Player padness

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Player padness

Post by fernandinho1337 »


i want to report player padness

afaik it is well known player madness who has been around for A LONG time.

he usually accuses me of cheating. today he purposely shot me into the void at mega at dm11.

i neither like him accusing me nor being a destructive teamplayer.

best regards

ps demo attached. situation shoot be around 8.00 to 11.00 (i dont know exactly anymore).
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Re: Player padness

Post by adminless »

yes that seems one of those long standers that with time they get done with the server and instead of come to terms with this simply turn toxic so a ban is probably not bad idea. as far as I know I don't have knowledge/reports of any major incidents from him besides the usual misbehavior here and there but nothing too serious although just taking a look now at his history it turns out this guy faked virtually any other know player at the server at some point or another which is once again another incident on its own, so we'll see, I believe that probably the best is to leave this here as a serious remark for now and wait for a bit more input and points of view on the issue before taking an action. thanks for report mate and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Player padness

Post by fernandinho1337 »

thanks! your response sounds plausible

best regards
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Re: Player padness

Post by your_sister »

Maybe stop pestering him?! If you are much better then player and pririotize your attach towards him (pick him out) even though there are stronger players around, you have it coming. Many of these "good" (<-- individual top stats cunts) players do that after they are insulted, I like it but some others players may get frustrated and put you in oblivion when they get chance.

But of course you are innocent, I forgot about that.

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Re: Player padness

Post by fernandinho1337 »

@YS if he is on my team I do not go after him? doesnt make sense...
and when he is in the opposing team I do not focus on him to kill. if there are more players in a group and i see a good player being distracted I try to kill him first because i know that one player will do most damage. with madness, he is never not my first go-to-option because he is mediocre compared to the average player on the server. and when i play on the server he usually starts bitching about yes i feel innocent...
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Re: Player padness

Post by madness »

hehe you are such a sad self centered, self righteous player, dirk, you rail around corners, making impossible shots with no time to see the opponent, saying that you have a super powered crt screen that make it possible.
then you cry to the admin, well pay him (donations), whenever people call you a cheater, which i'm not the only one who does.
I have played this fps game for years, it's for fun, hench the name game , and having a blast, it's your self righteous "seriousness" that makes this server poisonous, well frankly you can see through walls without cheating, supposedly. well i'm having fun with the others players, making the server feel alive, and making people laugh, ask the people i fake as, making them smile, i could be serious when i play from a descent computer my stats are fine, but this is for fun on my company laptop, if the admin won't allow this fun and loose clownish game style, then i guess he will have to ban me. np, there are other servers.
regards madness
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Re: Player padness

Post by adminless »

hey I have nothing against people having fun at the server and enjoying their time at it as I have nothing either against players that are more on the competitive side and want to take it a bit more serious, these players also help the server to run, they attract other competitive players raising the level of the room and keeping it entertaining for the other experienced players as not everybody comes here for the so called "clowns" or are just random players. furthermore as I see it from here is funny you go accusing dirk of being self centered yet at the same time neglecting the fact that you basically pretend to make the room all about you and your clownish behavior when it's actually not. at the end of the day I didn't even ban you so I don't even know what you're complaining about now, I believe that you should have leave dirk as well as this post alone as this isn't making you look "cool" and "funny" this just look like trying to make an argument out of nothing and out of nowhere.

and by the way just for the record I was the first one to ban dirk in the past and the only reason why he got unbanned was because the people here (the most experienced ones) called for it, so please get your facts straight before coming to conclusions (reference).
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Re: Player padness

Post by madness »

well i think you got it wrong.... no need to argue though sins it's a matter of perspective, maybe you should come play on your server more often :)
this was never about me, it was about the fact the dirk complains a lot here in forum when things don't go his way. it's all about making the server fit him more than he should fit the server... i have no problem with him, only when he complains a lot in here so people fear a perm ban for misbehavior, well you get the point, he has added to the fact that a lot of the really good players want to play on other servers, so there are only room for these self righteous serious players. but well it's your call, i won't change game style so maybe i'll see you ingame, or maybe i won't, well it's up to you

kind regards madness
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Re: Player padness

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

madness do not complain because you are making noise and there is nothing about what, you disturb others during the game and spend more time chatting, and how you learn to play it and you will not be lamented to better players and with dirkiem is playing well