ioQ3v6 1.33 ipv4/ipv6 client patch

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ioQ3v6 1.33 ipv4/ipv6 client patch

Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

well following the relocation of the servers at a new improved more up-to-date host (see original messy post here) it's time to accompany it with a new good old school ioQuake3 inside release for the best possible results :) to get started, down bellow you have the download link for it, so get the one appropriated for your operative system and cpu: when it comes to the changes with the previous season ioQuake3 builds offered here, the biggest difference is the addition of full ipv6 support for best possible result on modern networks and the embedded of the inside master to ensure long term availability and trustfulness results among the usual minor tweaks from modern environments. then in particular what has been added since the previous release is as follows:
  1. minor code clean up/updated dev enviroment
  2. jpeg updated library which should produce a little crisper textures and overall make the game look a little better
  3. full ipv4 and ipv6 support even from the in-game browser
  4. replaced the original idsoftware master by the current inside one to ensure the display of the server in the long run as well as the trustfulness of the results
  5. renamed the product into ioQ3v6
and that's all for now, overall I believe that it turned out pretty good and that it's a essential and very necessary addition to the project. so make sure to read all the important notes this time and if you have any problems just answer to this thread. to install it is just as usual with all these ioQuake3 releases simply download the one appropriate for you, place it under your Quake III Arena tree and double click it and it should go. also remember that as I'm a unknown publisher by Microsoft/your anti-vir company until these files build some reputation the first time you ran them you may get a security notice about that, that's normal and you can safely ignore it and proceed to run it, needless to say these files aren't viruses. so now let's move into the notes to finish with this.


-the Windows release requires Windows XP or higher at least, it will no longer work with pre Windwos XP operative systems (i.e. notably the Windows 9x/me family) due to the updated network code to support ipv6. also given that fact I discontinued the generic build (which was basically targeted at pre Windows XP cpus) and made the amd one the "generic" one from now onward. the same applies for the linux release, so if someone still need a release for some very old +15 years old computer can simply still stick to the old builds (here)

-this new release aims at adding full ipv6 support for the game while still keeping full support for ipv4 of course. currently the new host has better connectivity via ipv6 than it does via ipv4 so if you happen to have ipv6 connectivity already the general recommendation is to connect via ipv6 unless you have a very strong reason for not do it. currently ipv6 availability is still very low perhaps bellow 15% so to make it easy for everybody the in-game browser will display both counterparts of the servers anyways in such a way that then people with only ipv4 will only see ipv4 servers and people who has both connectivity will see both. you can differentiate between ipv4 servers and ipv6 at the in-game browser by the "protocol" column as you can see on the attached screens (with UDP being ipv4 and ??? being ipv6) and clicking on any of them will take you to the corresponding server right from there, there's no need to do anything more. once in-game you can verify how you're actually really connected by reviewing the server info the server prints you when you connect at the console which should show you the ipv4 or ipv6 address at which you're connected as you can on the sample screens attached.

-to configure which network to enable, in case you want or need to, this release introduce the net_enabled variable whose values can be, 1 for ipv4 only, 2 for ipv6 only and 4 to priorize ipv6 over ipv4 and then a sum of any of them. for example this variable defaults to 3 so by default both ipv4 and ipv6 are enabled at the client, in addition if someone knows that he has a ipv6 fully working and wants to prioritize ipv6 can use 7 for example. a value of 3 instead of 7 was chosen as default as prioritizing ipv6 over ipv4 meant that clients without ipv6 (the immense majority atm) could experience some dns resolution problems. the only drawback of this is that doing connect some server dns name will take by default to a ipv4 connection instead of a ipv6 one, to enforce it to ipv6 then you can simply use the '-6' parameter (ex. \connect -6

-this release also replaced the original and old idsoftware master server by a fully ipv6 capable inside master to ensure that it keeps running in the long term and also in part to assure the truthfulness of the results so this means that now on the in-game browser you'll only see the list of the good know servers.
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Re: ioQ3v6 1.33 ipv4/ipv6 client patch

Post by adminless »

ok guys huge apologize for bug you yet another time with this new ioQ3v6 thing but as reported on the update downloads post it was reported by some that for some still unknown reasons the last builds were failing at initializing the ipv6 port therefor rendering the client without ipv6 connection (which is in part the main point of the release) thus I've just reuploaded now the provided binaries on this post patched for this and tested by these clients. sorry about that but even though I tested it in two different computers with two different cards and two different operative systems and so on it's never possible to guarantee that no issue will ever take place, I just aim at fix them as reasonably possible as I can, so please whoever already got it, redownload it and replace the appropriate file.

so that's it for now, let's see if also along this evening I make a new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client something else package with this new updated build to make it easier to download and obtain for the newcomers, so stay tune.