[cfg] reDIRKulous: my quake 3 config

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[cfg] reDIRKulous: my quake 3 config

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Hello guys,

since I have been asked a few times I attached my config (look below). It is exactly what I am using except I removed the password for my nick.

My setup
OS: 64 bit Windows 10 Home (Version 10.0 Build 15063), CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz @ 3000 MHz 1024 KB Cache, MEM: 8151 MB, 71% (5751 MB) free, DISKS: total 1,08 TB - 899 GB free, GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2048 MB, SCREEN: PnP-Monitor (Standard), 1600 x 1200 @ 32 bit, 85 Hz, AUDIO: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Logitech G100s, Rocket Taito Mousepad, USB Keyboard, Sennheiser Headphones, 21" CRT Monitor
I use CRU (Custom Resolution Utility) to force my CRT to 120hz in 1024x768 (my gaming resolution, 4:3)

I use Q3 1.33 (since I dont care to test 1.36) and OSP 1.03a as mod.

Feel free to ask question ;-) I am also on unfreeze.xyz IRC Channel (using a BNC so if I dont answer im not actually online just my bnc).

Best regards