messing around with UnFreeZe2

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messing around with UnFreeZe2

Post by adminless »

well reporting here that I think that I'm still going to be messing around with UnFreeZe2 for sometime, so go checking this post from time to time for updates on the issue and also feel free to leave your suggestions.

at the moment I think I'm trying the suggested custom maps pool you can vote for at this thread here because basically I think that the switch to original UnFreeZe copy it wasn't really fulfilling its purpose, rather that helping in cases of overload it was confusing the players in normal use so yeah who knows I'll give this custom maps rotation a shot and we'll see I still have other ideas in mind hehe
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Re: messing around with UnFreeZe2

Post by adminless »

ok I finally came up with a twist for this, I think that what I'm finally going to do with this server for now will be a hybrid solution between extra/2 (custom/standard maps) so UnFreeZe2 will run on custom maps all the time except at peaks time times where it will run the standard rotation in order to try to help UnFreeZe1 with the players load. as always all this is subject to change depending on the situations but on the current situation this seems the most appropriate.

this way most players won't get confused (they'll can't join) with two servers when it's not needed and then UnFreeZe2 will have a chance of being helpful when it's needed most and of course the rest of the time anyone interested in the custom maps could join and have some fun too, looks like a win-win situation to me so, so far, until I don't really move this to something else (or it starts working, who knows may be start actually getting the custom maps) I'll go this way.

just as a reminder remember that to play the custom maps you have to install them, they are available to download at this ftp folder here.
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Re: messing around with UnFreeZe2

Post by adminless »

yes it seems that we finally got this working :) I think those were the right settings, so, so far I'm still playing with the different times for custom/standard maps, at the moment the ratio is 19 hours vs 5. we'll see how this finally turns out.
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Re: messing around with UnFreeZe2

Post by adminless »

hello, so report here that since after the aggressive filtering of players where literally enough people as two full two top server has been banned (and I'm not talking about "random" players here) and blocking two and a half whole continents as a result surprisingly and totally unexpectedly UnFreeZe1 is still going as strong as ever (really it amazes me how good it keeps going) however is no longer that overcrowded (which is a good thing in fact) and therefor a standard small maps rotation UnFreeZe2 is not really necessary at the moment until UnFreeZe1 doesn't absorb this aggressive players' filtering probably some time in the future. then from now on-wards (middle-term may be) UnFreeZe2 will stop rotating into the short version of the standard rotation at main times as it was doing and then it will run 24/7 the custom maps rotation only until that, until is detected that is needed again (probably that some weeks/a month).

this in turn will also serve to (rather unnecessary, you can believe me) prove to that people that make the claim that the only single reason why the custom maps haven't been working in unFreeZe2 is because "they weren't loading at peak times" is a mere excuse, delusional and far from reality, the reality is that they just don't work in real-world public servers.
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Re: messing around with UnFreeZe2

Post by adminless »

adminless wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2018 15:02 this in turn will also serve to (rather unnecessary, you can believe me) prove to that people that make the claim that the only single reason why the custom maps haven't been working in unFreeZe2 is because "they weren't loading at peak times" is a mere excuse, delusional and far from reality, the reality is that they just don't work in real-world public servers.
about this like I said not that I have to prove anything (because trust me that I already know this quite well from experience) but anyways just for the record attached you have the result of "what if" I would follow on the claims of people that accordingly to them custom maps on UnFreeZe2 would result in a full server or almost and that it definitively would attract players, lie, TOTAL LIE!!!, is exactly the other way around, custom maps on UnFreeZe2 leads to death, TOTAL DEATH!!!, server and it ensures that those few players who visited it stay away instead, as you can see barely peaking at most as a casual 1vs1 for only a couple of minutes per day (compared to before that just only with a couple of hours, sure it wasn't full of course, but it was busy and small casual "warm up" games were frequent in a daily basis and even when UnFreeZe1 wasn't that overcrowded, that was the reason of the change by the way xD not the other way around haha and it clearly did work hehe). like I said not that I care the server is there for this purpose to assist UnFreeZe1 as needed and serve as a backup/dev mean etc but anyways this is a good moment to clearly evidence for you this scenery that naive people here typically complain about.
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