Glacius evenings - New Start

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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by adminless »

either ( or ( which one works better for you. the dns are preferable as they will stick as well as easier on ipv6.
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by KOTOVSKI »

Thank you!
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by adminless »

ok, I think that finally the date was just right and the glacius meeting has been a success with the first hour virtually full and even toping the server ranks and quite active with mid/high loads for pretty much the rest of the meeting (i.e. 3 hours). also no single map repeated during the whole meeting and phantq3dm3_rev even got loaded for the first time so I guess that everything worked just as it should ever be. ok then in light of that I announce here that unless people state otherwise or something changes I guess that I'll setup the server for glacius meetings the friday evenings (from 20:30 CET to 23:30 CET) from now onwards until it makes sense (i.e. untill they keep being active). for other than that, I also made a link for the glacius telegram channel posted before just in case it comes handy. in addition to that, if someone is into social media and want to promote the server/s/meetings further I can also suggest to create facebook as well as vkontakte fpsclasico/UnFreeZe fan pages there. that probably can also be a good idea to reach people for whoever is interested in go that route (I won't, I only use this site to reach people as well as this is the only way to reach me too, I'm not active on any other platform).
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Yes, in the words of best journalist - "Great Success!" :thumbup:

...the evening was super fun. It was an evening full of maps we haven't played a long time :clap:

While it was happening, I've been thinking that this is probably the only way to make custom maps a success in the long run - keep them event based. It keeps up the anticipation/excitement - it's not just always there on a server taken for granted (and abandoned)..and on other days the server goes back to standard maps allowing any random joiner when custom-mappers are nowhere to be seen.

I don't know if weekly events are too frequent or not, so if you see that interest starts to decline, I would reduce the frequency...just to keep it as "special" as it is 8-)

Thanks for setting this up, good times :mrgreen:
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by imprecise »

hi everyone, hi adminless :wave:

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Thank you very much for the frag session on Glacius and all the hard work that went into it. :thumbup:

greetings 8-)
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by Liza »

Hi, all!

Glacius meeting #2 was a great success. However, I don't expect same level of popularity for the next meetings.
I agree with @Dr.GreenThumb that weekly events could be too often. And 3 hours could be too long (last 3 games were only for enthusiasts in 3vs3 format).

I also have a feeling that some players were disappointed for various reasons (mainly by their performance). If talking about myself, I find it really hard to play on the maps you do not know. You are trying to memorize the map, but only waste energy. The score/min falls dramatically. The game is not relaxing any more. When you have high expectations based on unfreeze performance, the reality could be disappointing.

Also some maps require different skills. In estatica and deadpool maps you need to shoot rails above or down (vertical aiming rather than horizontal). Sometimes maps are too complex (too many entries, no safe places). Focal is done in the same colors and it is hard to understand where you appear (only mega hall could be clearly identified). While you are freezed you can spec your freezed teammates location but couldn't find it quickly. People familiar with the map attack you shortly after respawn. All these inconveniences could be managed only by practice.

Maybe for the events promotion we could use familiar maps (extended classical maps e.g. 7++, 6++, blood covenant) more often.

During Glacius meeting #1 some maps we played were too big. In #2 meeting this aspect was much better balanced.
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by adminless »

I know, not trying to be that guy yet once again and pick on you but, honestly, that's exactly what I have been saying for a very long time already (example just on the same thread you spawned this btw), that at this point put the blame for glacius to be that death (I'm not talking about glacius not doing twenties 24/7 like the other ones) on the auto-download thing is nothing but a mere excuse to hide the reality behind you just came forward with now (those maps really do take a level of skill/experience to be fun that the vast majority simply lack) so I really appreciate that you share your honest thoughts on this with us. anyways, I repeat not trying to be any more toxic on this topic than what I've already been, just trying to clear up things.

for the rest, well thanks for the feedback and your honest thoughts but unfortunately the thing with glacius is exactly that, a elitist server. I mean at the end of the day that's the very exact reason of it's existence, meet the demands of those elitist (top) players, that's the reality so there's no much to do about it otherwise it wouldn't be glacius (it would just be regular UnFreeZe, spacius or just anything else but glacius). in that sense, I don't think it would be any good to spawn glacius just to play the same old maps but just with a few extra tunnels/stairs and a little longer platforms besides 6++ is largely overrated and it doesn't even play that good on this specific mode (i.e. boring). 7++ and bloodcovenant do better and are already included but just like anything else as I said earlier the very reason of the existence of glcaius is to play other maps I think it would be poor for glacius now to spawn it to, let's say, play 7++ and bloodcovenant half (or so) of the time as it happens on UnFreeZe. other than that, yes, as I said, first meeting wasn't that good because the thing with custom maps is that they are meant for crowds, I mean, I guess that we're not gonna start loading duel tier maps here. yes, as I mentioned other times for small, bellow 10 players games, spacius is a better choice hence the change. glacius rotation is best and meant for a target load of 12-18 players approx. of course the more the better (i.e. +20) and there's also always some acceptable margin bellow/above that and it also highly depends on the specific map but more or less that's the overall target of glcaius which is why this second meeting finally did better.

well, anyways, bottom line, as I said by now I'll leave the glacius meetings set for the Fridays 20:30-23:30 CET from now onward until "it makes sense" if next meeting is terrible then we'll reconsider it for every other week as suggested, other specific dates or will simply stop altogether with them. as usual, we'll see, I'm no capable of foreseen any further than that. so far my thoughts are that if we just started to get this going I don't think it's the best idea to drop it right at the very first week. at the end of the day, people hardly can acquire the experience required to play glacius and get engaged if glacius itself doesn't even run on a consistent basis only on "occasions". as for the time frame, a bit of the same, I think the three hours time frame gives some room for people to come and go as it should ever be and play comfortably as well as see more maps rather than having a very narrow time frame where you're a bit late or you miss a game and the thing is almost over. the idea is to have some flexibility and rotation rather very strict and limited meeting rules/meetings.
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by PacMan »

Ok so admin , we want you for 10mins on the server , glacius needs YOU

We want to freeze you big time
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by adminless »

well, I think that even despite some people didn't seem on the mood, the glacius meeting was finally a massive success with the server so full that there wasn't even slots consistently available for about half the meeting and busy even till the last map. I think the rotation was in shape in terms of variation and quality and as far as I see everything seemed in place. thus in light of all this obviously I confirm here that I'll leave the well know server set like this, Fridays 20:30-23:30 CET glacius, at least for a whole month more even if there's some activity drop at some of them (by march, once there's a bigger picture, I'd analyze it if so). thanks to everybody who showed.
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by madness »

thx for a good glacius night, i just love to play other maps, and especially the old q2 ones, the server ran perfectly allthough we lost a lot of players to map-pack failure, and there was some complaints from the more conservative players, i think this blows some much needed fresh air in to the game and get some of the hardcore std. map guys out of the comfort zone. again Thx. to admin and Liza for making this happen.
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by ...jutuli... »

Yesterday it was a madness... But positive one ;)
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

...and of course, the Dr. had to work until 6:30AM overnight :(
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by PacMan »

Dr.GreenThumb wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 17:14 ...and of course, the Dr. had to work until 6:30AM overnight :(
It was madness

You work yeah? Strange lol
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by imprecise »

hi everyone :wave:

:clap: Yeah a big thank you to Liza and Adminless for organizing and setting up this good evening on Glacius

I liked the choice of maps offered, and I have the feeling that we had a lot of fun with these maps different from our habits on unfreeze :thumbup:

:arrow: look forward to the next session

congratulations 8-)
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Re: Glacius evenings - New Start

Post by nattvday »

Hi there! Mango here. :) It was so much fun to play new maps esp. overkill after sucha long time (long time for me :P). Also looking forward to play the new maps again!