new game mod

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new game mod

Post by your_sister »

Hi adminless,

whats up with this new version, that railsound is horrible! :lol:

It is like Death bot screaming. Way too much to my liking, take away concentration. Anything to set different?


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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

hey hi there

not at the moment though I can just add that option in next update in a few days, not big deal. the thing with the standard rail firing sound is that if you noticed it takes forever and it has lot of buzzing and background "noises" that therefor may temporally distort the hearing that's why I found a shorter and cleaner rail firing sound would be beneficial, anyways just saying I understand that you're obviously way used to the old one and therefor find a different one annoying. by the way besides that did you try re-execing the hardcore settings to test the new version config? in particular, I believe that you should give a try to \cg_nomapsounds 1 to eliminate the background noises in the standard maps, I believe it does notably improve the game. I also cleaned some other noises and more stuff, overall I just finished the game mod for the most part basically, but well better I go write about it at the downloads post as advertised now :P check it out when finished and let me know of more issues.

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Re: new game mod

Post by your_sister »


thanks for all the effort you put in!

Sound is really important to me (and others likely). It took me weeks to get used to tankjr instead of keel. The lastest ioquake wasnt working for me either. Sounds were way off, some weird echo. I guess when u played for while it is hard to reprogramm.

I will stick with current version which is grand anyways. Getting used to the "lag" or unlag and rail hit more like i used to.


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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

sure of course I understand it happens everywhere in real life too like when you have a team of cashiers used to a particular machine for example be it for the good or for the bad it doesn't even matter any change in the machine for slight that is it's going to mess the things up big time that's why I don't pretend to force anyone to use anything (I simply present the things and recommend them nothing more) and overall I believe that you could have already realized that I aim at being as most "standard" (old school) as possible unfortunately at the same time as you may also understand I also must introduce some changes and adjustments in order for this to move forward for the new players and everybody in general and I believe that overall if not all most of these changes succeed at improving the game. anyways I remark not trying to lecture you or anything don't take it personal (as well as I don't, I understand your point) I'm just talking and I'll be looking forward add that old rail sound switch on next version next week or so. thanks for feedback. take care
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Re: new game mod

Post by hurrenson »


I just played with the new version and i am somewhat unhappy too. Rail sound is horrible, sounds like a cheap muzzled shotgun sound from a 1987 game. Also the orig sound serves as an indicator when rail is reloaded. Essentially sound finishes = you can fire. Now i have to guess if rail is ready. Pls option for \cg_oldrailsound :D
The cg_nomapsounds i really like! Except now the sound when going into the unfreeze range is also gone. Now i can't hear if i'm close enough to unfreeze (for example if frozen mate is around corner or through thin wall). Also i don't hear enemies trying to unfreeze.
Last point which I'm again not too happy about is the grey head triangle thingy. I really like it golden or whatever it was. The more visible the better to be honest. Helps to see frozen teammates, since it is higher than the player. Making it less visible = bad. Also helps (me at least) with differentiating friend and foe (yes green models should be enough but i am grateful for additional help for my brain). If someone doesn't want it they can cg_drawFriend "0" iirc.

Nonetheless your continuing work is much appreciated.
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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

hurrenson wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:12The cg_nomapsounds i really like! Except now the sound when going into the unfreeze range is also gone.
oh fuck, damn, that wasn't intentional, yes it seems I missed to test that, yes that's a important handicap so I'll patch it in short.

haha I know that's a cut version of the standard rail firing sound from Open Arena (a freeware version of Quake III Arena) and I know it doesn't completely match the quality of sounds produced from commercial studios however I don't find it that bad (I think it should be decent enough haha) :P anyways just saying like I said on previous post, sure not big deal, I'll simply add that client variable (probably even with that name haha) in short too and also now thinking about it, yes I know, that's why that sound is sooo long, so yes I kinda believe that most likely I'll make the old one default/standard since it should generally help new people better understand the game and will leave the new short one as the hardcore/recommended one (since is supposed that after not many time your brain will automatically get used to that time and then you'll have less information to process facilitating you process other information and react to it).

hehe on this one I personally disagree with you, I believe that for the most part that's secondary information and therefor it should be accordingly noticeable and the default yellow color in particular was specially bad because it could turn in a situation where if people playing without forced skins (i.e. default cyan-yellow skins here and as we know for some reason some still do) when in the blue team (i.e. cyan) it could lead to confusion with the enemy team (i.e. yellow then plus yellow over cyan looks terrible) so to avoid that and other possible color collisions that's why a shade of grey was used that in addition it should also look better with the other colors overall. anyways the thing with the graphics is that as with anything that's not a "law" (i.e. hit or doesn't hit, fail or doesn't fail, boot or doesn't boot etc) is always arguable (so that's why i won't even pretend to make a new design beside this kind of slight fixes/minor adjustments because no matter what it will never really do it) and i admit that you have also a point in that the thing shouldn't really be popular (in fact I'm actually surprised that you're somehow missing it) so it's no big deal either, like I said I don't it will revert it back for that reason but it's possible that I simply make pure white (it should stand out as crazy then) or something like that I'll see and I'll just add some option for that soon too,

ok, thanks for feedback, I believe that there's already things enough to patch in this version so I think that before moving into some new code is better to take care of this first then I hope that between today/tomorrow or so I should push a new patch for this latest version with this things. I go for that see you then
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by tar »

Your sound enhancements made things worse:

- hearing no opponents, even if they are directly beside me
- hearing no thawings overall
- rail feedback sound is not useable, I think I can not even hear if an enemy uses rail or shaft
- switching cg_nomapsounds off leads to annoying repetitive beep sounds on several maps (e.g. tourney2)
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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

hey hi guys I've just finished with that quick patch for what we talked here so please update again and let me know if you still have more issues or you have some questions. I mainly explained what's about on the latest post at the downloads thread so go and read it there.

as for tar yes I know I unceremoniously missed the thaw sounds (as well as other ones too hehe) in the initial update as I've just said this has been already fixed in the quick patch I've just posted and as for the "annoying repetitive beep sounds on several maps" yes I know that's precisely the reason why cg_nomapsounds has been added, to disable them. however unfortunately I've been testing it now (and also even before) and could no find any other players (not just of enemies) sounds broken nor so far I heard about such problem, in fact, now with if not all most of the rest of the background and unnecessary sounds disabled the players/weapons are precisely the only things I can hear. keep in mind that for a player to produce sound he has to do something (i.e. move, shot, jump, fall, get damaged etc etc btw walking or just standing still does not produce any sound) and as for the rail I know that has been hated with a passion hehe unlucky anyways on the posted quick patch you have a new cg_oldrailsound client variable to have your usual rail firing sound back.

I would suggest you to get the new quick patch for the latest update and give it a try I believe it should address if not all most of your problems and then let me know if you still have issues.
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Re: new game mod

Post by tar »

Just tested the update and fixed my config a bit. Looks good for now :)
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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

yes I've been testing it a bit more thoroughly now (yesterday I just did the job as quick as possible) and I believe that is definitively a step forwards, game sounds (the important ones) are much more clear. though I still found out that following the yesterday quick patch there's still a couple of individual sound effects in some maps left (hence my initial "mistake") anyways seems like a minor "issue" by now, I'll polish those for the next update in some days or so, it doesn't seem enough as to push another quick patch by now.
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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

hehe I finally changed my mind I just finished polishing it and testing it now and I think that it won't hurt to publish the polished version now, so I'll go wrtie about it now at the downloads post. I think this time this should do it, it's still possible that I missed something but I think that for the most part this should be the client gamemod finally complete. I think it turned out pretty good imo. let me know if there's still something missing/broken (next will be try if the cpm thing works hehe but that's another another history hehe).
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Re: new game mod

Post by tar »

Do you perhaps consider reconfiguring the scoreboard in the future or include the osp scoreboard and statistics?

- include damage(!)
- make it clearer (smaller, less spaces)
- include team names and team accuracy/effectiveness
- ... whatever

Perhaps like this: ... 69-iFT.jpg
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Re: new game mod

Post by adminless »

one of the things that has been talked is to make a hd (1280x720) remake of the 2d stuff of the mod (i.e. hud, icons, scoreboard etc etc) however that's something for the future of the mod and clearly well outside of the goals for the current 1.1x version so definitively for 1.2 (or a possible remake in the future), if it's that we finally make it there, that's one of the things to look for however for that we're talking probably for the end of the year/next year (and even so I'm not making any compromise here with that just expressing a intention), at the moment the priorities are other ones as pointed here.

currently the what's to do is finish the server (done), finish the client gamemod (also recently done) and consolidate/add a few things more (officially package and release the things, to be done review the inside ioQuake version and document all, make some 2018 review of the stats, try the cpm thing etc etc) and then probably after that I'll have to upgrade my own tools and systems (I've been also working in some 2018 new custom image for the servers and so last Christmas that I missed to finish yet and I'm yet to fuly deploy) and also take a break so all this finally run for some time, in short way too many things to do.

in particular now that you bring the topic I believe that by now I hope that by the next month or so I can do something with the ranks (as we talked and i missed last Christmas) and also from revision to revision may be I could integrate some of that, priorities changes and as you can see there's lot of stuff to do (plus that which you still don't know what will happen, ex. technical issues, data loss, massive people misbehavior etc etc) so it's just not that simple to give a strict and organized list to do and stick to it.