UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
gtv not working
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
it has already been reported. it appears like there's some kind of dnssec cache issue with the servers at the moment. connect by ip instead (\connect and I'll dig that further after the games or tomorrow. sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
refreshed the dnssec and solved now (it will probably take some time to propagate). it seems like some system changes I had made in recent weeks had broken that. thanks for report.
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- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
that was a dns issue (hopefully already fixed), it really had nothing to do with the actual server. ok everything updated now with this night games that complete the first leg of the two semi finals. finally a very strong showing, and a bit of under performance from ILM I'd say, that secured a 3:1 +10 advantage (almost three games of difference) for the second leg which means that ilm will now need a very strong performance in the second leg to turn the scores around. in that topic remark that as I said plenty of times already and as proven time and time again no match up is over until is over, so everything needs to be played at least until a team scores 5 games in total (as 4 could give a tie) so make sure to not miss this out. for the rest today the second DT/oKo leg has been agreed and almost completely setup for the Tuesday and ASS/ILM has been said to be in talks for the next Sunday, considering they have just played this night and such date is thus a week away, I believe we can probably still wait until the next coming days to settle that this looking forward to hear about that and then proceed with ASS picks for this. ggs.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
ok guys finally here it's the public card for the decisive second leg of the first semi final of the tournament as follows for revision/reference as usual:
- stage: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 24, Final Phase - Semi Final A, second leg
- match-up: Double Trouble VS oKo Clan
- Double Trouble: miro, kf, shantu, gladi, tuby, version, franni, redrum
- oKo Clan: ami, magi, mango, cth, rotten, cacahuete, yub, venum
- server: fpsclasico.eu:27968 or fpsclasico.de:27968
- gtv: fpsclasico.eu:27969
- picks:
- Double Trouble: q3dm8 (-), reqdm5, phantq3dm1_rev
- oKo Clan: pro-q3dm13, pro-q3tourney7 (-), storm3tourney1
- maps: reqdm5, pro-q3dm13, phantq3dm1_rev, storm3tourney1
- rules: competitive UnFreeZe 5vs5 rulesets, no mid-game spectators/changes allowed
- format: legged double four rounder match-up without tie-breakers, draw broken by scorecards
- date: Tuesday 26 of November of 2024 21:00 CET (UTC+01)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
ok ladies and gentleman we have the first finalist of the tournament Double Trouble in a razor thin last game win against oKo that had turned around the semi final in the first half of the second leg, epic. as usual updating everything as we speak already so stay tuned.
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- User lv5
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
gg oKo, thank you adminless
- User lv5
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
GG for DT, was good games. Thanks adminless for another edition ! Good luck to rest of the teams and CU later ))
Camaradas Iks De
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
hehe yes ggs, so much that I even got carried away and forgot that it was just a semifinal instead of the upcoming grand final, terrific. ok, unless I missed then everything updated now. 3:5 | 69:70 | 574:578 read the final scorecard in favour of DT, as said, totally neck to neck brain fucking match up. probably looking back at it the decisive moment was actually the second game I'd that DT took 10:9 if oKo would have flipped that, which looked very plausible, they would have advanced instead. that's really how tight it was, just one round and the outcome would have been totally different, nose bleeding. for the rest oKo at least took the second leg on a +2 rounds advantage so I believe that even despite the loss not everything should be negative, they put the hell of fight nevertheless. ok, then as said this give DT as the first finalist of the tournament congrats. now just waiting for ASS/ILM to settle their second leg as soon as possible by now. from what I heard it appears this week it's not gonna work for them, well considering that the tournament is now coming to a end I believe that there probably some small margin to slightly delay that a few days then looking forward play that either Monday or Tuesday with whoever happens to be available. otherwise I'll be obliged to intervene as it can not be otherwise, then those involved go already thinking about that as the Grand Final will come right after in a matter of days. as for the third place, as said, go considering those involved on that (i.e. oKo so far) if you are also interested in participating in one or two more games for the third place in the next coming weeks (not mandatory but strongly encouraged) and let me know about that. finally as for the potential fifth place undercard rematch in what's left of the week, it seems like Immortal is in for that but as already reported TC not then I guess that unless someone else or some other time wanna pick up from there to make one game happen that will be it for both of them.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
ok, proper fallback YouTube 4k videos up now for the last fifth place final game of the regular phase between Immortal and TC that was still missing so check it out and let me know if there's some issue or something with that now. hopefully the rest will follow by tomorrow or so then I hope that just in these days the YouTube should have quickly catch up with the current games here, no big deal. this thing now can render YouTube 4k video at 3.5x real time approx so the usual hour, hour something long games just get done in a matter of hours instead. initially, beside this testing I don't think I'll keep it, I don't really think is currently worth the money and/or the work beside I have a feeling better deals will come along the way. in any case since it's paid (by me btw, don't worry that I don't spend any funds in any crazy machine tests nobody asked for) for the month I believe that the grand final can at least be played here since it's evident that it's the superior server. for the rest, I'm still pending to hear final date for the second leg between ASS and ILM that pretty much should have already be done by now as well as ASS final block from ILM picks for this. as said, I believe that by now unless I get a real solution for that within the next 24 hours or something like that I'll just fix that for the next Tuesday 3 of December of 2024 21:15 CET (UTC+02) whether that finally works or not since at this point there's no other way around it. the opponent, both DT and potentially oKo for the third place final if it happens, are already waiting and keep in mind that even after that once the match up is known it needs, once again, to be scheduled and organized all the same as usual which will obviously take time. it just can not be dragged for weeks, it doesn't work like that.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
Did you get my PM yesterday (and also now) or not?
*-=Masin rulezzz=-*
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
I believe that yesterday you probably answered to iron messages that was sent to both with unfortunately didn't reach me, sorry. ok, perfect, got it now and then everything is done and I'll send you both (and post it here) the card for that along the morning, have fun and good luck. as for the rest, oKo/DT fallback videos on its way to YouTube now and hopefully along the morning (one) and afternoon (other) I think I should complete the other two matches that were left so I hope that today that should just catch up, ggs.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
ok, fallback videos for the Sunday ILM/ASS match on its way to YouTube already and right after I'll just start with the remaining ones from the Tuesday decisive DT/oKo second leg and that will settle that then in another few hours. from what I have seen so far, those now really put the hdtv ones to shame, those look better than the actual game in a fullhd screen to me. great news, then here it's finally the card completed for the remaining second leg between ASS and ILM that will decide grand final match-up:
- stage: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 24, Final Phase - Semi Final B, second leg
- match-up: ASS Clan VS ILM Clan
- ASS Clan: infinity, ares, ricky, angel, walnut, rico, cliff, denzo
- ILM Clan: blaze, fusion, xpow, iron, vortex, orgi, mike, maka
- server: fpsclasico.eu:27968 or fpsclasico.de:27968
- gtv: fpsclasico.eu:27969
- picks:
- ASS Clan: pro-q3tourney2, pro-q3tourney7 (-), goldleaf
- ILM Clan: hub3tourney1 (-), q3dm14, q3dm8
- maps: pro-q3tourney2, q3dm14, goldleaf, q3dm8
- rules: competitive UnFreeZe 5vs5 rulesets, no mid-game spectators/changes allowed
- format: legged double four rounder match-up without tie-breakers, draw broken by scorecards
- date: Tuesday 3 of December of 2024 21:15 CET (UTC+01)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 2024
with a couple of days these DT/oKo last ones but finally now all the missing fallback videos up in YouTube so review that and let me know if I missed one or if messed up some or anything, GGs. hopefully there should be no more delays with the videos in what's left of the tournament, after it I'll decide then what I do with that server (initially cancel it, just don't renew it, unless something changes/happens I guess).
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