UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

fpsclassico masters 19 - Miroslav super champion
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by ...jutuli... »

I should be available next Sunday, but I am not sure about Sunday the week after. I am planning time with my kids usualy a week in advance and mostly I dont know what my ex will agree and what is her schedule. It could be possible I shall take care about my kids in the time of tournament.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

@miro agree, yes, I also think that have, odi-jutuli, Kra7oS-blaze play the whole thing and then the winner of that figth you just like on the first edition is probably the best option. however that depends on all of them being available on those (or near/mutally agreeable/similar etc etc) dates so we'll see. ok, fine, 19:00 cest (i.e. now in some minutes) can be a good time for the second game the next sunday and a grand final time too.

@jutuli ok np, then by reading this I think that we can start by simply setting up your match against miroslav (initially) for the next sunday 4 of August at 19:00 cest so go thinking about your map choices (I'll post the random maps tier for these matches tomorrow when at my main pc). like I said initialy you'll play miroslav, if odi pings within some days, you'll play him instead but if not I'm not gonna indefinetively dealy a whole thing waitting for a player with just two posts at this forum. after that, we'll just talk it out again, if you can not next sunday we may arrange a saturday for example if the other player can or it can simply be delayed for the sunday 18, whatever the case is, it's just talk it out.

ok, so that's it for now, now all that is left (beside wait for a possible odi appearance) is to confirm the other Kra7oS-blaze semi final initially for the next sunday 4 of August 17:00 cest (18:00 romania time I think) for example.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

ok, 4 August matches :) and you can give the address of this server 1v1? because I am looking, I am looking for and I am unable to find, either old age or I am already blind: D greet all
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

yes Kra7oS Sunday 4 of August 17:00 cest is your semi final match for this. it's still to see if you're playing blaze (initially it seems so) or odi (if he shows up here and blaze doesn't). the server ips are on the links page, they are, masters.unfreeze.xyz:27965 ( the main and recommended ip and masters.oclockservers.uk:27965 ( the alternative ip in case of trouble with the main one.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

well so far we're still pending to see if blaze and/or odi finally join us so I'll drop them a pm now and we'll see if on the next days they answer. have no received an answer within this week, let's say before the Sunday, I think the more reasonable is to disqualify them and ban them from future participation on any events here as it's not serious to miss to answer within a week.

ok, anyways, whatever the case is, the miroslav-jutuli semi final is taking place this Sunday 4 of August at 19:00 cest or if not this just will never start and then we'll see what to do, if finally none of them show up then we'll have to leave this open for another fourth player that wanna participate and thus delay the Kra7oS semi-final (and consequently the grand final as well as the third place final). so now let's focus on what we have at hand now, I just pulled the random tie break maps for these matches now (sorry for the day of delay I was dealing with some issues here at fpsclasico yesterday) and the results are as follow:
  • semi-finals:
    1. Miroslav vs jutuli (4 of August 19:00 cest): hub3tourney1
    2. blaze vs Kra7oS (4 of August 17:00 cest): pukka3tourney2
  • finals:
    • third place final, jutuli vs blaze (date to determine): pro-q3dm6
    • grand final, Miroslav vs Kra7oS (11 of August 19:00 cest): pro-q3tourney4
also just as a reminder remember that participants must chose two different maps among the map pool posted bellow and make their selection public here at least with a day in advance of the date of the match. also remember that matches are played in a-b-b-a-tie order being the "a" player of any match as indicated on the chart above and that a match officially ends when someone wins 3 games. it's therefore mandatory for any participant to have installed at least all the maps on the map pool at all times beforehand. all matches take place with the server passworded, the password for each match will be PMed here in advance to the date of the match to the participants. finally just remark that although this is more of a casual and almost private tournament than a open massive pro tournament and therefore I'll always tend to have some flexibility and tolerance here and there, I ultimately reserve myself the exclusive right to disqualify any participant failing to meet these or any other requirements I may found that disturb the tournament at any given time.

well that's it, for any clarification question or anything just feel free to post it here. thanks to everybody for participate and have fun

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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I am in!
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by ...jutuli... »

Me too. Looking forward to get smashed completely by Miroslav ;)
My maps selection: pro-q3tourney7 and ztn3tourney1
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

hub3aeroq3 pro-q3dm6

im interested in seeing how it turns out. maybe will be closer than you think!

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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

btw is it right the the championship client is actually osp?


ps sorry for me posting so much
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

hahaha don't worry, yes, it's the same thing, I haven't changed anything since the last time, don't stress over it. ok, great then it's done whoever finally comes in the next days (we'll see so far they didn't even read my PMs) will take the fourth spot but I'll leave this match set anyways. great later I'll PM you here the password for the match and then it will be played, hub3aeroq3, pro-q3tourney7, ztn3tourney1, pro-q3dm6 and hub3tourney1 on that order this sunday 4 of August at 19:00 cest.

good luck to you both and have fun
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by i_cezar »

I confirm my participation in this event. If you agree I will play Kratos on sunday 17:00 CEST(18:00 EEST my time).
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok, awesome then tournament setting closed finally :) if for whatever reason odi finally comes up in the next 48 hours he will be left out as there's obviously no any time to re-arrange things and if he doesn't (I'll still leave him one more day of grace to come up until Sunday) then he will get the ban from any future event for no showing up/no communication/no activity and no anything basically. good then yes you'll play Kra7oS this Sunday at 17:00 cest (18:00 your time) you have the info with the servers settings and so just above here. for anything else just let me know.

so please on the next days you (both) please also drop here what your map picks are for this match and please note that the tie breaker map (if necessary) is pukka3tourney2 which is a custom map, so make sure to have it installed.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by i_cezar »

My picks are: q3tourney3, pro-q3tourney4.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok, great then let's see if Kra7oS tells his in some time and this will be finally done for the Sunday :)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

ok, I am, I have not forgotten, just work :) but the weekend free so we play :) who with whom and about whom? I greet the players

if it's like my two tourney 2 pro and dm6 pro maps recently, I have a lot of quake champion games lately :) it's similar but much different

czyli rozumiem że gram w niedziele z cezarem?
cezar napisz twoje dwie mapy

so I understand that I'm playing with Caesar on Sundays?
Caesar write your two maps

as long as I live so in 3 I will play: D recently I fight with serious diseases, but I still move my mouse: D: D finally made my desktop computer, I'm home tomorrow, I will be visiting the forum, recently I have problems logging in :) and I wanted to ask if one nickname can be obeyed? It's a pity that so few people are interested in the competition, but I guess that ambition does not allow them to fail, but fun is fun once downhill and uphill