D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

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D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by tar »


the stumbling block was demo "sid1". D6evil began calling me "Hacker" repeatedly and StoerSender was complaining/whinging, as well. Whatever, I ignore such gossip, as usual. But Sid seemed to believe them as in the next game (see demo "sid2") he constantly disturbed me (see around 2:20 onwards).

As this was the only game I got interrupted, I do not think a ban would be appropriate but I leave it here as example for non-acceptable behaviour.

Side note: In the last weeks I got pissed off by Qool, all the time. He seems not only to whinge about me but about every better player that does not use the weapons he thinks he should use. I wouldn't mention it here either if he had left it at his chatter, but he started to take the time to shoot my frozen body into the craziest unattainable positions whenever he could. That wouldn't be worth mentioning either if he hadn't done it exclusively with me. After several days this bad habit has adopted the majority of the players - as well as the since months still existing wandering, which - and you can't tell me this - is forced by the respawn settings (it's no coincidence that 5+ players respawn in the same area at every new match).
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for report. yes I know yours as well as Miroslav case (and probably that of any other top of the top player) are really bad however unfortunately as you're noting yourself unless is something really aggravating in particular or is really a generalized issue involving other players is not possible (as usual it makes no sense) to go taking action at every single incident involving the top of the top players as that would basically lead to a death server (probably I would have to ban like half of more of the room and almost with total certainty the other half would consequently quit once the pack isn't there and then it would end in a meaningless room with you and a few other top players).

as for that (QooL)spirit dude I really appreciate that you report about it because he has already been reported more times to me and he has already been a strong candidate for a ban for so long then I think that finally it's time to take action against him, thus I just placed a ban now and I will deploy every single measure I can dispose of to ensure that he doesn't get to the room, even if that means chugging my milk and cookies in front of the console. so yeah basically he is as toxic as it gets, looks like dude it's just some random used to run servers and that thinks that this also belongs to him when it doesn't, so he frequently goes fucking around with anyone he feels like. dude also frequently hates against me and the servers (making him and his presence non-sense) and usually spams random people about untested and unverified files that doesn't even work for him (dude game drops fps after playing for 10 consecutive hours with 22 players, it's the server fault, server is overloaded, gtfo) and probably more shit making him even more toxic (creates a false image of the servers and give a bad impression of them). so yeah the only reason I didn't ban him was because this way the ban will stick longer and to don't act solely on a personal feud which is never good. thanks for report.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by tar »

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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by ...jutuli... »

:clap: as well...
Spirit offended me smtimes too, not really someway hard or so, but he had talk rubbish almost every game. Giving him a small lesson could be good I think.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by FFF »

But dont you think that maybe simply chat ban would be better for him than a full ban ? He spends a lot of time on the server, so maybe he should still be allowed to stay here unless he will continue his bad behaviour. Like I can see that Mark or San behaves better now, so maybe he will reflects as well or at least give him some temporary ban or so.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by tar »

I agree. Everybody deserves a second chance.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by adminless »

@FFF yeah I know and that's probably what makes matters worse, he's not just some random that comes here from time to time, have its 5 minutes of glory and then bitches and quit like probably many others. if that were the case it wouldn't be that bad but no, instead he has like 700 hours of played time in just the last few months so allow him is having someone almost with total certainty bitching and giving misleading advice at all times and any time not just "occasionally". so yeah I probably initially thought about giving him just a chat ban but as can be seen from the tar report "I wouldn't mention it here either if he had left it at his chatter" it was clear to me that a chat ban would only escalate the issue (probably instead of bitching he would start to rage/disturb the game) therefore I took my time (months already) to collect all the necessary complaints against him instead and we can not just overlook that like if nothing would have happened. so in comparison if san for example got a ten day ban just for a couple of reports this dude with his months of server trashing background already can not go anywhere bellow that, therefore I can not remove the actual ban any sooner than February and the chat ban before march if it's that he's still around by that time.

@tar on line with the above answer while I agree on that in this particular case I think that it's just a waste of time and something that probably will only bring us bigger problems but anyways, I've just addressed that. another point here is that when you ban someone, you ban someone, you can not just ban someone and unban him five minutes later (you know what I mean). that not only is not serious that in addition it sends the very wrong message to the community that "yeah, you can do whatever shit you want at the server that they'll just unban you five minutes later", no. so yes like I said I can and I probably will unban him but not any time soon.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

hello, why d6evil? If I do not use this nickname? and I do not get much in here,
and if they walk and quarrels, they are always caused by weak players,
and what's funny is that he complains you the most, and through which they get into a quarrel :)
and why is not this problem with better players? it's easy to know how to play and move, do not bother, do not shoot blindly, do not bounce.
for example, from me or next to me, they understand the game and the game itself :)
for example, pizdukas the first from where I remember the provocateur to quarrel and is good, and I remember the words not to pay attention to him, or should his behavior be tolerated?
but for example, somehow this problem is not with newbzi, nasta, ng, miroslav, black dii, and with others who have an idea about the game and that sometimes we argue it is normal but as we play in one team we play one with the other does not bother,
and those who have no clue about the game are not enough to bother, and these are people who have been playing for a year or a couple of town dwellers, they are accosting it if I have to tolerate their behavior and to close the eye they also have to turn a blind eye to the fact that sometimes We go ahead, it always works both ways
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

and proposes a solution that we do not get upset by those who interfere with who gets into arguments to train with bots at the nightmare level and who defrag to learn how to move and with bots to work on their accuracy,
camping, running, and I also mention once again that you need to have good headphones and cfg because in the quake, unfortunately, who has a concept reacts to sounds I recommend the team model myxn enemy tankjr because the sounds are different and now I play 24 inches and 144 hours frag comes in like butter and the quake is a game that requires good settings, headphones, and mouse
now I have a computer cfg like that
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by adminless »

I'm sure tar was refering to D6evil TO ZJEB this time and not you and yeah I know Quake III Arena (well as well as any other fast-paced pc game) require decent equipment, not necessarely over-the-top/premium equipment but yes at least, mid range 2010+ gaming grade equipment for "competitive" results. settings are less of a hustle as on the UnFreeZe mod they are pretty much pre-confugured/automatic beforehand (specially on the new version hopefully coming this week). btw nice tower, definitively a improvement over your previous laptop mate.
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Re: D6evil, StoerSender, Sid

Post by FFF »

Kurwa, Kratos, ten sprzęt to wygląda jak byś statek kosmiczny obsługiwał, a nie grał w jakieś tam gry stare :P ;)
google translate wrote:Fuck, Kratos, this equipment looks like you would handle a space ship, and not play some old games there: P;)