as said, I'll try and we'll see how it plays out but don't think that team UnFreeZe will probably do much better than team community today at this. for the most part this night team community was pretty solid. from what I talked so far the UnFreeZe guys aren't exactly hyped to play this so if anything I'll let you know. ok, results added and revised now, no surprises ahu won the tournament although team community kept the score relatively close, more than it seemed to me in-game. interestingly ahu best game in terms of performance was mpteam9 that despite the critics I think it was a blast and worked great. apparently team community did a good job in crewctf but RH clearly did make a difference here with a jonas style level of defence that team community just couldn't get past to score. I think that probably community best game was mkbase with great plays but unfortunately for them ahu superior team play and ctf experience proved to be too much for them to succeed. on the individual side at the tournament summary you also have the leader board to keep track of that which for reference is as follows (only including the in-record games):
- juju: 5 captures, 482 points (96.4 points/capture)
- Shantu: 5 captures, 288 points (57.6 points/capture)
- aimer: 4 cpatures, 338 points (97 points/capture)
- fau: 3 captures, 354 points (118 points/capture)
- Denz0a: 3 cpatures, 313 points (104.3 points/capture)
- Manty: 3 cpatures, 255 points (85 points/capture)
- cT: 3 captures, 54 points (18 points/capture)
- champi: 1 capture, 461 points (461 points/capture)
- jonas: 1 capture, 199 points (199 points/capture)
that means that then juju on top of winning the championship with his team goes as the mvp of the tournament with five captures and 482 points (also the most in that list though). and I think that should be all with this, as said, when I started the thread the expectation was pretty much
none (i.e. a random game or two) but yes I believe that finally it ended up turning also a exciting event. I guess the next I'll try to organise, beside a eventual special ctf show match if it happens, will be some UnFreeZe tournament the next month or so but given the case I think that probably by the summer or some time later on may be a more organised ctf event can probably be arranged so as usual stay tuned.