Client not showing servers

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User lv5
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Client not showing servers

Post by PacMan »

Dude Mr admin

Each time I start client it no longer sees the servers any ideas?

Should I reinstall it? Don't want to lose the configuration now , so if that's what I have to do what should I save and copy back

But was working yesterday, I wasn't playing the game when we had a powercut but today hasn't responded to seeing servers , and that's trying any of the files , I use the Intel version tho
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Re: Client not showing servers

Post by adminless »

I migrated the master server yesterday at night to the new machine so the dns changes will take some time to propagate over the network. by now they should have propagated already but in some circumstances it may take 24 hours or even more depending on which ones you're using. in order to try to speedup the process you can power cycle your router (unplug it, wait 1 min, plug it back) and see if that way it gets the new addresses. I dug the google dns now and they are already updated there so if that fails another possibility can be to temporally use the public google dns ( / a more advanced technique would be to define a manual static dns entry override of value ( / 2a01:4f8:a0:5363:85:10:197:105) for the next 24 hours on your operative system but I guess that we shouldn't need to go that far. anyways even if you don't do anything in some undefined amount of time it should just work (I hope).

sorry for the inconvenience and btw keep that in mind if in some days the forum "goes down" too as is scheduled to be migrated this week too.
User lv5
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Re: Client not showing servers

Post by PacMan »

Cool title was supposed to say seeing lol

I didn't realise how bad original quake setup was until forced to play it today and game play was slowwwwwww