change colors and models

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change colors and models

Post by your_sister »

Hi experts out there,

I tried to get setup in which:
1- I force my team (my model and keep red/blue) but keep enemy model with forced color.
2- I force my team (my model and keep red/blue) but change enemy model and keep color (red/blue).
Is this even possible? :?

I am successful in:
- both teams completely unforced
- my team unforced, change enemy model and color
- my team forced in my model, enemy forced model and color.
Anything else I am not able to do. Probably because I have no clue what all these color and model commands are about. :roll:

Thank you for any help you can offer.

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Re: change colors and models

Post by adminless »

mmmm if I'm not mistaken you're using some sort of osp version, surprisingly (I never expected that to be requested) my mod is actually capable of doing that, I'm talking you from memory here (so I might be wrong/imprecise) but I believe that's not really supported in osp "per se", I think that some versions had some "\cg_forcecolors 0" variable for that but no all and I'm not even sure about it, give it a try, anyways if that doesn't work you can always force them yourself to the appropriate color, from your last point:

Code: Select all

\bind r "set cg_enemycolors 1111"
\bind b "set cg_enemycolors 4444"
then pressing r and b on your keyboard will force enemy colors to red and blue respectively. the meaning of each color correspond to the legs, torso, head and rail forced in I don't remember what precise order (and I suspect that it even changed from version/mod to version/mod so just try) in the usual q3 color codes (1 = red, 2 = green ... 7 = white). if that doesn't do it I guess dirk will know better than me about that so may be he can help.
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Re: change colors and models

Post by adminless »

and btw re-reading this, first request I believe it to don't be possible either in osp, if I don't remember wrong enemycolors in osp require force enemymodel (and I'm not even completely sure about my mod I would actually have to re-read my own code for that haha but yes from memory i believe that is capable of doing that). also out of curiosity I took a look and it seems that the cg_forcecolors cvar in osp is for your team actually so you're out of luck there, first I believe it to not be possible and second manual fix or don't know if may be clearing up the '\cg_enemycolors ""' (yes to double quotes as argument) may do it, but don't think so.
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Re: change colors and models

Post by your_sister »


thank you for your respons. I already thought it wasn't easy. I am not using mod. It is not big thing, but I thought give it a go. Most thread are kind of old nowadays. hehe. And thank you for the lock, it seems to work. This sis guys is not signsis, it is the polish guy with the earlier red blinking name, whatever it was. He fakes nastia too.