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Post by ...jutuli... »

Hi, I would like to ask you for giving some small warning to this guy. He shooting to me in team with no reason, no enemy around, also I got shooted when unfreezing. I warned him yesterday, he did it few times today again... Maybe he is just bored or do not like me, dunno, he did not speak. But it is irritating a lot, when I can not move or aim correctly, getting his rail/rocket in my back.
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Post by adminless »

ok I think that it's not even the first time I read some complains like this against him at the console so I just placed a couple of days ban now at him and we'll see. thanks for report.
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Post by LeXX_BY »

For a better understanding, I have been playing q3 since 2000. There was a ban once, about 10 years ago, all the same with the fact that they just as unfoundedly accused me of cheating. Admin, however, figured out
 immediately removed the ban, due to the lack of use of cheats by watching the demo.
I understand that the player accused me under the nickname jutuli. Yes - this is a game and maybe there was a moment somewhere. You can watch any demo, especially since jutuli itself is not quite adequate, at least it seemed to me. You can blame anyone and anything. Foreign shells from my team also come for me, but this is not a reason to run away and ask to put everyone in the ban ... This is not totalitarianism, right?
Seeing that you and I are about the same generation of Quakers (we have a couple of years of difference)), I look forward to a speedy objective resolution of the issue.

PS: sorry for the errors in the text - English is not my native language. For the same reason, I can’t always answer right away in the game in the console.
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Post by adminless »

well, may be you think that you're the only one that got a ban here for this and think that this is just on you, know this, you are not and it's's not. yes, consistent team shooting is toxic/negative/destructive behavior that leads nowhere and therefor is obviously a reason for ban. there's no even need to argue about that, shooting your teammates on purpose is not the way the game is intended to be played, period. the fact that you also got eventually team shot by someone else at some point doesn't normalize the behavior and it doesn't make your behavior any less toxic than theirs. for the record, when someone makes a report here is usually not because of just one time but more for a repetitive behavior and it's not the first time I read/hear more people complaining about you either. consequently as this is the first time you got a ban a couple of days ban applies. like I told you on mail, your ban will expire on Saturday and after this I wish that you don't make the mistake of taking this lightly and keep on that behavior because next time you'll be banned much longer.
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Post by LeXX_BY »

I understand that the admin and everything, well, you understand)) but I don’t understand how you can make a decision without the facts? or is it customary in Spain if you showed your finger - a fine is imposed? say so. next time I will say that the same jutuli swearing or inciting hatred for example - and his ban without arguments?)) well, there, with a stern eyebrow, like Judge Dredd? you want - ban, not a problem in life. I'm only for justice. and so - "each dodik has his own methodic".
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Post by ...jutuli... »

LeXX, I wont record a demo for every game, just because I could meet some "nice" player as you are. I warned you day before yesterday, when you shooted to me without reason and I repeated it yesterday, when you did it again few times. I can understand I can be shooted by teammate in crowd or i.e. at corner, where enemy can be spotted/expected, but you shooted me clearly where was nobody around. And you did it repeatedly. Just for fun? It is maybe fun just for you, not for me. I play Q3 from the beginning as well, just for your info, I am 51 years old, but I never been banned. Why? Because I never tried to ruin game to somebody. When I am bored/pissed or so on, am going out of game. Next time I meet you in game, I will record demos, just for sure. Cya.
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Post by LeXX_BY »

Well, to operate on the facts: when searching the forum for message headers and texts, as well as for all sub-forums, the search does not give any mention of LeXX_BY anywhere except in the subject created by jutuli. you need to be consistent, without snobbery.
With such baseless penny, looks like some middle ages..
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Post by LeXX_BY »

here with the demo and see who shot, who was
the first and under what circumstances. so everyone can say about you as well.

Groundless floods and disputes to breed no longer make sense.
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Post by adminless »

look LeXX_BY it's called trust and yes it's a key element on any functional system. when Versign issues a new root certificate it's trusted here in Spain as well as by your own browser there because it comes from a entity that it's trusted. a bunch of unrelated people with no direct interest in a case are accepted witness on courts also here in Spain as well as virtually anywhere on the world. there's no reason why jutuli as well as other players know for making fair and reasonable reports so far would waste their time in complain about you if there were no reason about it. just a quick console history look up brings up this:

Code: Select all

190423:say: ^4Blade^5Runner: lexx fucking idiot
190429:say: ^4NG: camp not lexx
190522:say: ^4Blade^5Runner: lexx don't make idiot
190602:say: UnnamedPlayer: lexx next idiot
190618:say: 20KG: lexxy you stupid fucking priclk
190623:say: ^.^+.&^+No DoNti lA!: ODiOT LEXX 
190717:say: ^4.^7WTF^4!^7Wrong^4!: lexx
190717:say: ^4.^7WTF^4!^7Wrong^4!: i want take ra and you touch me and die LEXX
190717:say: ^1^^0Princess: lexx is russian. what else can you expect?
190723:say: LongDickStyle: lexx tashit
190924:say: ^4NG: lexx next time go spec realy stupid
191004:say: Alessandro: lexx idiot
191022:say: orgi69: lexx whats wrong with you?
191102:say: ^F^5Liberti^1n^5e: lexx na russkom pizdish ,
191102:say: ^3Hacky^4jo^3SWE: Lexx, you fuck
191102:say: ^3Hacky^4jo^3SWE: Lexx is a real as hole, team shooter
191102:say: ^3Hacky^4jo^3SWE: lexx, be in other team you shit
191108:say: ^3Hacky^4jo^3SWE: Lexx, your fault
191108:say: ^3Hacky^4jo^3SWE: lexx, change team
191215:say: ...jutuli...: u shoot me one more without reason lexx and u will be reported
don't think that everything that happens gets published at the forum. besides this is a public forum so rest assured that if this is so unfair and wrong as you try to make it look people will come up to you as it already happened other times however so far nobody came, period. bottom line, take my advice, just wait two days for the ban to go away, then stop on your behavior and don't try to make a argument when there's none.
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Post by LeXX_BY »

if I do not write in the console that someone is ram or dumb? swe the fool himself first started team shooting, Princess i see is racist, with Blade can it turned out so what? They also threw me into lava and butted in the struggle for armor - all the rules, why whine? It's a game. Are you fascists or something, marching in formation?
admin, I heard you. moral: he who squeaks louder is right. I do not argue, there are many fools, but not me. even ban, for such nonsense I will not report.
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Post by PacMan »

...jutuli... wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 17:56 LeXX, I wont record a demo for every game, just because I could meet some "nice" player as you are. I warned you day before yesterday, when you shooted to me without reason and I repeated it yesterday, when you did it again few times. I can understand I can be shooted by teammate in crowd or i.e. at corner, where enemy can be spotted/expected, but you shooted me clearly where was nobody around. And you did it repeatedly. Just for fun? It is maybe fun just for you, not for me. I play Q3 from the beginning as well, just for your info, I am 51 years old, but I never been banned. Why? Because I never tried to ruin game to somebody. When I am bored/pissed or so on, am going out of game. Next time I meet you in game, I will record demos, just for sure. Cya.

51? Your older than me, can you stand still so I can frag you please ......
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Post by ...jutuli... »

alyeti wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 21:44 51? Your older than me, can you stand still so I can frag you please ......
Sorry alyeti, I can not stand still because of my Parkinson ;) It pushing me to move constantly in random directions, so u have to be quick and precise to aim me and frag me...lol