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Post by TomHanks »

Dear Adminless,

Mostly I play on the FreeFun server but Yesterday I played on the main server and there were some players whom I already played with a lot, and we kinda know each other :) Spark (with yellow color) was one of them and when I logged in he immediately told me that there's a guy who keeps annoying him. The guys nick was "sn" at that time but soon he changed his/her name to Spark (with the same yellow color), and started to spam the chat with annoying cursings and false accusations. So it was kind of an identity theft thing was going on :) and in top of that when I started to spect the guy I've noticed that he can't play at all, and mostsly he just trying to push other players in to lava etc.. In one round he ended up with a -10 score :S
We told him/her several times to stop this and after a while we hoped that he quits this server but he just kept going.
I think OnionJanusz and severeal others who played Yesterday late night can confirm that as well..
So can you please help this problem and ban this guy or something?

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Re: sn

Post by adminless »

ok, that's just some random idiot, ban just applied now. thanks for report.
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Re: sn

Post by TomHanks »

Thanks for the quick help! :)