- best of five classic 10 minutes duels with up-to two 2 minutes overtimes then sudden death.
- participants can request up-to two one minute in-game timeouts per game exclusively for technical reasons.
- on quakelive settings the overtime periods go up-to ten times and the timeouts up-to three of 30 seconds instead.
- the order of play is a-b-b-a-c where a is the (perceived/regarded) stronger player as initially determined or determined by the matchups later on.
- the Grand Final will be disputed at best of seven played on b-a-a-b-b-a-c order and with added latency compensation balance.
- the participants must chose and announce two different maps from the pools posted down bellow at least 24 hours before the match date.
- the deadline to chose and announce the maps for the player a is of 36 hours as to give some time to chose to the player b.
- all the b player choices must be different from the player a choices and the latter have preference over the former.
- from the classic pool original/legacy/remake maps are all mutually exclusive, only one version of a specific map can be picked in the same match.
- the c choices are fixed and the same for each match and you have them announced already down bellow (first that wasn't chosen in that order).
- every participant must ensure to have installed at least any maps announced to be played prior the start of the match.
- unless explicitly stated/agreed otherwise the server for the matches will be masters.fpsclasico.eu:27966 or masters.fpsclasico.de:27966.
- if agreed/requested by both parts it could be possible to dispute the match on the quakelive server quakelive.fpsclasico.eu:27968.
- for matches disputed on quakelive both participants are required to post their point of view demos on this thread here afterwards.
- the participants should timely show up for the matches or if not possible always communicate any potential incident beforehand in advance.
- once the match started unnecessary delaying successive warmup rounds beyond whats normal (i.e. 5 mins) is not allowed.
- the participants must honor/respect the competition and themselves as well as their opponent at all times in full both in and off game.
- failing to follow any of the above or anything else that's found to disturb the competition may result in penalization or even disqualification.
- consistent lack of communication (ex. +3 days) when required during the development of the competition may lead to disqualification.
- unnecessary talking/arguing during the matches is not allowed, in the event of disagreements/appellations they should be brought here not in-game.
- finally the only accepted and valid way of communication when it comes to this tournament is exclusively this fpsclassico forum.
- q3dm2 (beginners) , q3dm5 (beginners) , pro-q3dm6 (campgrounds) , q3tourney2 (legacy) , pro-q3tourney2 (provinggrounds) , q3tourney3 (beginners) , pro-q3tourney4 (verticalvengeance) , q3dm13 (lostworld) , pro-q3tourney7 (almostlost) , bloodcovenant (dm6/remake) , cpm1a (wicked) , cpm3a (useandabuse) , cpm15 (exclusive) , cpm24 (phrantic) , hektik_b3 (hektik) , hub3aeroq3 (aerowalk) , hub3tourney1 (dismemberment) , phantq3dm1_rev (battleforged) , pro-nodm9 (dm13/remake) , pukka3tourney2 (toxicity) , q3shw19 (exclusive) , qxtourney1 (choice) , storm3tourney1 (exclusive) , ztn3tourney1 (bloodrun)
- aerowalk (hub3aeroq3) , almostlost (pro-q3tourney7) , battleforged (phantq3dm1_rev) , bloodrun (ztn3tourney1) , campgrounds (pro-q3dm6) , cure (exclusive) , dismemberment (hub3tourney1) , elder (exclusive) , furiousheights (exclusive) , hektik (hektik_b3) , houseofdecay (choice) , lostworld (q3dm13) , phrantic (cpm24) , provinggrounds (pro-q3tourney2) , silence (exclusive) , sinister (exclusive) , toxicity (pukka3tourney2) , useandabuse (cpm3a) , verticalvengeance (pro-q3tourney4) , wicked (cpm1a)
- pro-q3dm6 (campgrounds) , ztn3tourney1 (bloodrun) , hub3tourney1 (dismemberment) , hub3aeroq3 (aerowalk) , pro-q3tourney4 (verticalvengeance)
- pro-q3dm6 (campgrounds) , ztn3tourney1 (bloodrun) , hub3aeroq3 (aerowalk) , hub3tourney1 (dismemberment) , pro-q3tourney4 (verticalvengeance) , pukka3tourney2 (toxicity) , hektik_b3 (hektik)
-YouTube Playlist: PLWxHcvmFvESJgGXZfDLKS6MyoqCIEn69E