Hello and good evening!
I have been playing on your server for about 5 months. I had lot of nicknames but mostly it was "KURWETINA".(yes it is maybe rude nick).
Well I am not a good player at all, and I know I was boring to some people... especially to Kyra and I am sorry.
Not always, but for many times, Instead of just playing I was talking some kind of jokes to people who wanted just to play and have fun.
Sometimes it was really frustrating to others I think.
I don't remember having any "deeper problems " with anyone ..I never got some kind of warnings from anyone and this is first time I am banned.
Generally I am not good at quake, but I never steal kills and I am not a team killer like some players who are actually much better than me.(I dont remember who they are, but many times I was unfreezing and somebody stole kill from me) . Maybe that is reason(or because I am noob, lol) why no one reported me to admin before.
Yesterday I noticed I am chat banned. I know I deserved it. Maybe it is better someone taught me lesson
I just wanted to know is that ban temporary or for forever.
Bye !
Mute ban (deserved)
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6064
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2016 19:05
- in-game nick: not available
- Location: Spain
Re: Mute ban (deserved)
hey hello and welcome to the forum
I know and I understand but unfortunately as you're acknowledging yourself you took your "non-sense" talking too far so I had to proceed with a chat ban. honestly I think it's always fun to crack a joke and have a laugh here and there too, that's cool, but obviously one thing is that and another different thing is talk non-sense almost continuously one day and another, that's plain annoying instead. also keep in mind that if two or other three guys join the non-sense (as frequently happened) things get unbearable in no time so that's why it's important to cut this at the begging. well, anyways, I don't think that you need me to lecture you any more as I see that you already understood your mistakes, I was simply explaining why the policy.
so yeah don't worry that I don't use to throw permanent bans just like that and as I see that you understand the situation and seem willing to stop on your negative behavior I think that this Sunday, 17 of March, can be a appropriate time to remove your chat ban.
see you
I know and I understand but unfortunately as you're acknowledging yourself you took your "non-sense" talking too far so I had to proceed with a chat ban. honestly I think it's always fun to crack a joke and have a laugh here and there too, that's cool, but obviously one thing is that and another different thing is talk non-sense almost continuously one day and another, that's plain annoying instead. also keep in mind that if two or other three guys join the non-sense (as frequently happened) things get unbearable in no time so that's why it's important to cut this at the begging. well, anyways, I don't think that you need me to lecture you any more as I see that you already understood your mistakes, I was simply explaining why the policy.
so yeah don't worry that I don't use to throw permanent bans just like that and as I see that you understand the situation and seem willing to stop on your negative behavior I think that this Sunday, 17 of March, can be a appropriate time to remove your chat ban.
see you
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv2
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2019 20:22
Re: Mute ban (deserved)
I didn't expect fast reply like that ..thanks
Yes...I understand all of that.
1 more question ..is only English allowed in chat?
Maybe there is topic about that but didn't see that...
Yes...I understand all of that.
1 more question ..is only English allowed in chat?
Maybe there is topic about that but didn't see that...
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6064
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2016 19:05
- in-game nick: not available
- Location: Spain
Re: Mute ban (deserved)
here on the forum it's (as it's obvious that it's the only common, to some extend, language) although if someone doesn't speak any English (not your case clearly) other languages are also allowed to request for help or post inquiries and there's even a specific "multilingual" sub-forum here where anyone can write just about anything on their native language. that being said keep in mind that what it's strictly forbidden here it's answer a thread of someone else in a native language different from that of the poster (ex. let's say someone asked for help in Italian and you answer him in Turkish) as that's basically non-sense and overall rude, I tell you because stuff like that had already happened, as well as overall spam/flood the forum with non-sense messages which to some extend also happened at some point.
in-game there's really no such restrictions other than "common sense", so feel free to chat on any language you want like I explained as long as you don't flood the server and/or disturb other players and/or try to use your native language in a effort to hide a chat violation (which also happens frequently) like for example but not only limited to insulting some else or spamming. that last typically carries if not permanent chat bans at least much more serious chat bans.
anyways don't get me wrong not implying any other wrongdoing with you, I'm simply explaining the policy.
in-game there's really no such restrictions other than "common sense", so feel free to chat on any language you want like I explained as long as you don't flood the server and/or disturb other players and/or try to use your native language in a effort to hide a chat violation (which also happens frequently) like for example but not only limited to insulting some else or spamming. that last typically carries if not permanent chat bans at least much more serious chat bans.
anyways don't get me wrong not implying any other wrongdoing with you, I'm simply explaining the policy.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv2
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2019 20:22
Re: Mute ban (deserved)
Okay..good to know, thanks for the details.