Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

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Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

Post by tar »


since a half year I am playing on the Unfreeze-server and unregularely there occurs a strange crash behaviour only on this server: after some time (after some seconds and sometimes 2-5 minutes of normal playing with ping around 25ms) the ping suddenly goes up to 999 and any command I give is either misinterpreted (as movement controls result in a strange movement behaviour or is interpreted as "use item" command) or results in a disconnection from the server (press tab for scores repeately, try to chat or change nick etc.). Sometimes there is also one (or more) (enemy) player(s) invisible when this issue arises. The issue is also not comprehensible as I was able to play for one or two weeks completely without this issue and often it occurs on every reconnection for several hours.

I emphasize: The unfreeze server is the only server where this issue occurs and as far as I can tell from my gaming experience there I am not the only one who is affected! It seems to happen randomly and affects only one or a few players each session.

Can you please look into the server settings why this occurs and solve this problem?

Furthermore, the 70 seconds reconnection block time is very annoying at this point. Why are 10 seconds reconnection block time not enough?

Another issue are the obvious cheaters there. Why are the players not able to kick someone who obviously uses wallhack or aimbot? It is frustrating for all other players.

Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend.
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Re: Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

Post by adminless »

hey hi there

yes that was also reported by other players and like you said it's a really odd thing, I'm actually working full time on that at the moment, I've been patching the server for that (as well as other issues) the last days and I'll continue these days so I hope I can get to the issue in the next days.

that reconnection limit is there to prevent people using reconnect to get unfrozen and basically play unlimitedly, therefor 10 secs wouldn't be enough, 70 seconds looks like a fair average unfreeze time.

well as you can understand I don't watch the server 24/7 but I can tell you I watch it at least regularly and often and sure, there's always some cheating incident here and there and some other report, of course, but definitively not that often, overall the big majority of the time the server is clean. I would really like to hear more in detail about your particular experience in this subject.

and that leads up to your final point, basically the callvote kick function is something that yes while it's true that it could be of some use a few times (and even so very limitedly), is as true as is well proven that it would also be broadly abused/misused the rest of the time (i.e. +95% of the time). I think the right choice here is obvious.

thank you for playing here and thank you for your feedback
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Re: Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

Post by adminless »

ok I've just found the source for that nasty connection issue and patched the server for it.

I hope that fixes the problem, please let me know in case you (or someone else) experience this problem again, thanks.
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Re: Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

Post by tar »

Thanks for the quick response. The fix for the 999/crash issue seems to work now :)
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Re: Quake 3 Server Unfreeze: Connection Issue

Post by adminless »

yes I've been checking the server these last days and yes it looks like after the sunday patch (I had made a mistake on the thursday patch that I didn't notice until the saturday) everything seems to be working way better now and no more crazy random time outs/overflows/connection issues were found, so I believe that after three days of this working this can be considered solved. no problem thanks for report for any other problem just let me know.