Enriching the map pool

UnFreeZe/FreeFUn/glacius Game Servers forum.

do you like the new rotation/map changes?

Poll ended at Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:30

yes, I think that they add to the game, keep it up.
no, I think they ruin the game, please revert them asap.
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Enriching the map pool

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Hello. I'd like to propose adding one standard Q3 map for UnFreeZe and FreeFun map pool that would work with full server, together with the already present Q3DM7 - Temple of Retribution, Q3DM11 - Deva Station and Q3DM14 - Grim Dungeons. I'm sure that big part of our community would be happy, if it would happen. Quakers, let me know what do you think about it.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by adminless »

sound good to me, only problem is that there's really no more maps suitable maps on the game standard assets to add and I think that from the glacius experience is way clear custom ones are not a option for top public servers like these ones. I mean, the only options left for full server are q3dm12 that ran from a couple of months two times previous and it was absolute crap and q3dm15 that didn't even get that far but it's clear that map wasn't suited for a crowded all weapons freeze tag mode. you can play those at the, decently popular, ffa server and I believe that you can see there that they are much better suited for vanilla deathmatch than for freeze tag. in the other hand I also that is more than a well proven fact already that start dropping custom maps here and there it just kills top popular server like these. I mean, not so long ago during the worst of the pandemic like from April 2020 till June 2020 with the servers busy as they got I ran glacius 24/7 there and it was a total desert day after day, seriously, not even the Fridays/Sundays, a desert. in that sense I believe that it would be much more productive that people do actually show up and put a better effort in making glacius work (that given there would be enough interest I could run 24/7) than in dropping a few of the third tier standard maps to the top tier servers. that's how I see it.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

I absolutely agree with the absurdity of adding q3dm12 to a public server, it is a maze that is not suitable for the game mode of freezetag. I also did not propose other maps because I can write what in my opinion would be playable with 22 people on the server, but I counted more on the opinion of people who play every day, first of all whether they would be willing to support the initiative. Personally, I think that only two maps could show any balance in the gameplay and maintain the standard gameplay on the server - Q3DM10 - The Nameless Place and Q3DM16 - The Bouncy Map.
the first of them, despite the advantage of narrowness, is a playable and unpredictable map at the same time, without the possibility of a constant fight for Ra, first of all they would be focused in the center of the map, with something to replenish resources. without this property it would be much more playable in order not to unknowingly force everyone to stand in one place. the second map, in turn, seems to be more playable than the rest of the existing ones, it is divided into two levels for people who prefer close combat (ground floor) and for people who prefer medium / long distance on the first floor. the only downside that I notice at the moment is falling out of the ground and dying in the abyss, but I think that the way it is created would make it possible for everyone to have fun. I did not want to mention the Glacius issue and the maps available there due to the fact that they are non-standard and not everyone knows / knows them. although I do not hide, not all of them are suitable for a server, but for example OSPDM8 also seems to be quite a playable map by server standards. I also wanted to ask, if the topic would be of interest to more people, would it be possible to test, preferably a map from the official list of maps approved by the administrator - viewtopic.php?t=1113 on the server, at an unspecified date?
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by me »

I agree adding 1 or 2 new classic maps because we're playing this rotation for a long time by now and often boredom gets installed.
Space maps are excluded due to high risk of many people quiting during lack of patience on waiting period of "unfreeze" time in void (pushed on purpose, thrown to oblivion or simply slipery are plausable causes with bad results in the heat of a war in a 20 player map...)
List is short on current rotation by now so i woudl try Q3DM15 or Q3TOURNEY5.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by me »

oKo*CTHULHU wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 17:19 I did not want to mention the Glacius issue and the maps available there due to the fact that they are non-standard and not everyone knows / knows them. although I do not hide, not all of them are suitable for a server, but for example OSPDM8 also seems to be quite a playable map by server standards. I also wanted to ask, if the topic would be of interest to more people, would it be possible to test, preferably a map from the official list of maps approved by the administrator - viewtopic.php?t=1113 on the server, at an unspecified date?
Lhulhu, IMHO we should restrain our choices to classical ingame maps only. Its public servers. There would be a immediate difficulty to someone new who connects and doesnt have the map. The intention is to maintain the servers as much full and fully accessable as possible, without barriers.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by redrum »

Q3DM13: Lost World isn't suitable to full crowded server and it is happened to be full crowded from time to time too.

IMHO, Q3DM12: The Dredwerkz, Q3DM18: Space Chamber, Q3DM19: Apocalypse Void , should be add to map pool and (for testing purpose) on teampush server.

The spacious maps will be finally give us some different options than camping like on Q3DM14: Grim Dungeons 24/7 and I know, they are on spacious server, but the PEOPLE are not on spacious server.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

me wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 17:33 Lhulhu, IMHO we should restrain our choices to classical ingame maps only. Its public servers. There would be a immediate difficulty to someone new who connects and doesnt have the map. The intention is to maintain the servers as much full and fully accessable as possible, without barriers.
Yes, you raised an important issue, so from the beginning I did not propose other maps than the standard ones. q3dm15 is a large map and I suspect the gameplay would be very similar to q3dm11, it even seems to be a bit smaller map than q3dm11. here edit. @me I also think that looking at the current year 2022, the standard for many people should perhaps not be knowledge because it takes time, but having some maps available at the link that I previously shared.

@redrum I have played pro-q3dm13 with 22 people more than once, it is definitely too small. but there is also q3dm8 - Brimstone Abbey, it is a map that in my opinion is playable with 22 people on the server, just as often we play pro-q3dm6 with 16 people and suddenly the server is full because everyone likes this map and can also be played with a full server .
Last edited by oKo*CTHULHU on Thu Jul 07, 2022 18:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by orgi69 »

I would also love to see some change in the map-pool - Maybe we should give another try?
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by oKo*Magister »

I totally agree with everybody here. I think we should give a try 1 or 2 maps. That's not a secret that q3dm14 and q3dm7 may be a campfest. Something new could give us more opportunities :D

Also I'd like to ask if it's possible to make q3dm8 be more often on server. Lot of people I know like this map and it's not bad with full server.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by Agi »

q3dm12 sounds like a perfect map I would say

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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by Semisek48 »

I would like to support the possibility of giving Q3dm15 a try. How do I see it in Q3dm12 we would be like rats in a maze, Q3dm10 is too narrow, and small (at glacius it was fun to play 5v5 or 6v6, but 10v10 I somehow cant really imagine how it would work), q3dm16 might be big sufficiently, but i agree with Me that everyone would be just falling in to the void over and over again.

Q3dm15 got two big halls where teams can group, and sufficient amount of ways how to attack each other. I agree with Adminless that it is not ideal map for allweapons unfreeze style, but i think it is the best map for full general server from what is left in the basic Q3 map pool. The bad thing about this map is that it probably will tend to be strictly devided intowo pa trts, with no possibility to go around - just two possibilities where teams can and (probably) will camp.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by imprecise »

I am for the addition of the Q3Tourney5 map for 8 players max and the Q3dm15 map for more players...

it is the choice that seems to me the most judicious among the classic maps available...
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

I will add a map proposal from myself and these are q3dm15 or q3dm10 for more people, while when it comes to players who play when there are up to 13 - 14 people on the server (morning and night CET hours), I propose to increase the frequency of maps already present in the rotation. Finally, I will add a custom map from myself, namely OSPdm1.
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by adminless »

yes q3dm10/16 are probably the "top" maps on spacius but just as people pointed out those maps (both) are for mid loads (i.e. around 5vs5, 7vs7 max) not for the almost constant +20 players. same as with pro-q3dm13 btw which is set for that same load but at the start of the game. unfortunately it happens that the map is obviously popular and it always ends up drawing a lot of players that's why it mostly gets so crowded. q3dm18/19 are absolute junk that to be honest with you they are just on spacius (dm18 because 19 isn't even there) for the sake of it for fun and even so each time it loads it totally ruins the room. q3tourney5 a bit of the same, without the fog it could be ok map, but with that fog is just junk and "cheat" friendly beside a tiny map for 4vs4 max, not good. well, at least that we finally agree that q3dm12 is not good and for q3dm15 I don't know, I guess may be it could be given a try. so basically from what I see I think that probably I could finally mix up UnFreeZe3 (a.k.a. spacius) into the other servers (q3dm1/10/16) and get rid of it in place of glacius 24/7 just in case since (spacius itself) it has mostly been replaced by the ffa server as the community spare/casual/fun server and may be boost q3dm8 a bit and load q3dm15 a few times and see how it does in the next days (it will probably take some time to review).
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Re: Enriching the map pool

Post by WhoAmI »

My opinion:

DM16 - an interesting option for 18 - 22 players, but in fact I would throw too many people to the void :D Good map for spacius.

DM15 - can be tried for 18 - 22 players.

DM10 - for 12 - 16 players. I think it is possible to turn off the healing option in the middle of the map.

Q3T5 - for 6-8 players. It could be interesting with this fog.

DM9 - for 6-8 players.

DM0 - ofc for 22 players. If it is possible it could be for 24 ^^