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do you think player Dvinci deserves to be banned?

Poll ended at Fri Jun 19, 2020 21:50

yes, but only chat banned
no, he is just fine
Total votes: 10

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Post by viper++ »

yesterday this player was insulting me and other players , shooting members of team and stealing freeze players to melt.
Is not confortable play with this type of players.
This behavior seems to repeat in time so i think that this cant be tolerate.

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Re: Dvinci

Post by adminless »

ok, I understand, my fault, sorry about that. thing is, that guy got chat banned a couple of weeks ago and few days ago he contacted me apologizing for his behavior and asking for a second chance. his apologies looked sincere (to me) and that he had come to his senses so I conceded one as usual. unfortunately it seems now he just played himself and rather than stop on his behavior, as he had manifest to me he would, it even worsened and he came as a liar. ok, then I'll actually ban him this time, rather than just chat ban him, for a couple of months at least and I'll chat ban him afterwards. thanks for report and sorry for the inconvenience and be welcome to the fpsclasico forum at last.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

Viper you know this is bullshit. You were the one who stole the thaws that is what started all of this. I didn’t shoot anyone but you. And I told you why I shot you because you kept stealing thaws from me. There were multiple people in this game wtfwhoami wrfdrgreen they can confirm my side of things. It’s sad that you try to get people banned by lying. I wasn’t team killing I wasn’t harassing you in fact it was you who was being a dick to me I just told you to stop. And then I continued playing my game. I think it’s pretty pathetic that 5 seconds of me shooting you for stealing a thaw somehow translates to you taking time to get on here and make it seem like I was bothering the whole team and harassing you. It was like five seconds dude... and you reported me and are a LIAR. You were the one stealing thaws and you were the one that kept messaging me. It would be really cool if some players that were actually in that game could get on this and confirm it. It’s complete bullshit that I get banned because some guy who’s running around stealing thaws wants to cry about me saying stop.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by adminless »

welcome to the forums Dvinci and I'm glad that you posted this here as I just suggested you on the answer to your request now. ok, then I'll open a poll here and we'll see how it turns out. if you get a significant amount of votes (i.e. a +6 for example) and support to not get banned then I can take it down, if not, both the 2 month ban and the permanent chat ban will stick.

for reference this is the answer to your message that breaks down the topic:
no man, I'm sorry but you're in the wrong here. people doesn't create accounts on the forum just to drop fake meaningless reports, that's none sense. may be you're just paying the prize of years of trash talk and quarreling people, I just don't know. all I do know, is that only after one day of removing your chat ban I have players coming to me to report you precisely. out of the more than three hundred players that the servers have, they could have reported just anybody else, but they reported precisely you. that's no coincidence, so I'm sorry but like I said there, this time the ban will stick at least for a couple of months. it's clear that for whatever the reasons are, you need a break from this.

probably I should have chat banned you long before the situation got so bad, that would have probably stop the situation from escalating so bad, but unfortunately at the moment there's nothing else I can do for you. anyways, the forum is public, if you want to pledge for a unban you can do it there. if you convince people that you deserve it or you can get people on your side I can remove it, provided that your appeal has enough support.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

Ok it’s not exactly fair to post a poll and right other the poll being the admin basically saying I’m wrong and I deserve the ban. I told you my side of what happened. I got on here the other day and totally humbled myself and told you I was totally in the wrong. I’ve already shown my character. Don’t you think there is a reason I’m not owning this one? I did not do this. It was him who did it to me. And you’ve now created a poll that pretty much reads ok here’s a poll for unbanning dvinci
Ps dvinci you’re wrong you should be banned
Ok everyone go vote. I might as well just throw my computer out the window if this is the chance I get.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by adminless »

well, the admin can be wrong, doesn't it? that's exactly why this forum exists. that being said, I'm no less than anybody here, thus I just posted my side of the story too with the intention that we can have a open and constructive discussion.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

Fair enough. I just am disappointed that I gave you my word and had a few hours of play time and now this makes it seem like I just went right back to talking crazy and now adding cheating and team killing to it. It was definitely hard to not open the chat and not curse and be insane but I didn’t. And to get on here and see I’m banned because of one player . That’s like if I go and punch someone and then I call the police on them and say they punched me. It’s just not right. I’m pretty much just upset at the fact that that he literally wrote a message that was exactly what he did to me. And said it was me doing it to him. I was so confused by it that I almost thought it was me who posted it asking to ban him.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by adminless »

I understand that but like I just answered you "may be you're just paying the prize of years of trash talk and quarreling people". unlucky, but after so much time picking fights you can not expect people just to forget it all, things don't work like that. anyways, like I also told you it's not really me who you have to convince but the rest of the players. I'm simply writing my side of the story and trying to talk some sense/explain this to you.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

Yeah I’m sure that is exactly what is going on. Once they saw I got banned and then got unbanned they probably didn’t like it I’ve said my peace. And the players will see my change if I’m allowed to play and from here on out I’ll be recording all gameplay. If I would recorded this the ban would already be lifted.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by WhoAmI »

I don't remember exactly who took the thaw.

But I record all games. Tell me what time did you play? From what I remember it was after 12 at night. Probably.

Between 12 and 3 at night. I can send you demos from the game and you will find the whole situation along with the chat.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

I live in America so whatever time difference that would be but that would help me greatly so I can show that this situation is false I believe I’m not positive but I believe this happened on grim dungeons
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Re: Dvinci

Post by viper++ »

Yea, im a liar and u didnt anything. Everybody is wrong except you. Im agree in check demos to view who is the real liar and unpolite guy. Ask jutul too. Another liar? Ha!.If i was an admim u were out. Ok. Lets go, check demos an try to justify the insults that never happens too. The true only takes a way.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

That’s just it though buddy. I admitted tuli was right and said I would stop. No one called him a liar
I’m calling you a liar
YOU started this and I shot you for ten seconds and told you why. You responded over and over and no where in there did I insult you
You called me a noob and other names and told me you’d report me for harassing you I told you to shut up messaging me and leave me alone. And then you decided to get off and cone here like a two year old and tell. And what you have told is a lie and it speaks volumes on the quality of your life. That you are so crappy that you piss someone off, the conversation ends, the issue does NOT CONTINUE. And you still go off and tell. I admitted publicly to everyone that tuli was right and I should not say the things I said or act that way. I’m not admitting to some guy who steals frags and then runs off and says it was me shooting multiple teamates (just you) stealing frags (which was actually you who stole the frags) but somehow no you want to sit here acting like you had nothing to do with this and it’s sad truly sad. Grow up dude it’s quake. It’s a shooting game. It is fun. And you’re out here running to the principal because the person you tried to bully took your lunch money
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Re: Dvinci

Post by Dvinci »

Once wtf sends me the clip I’ll post it. I’m POSITIVE ON IT. I was on a thaw and got blasted away I turned around and it was you. When the unfreeze happened I repeatedly shot you for a few seconds, you messgaed me calling me a noob, and told you you are a fragger and stealing thaws and I’m not a noob
You then said I’ll get reported and banned and you were here first I then said to you that I was in the lobby years before you and you laughed and said more stuff about getting me banned. I never once shot you again. And the conversation you kept trying to have with me I kept reapondibg to stop taddling and to shut up talking to me. Conversation ended
The game continued
No more issue until I wake up and see your sorry self telling on me and having the NERVE. To say I was shooting other teamates which I never did. And was harassing other players which I did not. You are out of your mind truly and the clip can’t get here fast enough and to be more honest I sure hope when I get this proof that you get banned for lying. And moving forward I will be recording all of my games so that this issue NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
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Re: Dvinci

Post by viper++ »

This is ridiculous. You are the type of person that i avoid in real life: without values,cynical and a lier that tells everything the others want to hear for save his ass.
This is my last post and conversation with you. Its a waste of time.