new ctfclasico server

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new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

hello guys

ok, announcing here that looking forward improve the services and bringing more and new fun today I finally added a new Quake III Arena CTF server to the project. at the moment you can browse it at the other tab of this forum navigation bar so go check it out. its address is ([2a01:4f8:a0:5363:85:10:197:108]:27964 / though you should already have it displayed at the in-game browser of the UnFreeZe client and, to the extend I tested so far, it should be completely functional with the current UnFreeZe client. as a starting point, at the moment, it's just a basic standard Quake III Arena CTF server running a couple of standard Quake III Arena CTF maps however depending on the players response/popularity and all that I'll go looking forward improving/customizing it as usual. so please test it out, don't judge it by the same standards as the main well know servers by now and any input/issues or anything will be welcome.

little known fact, is that a CTF was my original intention for the server spot that ended up being taken by glacius (which was clearly more at need at the time). initially I had in mind some crazy slugfest kind of ctf server following my previous prime time Quake III Arena servers but for the most part I don't even see it fitting here. so after a few initial quick tests I believe that probably just a classic (which is even more in tune with the name of project) ctf server should be a better option. and allweapons selection here I believe that for this mode it would lead to kind of the slugfest I was talking about, so I would initially discard it. probably the best option is just start like this, add a bunch of currently missing features and polish any issues, and then if the server gains momentum I believe that given the increased forum engagement move into a dedicated set of custom ctf maps (ala glacius). I believe that's probably the best shot, though like I just mentioned, all at it's time, at the moment is just time of basic testing and popularization of the standard assets.

finally also mention here that this new server has been exclusively funded for six months by one of the UnFreeZe users and that also thanks to all the guys that send money during the hard times of the corona outbreak all the rest of the well-known fpsclasico services are also funded for a period of six months which is a incredible feat considered that just took place in a couple of months. being said that I want to publicly thank anybody who supported this and obviously ensure 100% that, unless force majure, these services will continue to run as is at least until 2021. in addition as express of gratitude I'll also look forward improving them (if possible within reasonable cost/performance metrics) and I announce here that I'm gonna be looking forward bring a bunch of new extra training/testing servers at some of the spare cpu of the nbg2 route to this new other servers category.

ok, I think that's all by now. as usual, check it out, stay tune for more, have fun and let me know any thoughts you have about this.
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by aimer »

Thanks for putting up a new server! As a hard core fan of ctf, i really appreciate it.

Just had a couple of games and it seems the server only cycles between ctf1 and ctf4 at the moment.
If i may, i'd suggest adding q3tourney6_ctf and q3ctf2 too in the map rotation as they are quite popular too (and possibly remove bfg from ctf4).

From my experience, CTF players have been using OSP + 3wave maps since it was released and that's the standard on many other CTF servers so it's safe to say that if you want to make it popular you can easily attract (new) players by adding OSP and some extra maps without the need to enable autodownload.

If you, instead, want to have casual players with just a basic Q3 installation (like on Unfreeze), i'd suggest removing ctf4 completely as those players also don't like falling into the void (same reason why dm17/18 are not in the Unfreeze rotation i guess).

If OSP was added i can see pickup games being organised in Glacius style too :-)
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

Finally registered a board account :-)

I'm also glad this new server came out! thanks for that
I tried to connect but unfortunately it says "This is not a unfreeze server!" and does not connect at all.
I'm alone in this case ?
I tried to connect via the following shortning :

"X:\Jeux\Quake III Arena\ioquake3-intel.i386.exe" +set fs_mode unfreeze +connect

I tried to modify fs_mode to osp, same issue.
Any help will be appreciated :)
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

you're using an old UnFreeZe version I guess. please update to the latest pakcage and that should fix that issue I think. I'll answer the rest coming soon.
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

adminless wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 11:14 you're using an old UnFreeZe version I guess. please update to the latest pakcage and that should fix that issue I think. I'll answer the rest coming soon.
Thanks for the hint but I already have 20.4, so it should be somewhere else :(
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

mmmm please re-download as it may be possible that you got the package on some of the early versions (I updated it a couple of times with some fixes, one of them including that) and you miss installed it. by reading your orginal post I assume you copied the files on the package into another installation which I assume that probably had and early version on the mod. so, please to be safe get the package again extract it somewhere put the pak0.pk3 inside the baseq3 folder and double click the ioq3v6-intel binary there and see if that way works, nothing else. sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

Just gave a try with the latest 20.4 but same issue. I tried with the "ioq3v6-intel.exe" binary but same issue too.
No problem to join masters or unfreeze servers.
Btw, why I always loose my cfg when I try different binaries, like "ioq3v6-intel.exe" ?
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

Also, I can see that the ennemies on the latest pack is no more green flashy. I prefer the green flashy as we can see much better the ennemies. Is there any specific new cmd ?
Also, can you please point me to the official changelog for 20.4 ? did not noticed it elsewhere :(
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

mmm that's really rare, I tried it several times here and I can't reproduce it unless I drop some of the old unfreeze1-client.pk3 something files into the unfreeze folder as I mentioned earlier. what puzzles me even more is that you say that it works on the masters server but not on the new ctf one. I remember you complained big time about that server, I assume that when you join that server something different to UnFreeZe loads, am I right? if so that points out that you misinstalled the package (in that case my guess is that probably you put more files beyond the provided ones). just to be safe I attach you now a screenshot of how the typical basic UnFreeZe installation looks like, so please assuming you extracted the package into "X:\Jeux\Quake III Arena" ensure that there's no other files there, in particular old unfreeze-client.pk3 something files and remove any osp folder too for the masters fix. hope that helps, let me know. also although not important (it should work anyways) I spotted now that the "+set fs_mode" parameter is both incorrect and unnecessary. the right parameter is fs_game instead although like I said you can just omit it anyways. also to be even more sure I would appreciate if you could try just by double clicking the binary itself instead of trying to connect through a shortcut and joining the server from the in-game menu and see if that way you also get the same error. another thing to test could be try to connect to directly instead of as to rule out any possible dns cache issues.

as for the rest, each version has different cfg name to prevent conflicts and make the installation portable between different computers (example you can have different resolution on a lowend device than on your main computer and get your installation on the the go on a usb stick). there's really no changelog as I prefer to provide personalized support than just dropping a readme that nobody is gonna read/understand, so feel free to ask. the closer you're gonna get to that is the provided README.txt file and this thread. ultimately the new models thing is easy to change, just remove the provided zzz-models.pk3 file inside the unfreeze folder and you'll get the usual green enemies back.
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by imprecise »


to test I just connected to the new ctf server ( and I did not encounter any connection or configuration problem. my installation is identical to that of the image in attachment (windows.png) of the Adminless post, I use the and I launch the game with ioq3v6-intel.exe. I have no other mod installed or additional files except xcsv_bq3hi-res.pk3 in baseq3. to connect I use qtracker version 4.92 (I added the ip manually because the search function is no longer supported) which allows me to see the active servers and the players present. everything works perfectly.
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

Thanks a lot for your anwer, just figured out every points and cleaned everything, and you were right in all ways :)
I can now join CTF server! many thanks :)

My only issue is still the ennemy models which are still not green flashy like I played those recent 2 weeks (I guess) with the updated 20.4 (not up to date then), with the old "ioquake3-intel.i386.exe" binary I was able to see perfect green flashy ennemies, which is still not the case anymore with the latest package. I tried to remove the zzz-models.pk3 but same issue. I guess it has something to do with the old binary ?
The new model pack is green but much darker and like 3D model, while before it was much flashy and like "2D" which was much easier to aim.
Can you please remember me the ennemy colors cmd, if something evoluated since, maybe?

Other good news is that I tried the masters server and I can now play like unfreeze servers, no more latency, and even the truelightning cmd is working back :D
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

So I figured out how to get green flashy back, I used this package and replaced from original 20.4 :

Now its perfectly like I said before, but my team is also green flashy! lol so difficult to see if its an enemy or a teammate. Any hint ?
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for get back to me and confirm that by doing a clean install of the UnFreeZe v20.4 package you got your issues solved as expected. yes, unfortunately that's currently the most frequent issue with the UnFreeZe installation people actually misinstalling it despite the README.txt file explicitly states to not copy those files anywhere neither copy other files into it.

about the models ah ok I had got that the other way around. well, I believe that the provided models (the ones with the pink head, the zzz-model.pk3 from the package) should be visible from a mile and fit better into the game but yes I was also going to forward you into the pk3 you've just posted for an alternative in case you prefer others. as I guess that you can understand I don't offer support for third party files, so you're on your own, that being said I think that you can probably fix the team display with "\cg_forceskin 0".

and yes nice and sharp spot there as the masters server doesn't feature unlagged code so the truelightning cmd does make sense there. btw may be now that you got your installation sorted you're interested in try some inside duels/tournaments here?
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by The Undead »

adminless wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 15:59 ok, thanks for get back to me and confirm that by doing a clean install of the UnFreeZe v20.4 package you got your issues solved as expected. yes, unfortunately that's currently the most frequent issue with the UnFreeZe installation people actually misinstalling it despite the README.txt file explicitly states to not copy those files anywhere neither copy other files into it.

about the models ah ok I had got that the other way. well, I believe that the provided models (the ones with the pink head, the zzz-model.pk3 from the package) should be visible from a mile and fit better into the game but yes I was also going to forward you into the pk3 you've just posted for an alternative in case you prefer others. as I guess that you can understand I don't offer support for third party files, so you're on your own, that being said I think that you can probably fix the team display with "\cg_forceskin 0".
Thanks again for your help, appreciated
Unfortunately "cg_forceskin 0" didn't helped (mine is set to 1), but anyway I fixed it by renaming "ZZZmodels.pk3" to "zzz-models.pk3" into unfreeze folder, now enemies are green flashy and team red flashy (at least with my own cfg). Strangely, this pk3 maybe bug as sometimes I have everyone green including my team, but a disconnect/reconnect generally seems to fix this ;)
Tried into CTF and Unfreeze servers, working perfectly.
adminless wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 15:59btw may be now that you got your installation sorted you're interested in try some inside duels/tournaments here?
The main issue to me is that we are 4 in the same house and sharing the same bandwitch for everyone so sometimes I can have sudden lags and also I'm very often obliged to quits during games because we are talking to me (IRL of course :D) and I have generally actions to do from time to time, making hard to me to play consistent and without disturbed at all. Also, I'm playing with a 4G LTE rooter since 3 years, I'm getting used to but sometmes I'm bored of my 50-60ms and sometimes I'm whining a bit (sorry for that). Everyone knows that Quake 3 is a fast FPS and sometimes its just an allping game ;)
I will have in the near months FTTH (finally!) just waiting for a good FAI offers. So, basically, I hope to get 25-35ms like I used to play in my hard Q3 times :D I believe some random noobies will keep name me as a cheater, even further, but anyway this is something that all good players have to deal with :D
I stay you tuned if that change so I will be pleased to make some duels (even if I don't like to time items, lol), I was better at Clan Arena, RA3, CTF and TDM.

Thanks again for everything you do for us :clap: and keep Q3 still alive, as its a good memory game that is still addictive :thumbup:
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Re: new ctfclasico server

Post by adminless »

I don't offer support for other files but yes the custom models pak was supposed to replace the unfreeze provided one and yes I know most often than not those custom files are either broken or sub-par. also to the best of my knowledge I believe the problem you're experiencing is that you get all greens when you fall on the blue team, to fix that you need the "\cg_forceskin 0" command (to get your enemies red instead).

about the inside tournaments sure no problem, I perfectly understand, it was just a courtesy invitation as you're a newly registered high profile player, but it's all good, no worries.