies. In terms of multiplayer and hit detection, I would say Q3 is still the most responsive experience and feels the best (ONLY IF YOU HAVE GOOD PING!). Newer games try to make everything fair to everybody, so people with 200+ ping can experience the game as people with 20-60. But that way, if you have low ping, you usually get hit behind walls or die without your shots going off, which is frustrating. That's why I like quake 3, very responsive on good connections. I think it's very comparable to modern games. Sorry if I went off topic again :P
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Re: plumse

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

plumse at 1000 percent uses some booster,poorly navigating the maps does not go hand in hand,
the status of the weapon is still high,all time 48 procent do 70 procent,even newbzi does not have such high usage status weapons,redirk został zbanowny a nie mial też takich stausów broni
next demoo
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Re: plumse

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

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Re: plumse

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by adminless »

yes I know and I think that I already made my opinion about the topic clear (see) and I personally agree with you but unfortunately so far that's only my personal belief the vote is favorable to him (well it was, 2-4-5, I think I remember those were the results the last time I looked at them, it got wiped now when I merged both topics on the wrong order I think, sorry about that and then please cast your votes again) and there's no some clear evidence so far (just values) so without one and the other there's nothing that can be done as I can not ban someone solely based in what I or you believe. as for the maps navigation is not really a big deal since he is new, he just doesn't really know the maps.
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Re: plumse

Post by your_sister »

wtf does this demo proof? that chocolate cheat? We knew that. Or am I looking at tthe wrong demo?

These stats say shit. Anyone can get these stats when chosing specific guns.

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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

all time 48 procent do 70 procent all weapons?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!? hax 100 procent, can anyone have? !!?! ??! but the plus has throughout the game from the beginning to the end. redirk got a ban and he did not have that kind of weapon :) and how is plumse moving? he hooks about corners he falls just anywhere and such results :) cheater

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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by adminless »

hey bud there's no need to make 7 posts saying the same, I believe that you already stated your opinion (as I stated mine) so please stop spamming all over the place the same thing and let the rest of the people cast their votes (that as I told you they favored plumse) as well as state their opinions as most have already done.

PS: and yes i know that you're a pole using a translator yet you don't need to make 10 one sentence posts, so please stop doing that.
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Expresses itself and others,
you explain that in others you also have a high degree of staystkyki evidently in others you play also cheat :) and you are not a world champion :) Actually, I can say that, nastia, blaze, newbzi, bolo, barry, krakowska, matacristos, steffo they play well, but they move well, they do not have statistics about the use of weapons, they do not play well :) you are using something for sure. ok, he does not write anything, see all
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by Plumse »

Just want to say I'm not really new to Quake 3. I'm new to playing against people, but I know the maps.

I don't know what's wrong with my navigation as he and others keep suggesting? If by "navigation" people mean I don't just rocket jump around everywhere, why would I want to do that when the map is tiny and there are 20 people on it? I'd just get killed instantly. My goal while playing is simple, roam and kill; if I have no armor, I go for armor to at least survival 1-2 rails, why go deeper than that in TDM/Unfreeze? I only RJ/strafe jump when I have to (and think it's safe), and as I said before, I mainly use the shotgun/rl/rail, that's why the accuracy stays high, it's sort of an OCD of mine. I've tried to explain it to this guy but he is just too dense.

Anyway, the demo he submitted is at least a month old at this point and in any case, shows that Chocolate was using an aimbot, I just kept failing. I've started out with 60~% accuracy, in some games that favor rails, but overall over the course of a map, I haven't been higher than 50ish. In any event, I'd still refer to my Overwatch profile I linked earlier in the post. Achieving top 500 in EU several times should account for something when it comes to my abilities in FPS games in general. Pretty sure Blizzard would have banned me if I was using 3rd party software until now.

In the end, the reason why I think he is so salty is because he rarely tries to dodge or move around when 1v1ing against me, so I always get 3 easy rails on him, he just keeps spamming rockets from a distance.
Last edited by Plumse on Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by tar »

Just my 2 cents on his accuracy:

1) He is using rail 90%+ of the time. I did that two or three times in the last days too (which was rather boring) and also achieved around 50% accuracy which is no wonder regarding the unlag code while rockets and grenades suffer a lot from the lag. Regarding that I mostly play against the better players (thanks to the team compensation configuration) you can assume 50%+ versus worse opponents is possible.
2) He is rarely offensive and moves with his team. Therefore he is not harried, gets free thaws and get thawed faster.
3) He is not spamming which keeps the accuracy high. Compare the stats of Black Nastia in this respect as he has a much lower accuracy because he is constantly shooting rockets.
4) He dodges which keeps him alive ;)

What bothers me is that his mouse sensitivity for rail seems too high to aim that accurate and there are some rather incredible rails by him, here and there. But who knows, he might have gotten used to it over the years using only rail-like weapons. His ping is only slightly above mine and sometimes I also hit everything in the strangest situations (and sometimes nothing at all :lol:). Furthermore, I know players who also got 60%+ rail accuracy even in the faster version of Q3 (e.g. "som" who plays here).

So, if you are convinced that he cheats just proof it ;)
newb.zi (stats · system)
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by _Nisa_ »

Sometimes even impossible shots can be made, if the stars align correctly and you're very lucky. I've railed and killed a player who was standing on the rail ledge, while I was jumping down from the tall RL ledge, just when I hit the very bottom of the quad hole in pro-q3dm6. There is about 1 pixel space to fit the rail through and to do it while in free fall is impossible. But I've done it. Absolutely pure luck though, but if the whiners had their way I'd be banned too because of cheating.

I've tried the RAIL+SHOTGUN in q3tourney4 (vertical vengeance) just a couple of days ago and sure, when the first two-three shots were hits I had 100 % for a while and easy 50+ % in the end. I was the last in my team though.

On the other hand I spammed about 4500 grenades today and my acc was 6 % while I was the best in my team in q3dm8.

This is getting old now. People who have quit school after 4 years should not look at accuracy statistics because those go way over their head.
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by ...jutuli... »

This post pushed me to register myself here. The main reason is that I think Plumse is not using any cheat, second reason is that I been accused by Steffo yesterday as "fishy" person in this

First of all, I know a lot of players from another ffa/1v1 servers, who can humiliate most of the players here in a few minutes (including me of course). I am also "old school" in both meanings of the word, I played Q3 few years back around 2000, started my own clan, player on LAN parties and so on. And, of course, now I am old man (I will be 50 this year) and Q3 is still my "heartgame". I am proud to be average "good", no cheats needed, every game is ruined with an cheats.

So, my point is, there can be really good players, coming from nowhere and the weaker ones should not be surprised to be defeated by them quickly... Also please be aware, there is just few map rotating here and when they practice the same maps every day, skill can just raise.

I have good days, when I winning some matches, and also have bad days or hours, when I am not able to hit a barn... This is difference between me and a good player, a good one is good almost always, I am not. But I see a big difference on myself since I started play here. Just few maps, the same people and tactics, I am improved a lot.

Also small note about the rail. I tried to play few games just with rail, it is also my fav weapon. It was funny and I was good in it, but (for me) is also very difficult to be focused all the game.

So maestro Plumsini, do not worry about envy ppl, just be kind to me and aim your rails not to my head please ;)

Btw: sorry for long post and my english, not so good, but understandable I hope.
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Re: Plumse aim hack

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for report, yes I understand, I also noticed that lately steffo has been randomly accusing and overall harassing other players just way too much (I mean he almost stays more time flaming other players in spec that actually playing the game which is total non-sense) and in addition it's not the first time he gets reported because of that kind of misbehavior, therefor I placed the necessary moderation tools now and I'll keep monitoring this issue in case of possible further complications. sorry for this inconvenience and be welcome to the forums at last :D