010010 Autoshoot?

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Does he use autoshoot?

Poll ended at Sun Nov 05, 2017 0:54

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010010 Autoshoot?

Post by tar »

Demo 1: my perspective
1:40: strange ground rail
2:20: i became suspicious
5:00: instant hit around corner

Then i decided to make a demo from his perspective.

Demo 2: 010010 perspective
5:50: instant hit around corner
6:30: strange plasma shooting
7:30: short lightning when cursor is over enemy

On the end i accused it not directly to him but he smiled.

So he got a very strange shooting behaviour while holding his cursor down and away from the enemy on strange occassions.

What's your opinion?
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Re: 010010 Autoshoot?

Post by adminless »

ok, I'll look into that with more calm tomorrow and I'll write about now I go chill a bit after finish with the new rank thing I've built this weekend (which so far you're rank #1 :o ) sorry about that but I wanted to finish with it hehe

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Re: 010010 Autoshoot?

Post by adminless »

hehe you're very good at this really, to be honest I didn't expect to pass that report but yes indeed that's a cheat there, I think the aim is noticeable how some times it gets locked without even wanting and then can't normally move because of that plus trying to hide it with "noncontinuous" lighting use xD also as a backup proof the dude was doing like 60's+ accuracy (even higher than the own bots themselves there) mmm while also jumping around and playing against skilled people, hell no.

ban added now, good catch, thanks for report.
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