ban zamknij morde

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ban zamknij morde

Post by your_sister »

Hi adminless admin,

twice in short time zamknij morde finds it funny to shoot me into oblivion. It is really sad behavior, can you cool him down?

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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

hey hi there

well that's not random noob and as far as I was aware he wasn't causing problems (not at least remarkably) so I don't know what could happened. so far it's the first time I receive a complain against so (also as with yourself btw) I'll leave this as a "warning" (just let it be as I won't have a real mean to "warn" him) as to be honest I'd find it pretty abusive to ban someone like that has been playing reasonably fair here for quite some time already just because of a couple of shots or a "bad day", to tell you the truth, I believe that nobody would understand it to be honest.

furthermore after seeing that unban people without any kind of closure didn't change anything (something I already also knew from experience btw) I finally decided to go for a "undefined" (until they do a active effort in settle the things because at the end is that I'm not gonna be banning people over and over again, if isn't really going to change anything, as it wasn't, there's no point in that) reversible ban policy rather than just the temporal bans that it was that, they weren't going anywhere so it's no good to just go for a ban too easily.

ok, that being said, it doesn't mean that I'm gonna do nothing, of course as always this thread will be left open and if more complains are received, the issue escalates or anything else then I'll proceed with the ban.

thanks for report and sorry for the inconvenience, see you
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by your_sister »


sounds reasonable.

Thing is, as with Trapgod shooting people in oblivion or hak shooting people away from armor, it is behavior that easy copies.

Next time I see zamknij morde at edge of oblivion it will be very tempting.

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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

hehe I know that too but well let's be more positive and hope that both of you doesn't end up getting banned and settle the things :P the good (and hard hehe) thing is find a balance between the one and the other, better report him btw :)

PS: well btw at least those guys haven't been around anymore lately which seemed to do good
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by your_sister »

this is the kind of guy he is
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

ok, I will randomly kick him and ban him for the duration of the session (i.e. a evening) the next time I see him.

thanks for report
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by fernandinho1337 »

without watching the demo. what did he do?

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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

randomly shot on purpose a random teammate that was unfreezing to steal the thaw but surprisingly the temp ban received a positive reception so I guess that he was really upsetting more people and that there was more things than just that. anyways his ban expired yesterday, hope that helped alleviate the situation some (I've got the impression that he read this), let me know if it escalates or there's further issues.
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by your_sister »

and the latest, no provocation

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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

rolf lol empty a lg for that, that guy is kinda crazy haha ok, re-banned then, this time I'll leave it there for some more time or until he makes a effort to settle this.
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by your_sister »

well I think he is as he had multiple opportunities to shoot me in pit and din't. Consider it settled.

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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

yeah I see don't stress too much I'm on that.

update: lol I had actually misread you hehe well, anyways I'll still put all the necessary means and resources to the full extend of my possibilities to attempt to keep him away from the server at least for some days if not a week.
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by imnotadragqueen »

Hey hey hey hey :D

I appreciate getting so much love from you guys! First of all, the situation was at the end of a round and we got a point a few seconds later (he cuts the vids just in time, right? :D), it wouldn't make much difference had I thawed him or played with his corpse. I was just expressing how I dislike the person who has been so active on this topic. And besides, he/she is the most toxic player ever seen on that server and I believe others would share this opinion. The fact that you're so fond of reacting to his/her every complaint is rather disappointing. To be clear, I'm not trying to explain myself or asking you to unban me, and actually, you can make it permanent, if you like. If my definition of fun doesn't go with the rules, so be it. The cry-baby will consider it a victory and I don't mind that :) Again, I'm just disappointed with you being so serious in the matter of that player. There, I made the effort :D

Merry merry and happy happy year!
Zamknij Mordę
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by adminless »

well first I believe that it took a while for me to start taking action and second don't make it look like you're a saint either and you did any other thing beside have "fun", you were fully aware of this situation and you were just looking for trouble so is your fault, don't try to take me for a fool, your idea of "fun" is that of trouble-making instead therefor is taking action at this very moment when is required in order to attempt to prevent the things from escalate and/or get out of hand.

as for sis I know, I'm already also aware that he caused problems/trash talked/randomly accused virtually anyone of cheating and so, I mean, he even already have been reported here and I even already warned him and definitively he is a strong candidate at getting a temp ban some time or another and I mean, he even fully acknowledges this himself, however, that being said, so far there haven't been any really solid report/complain to take action and overall I have the impression that he is making at least some effort at trying to improve his behavior then I'm sorry but waiting to get banned to report someone without providing any particular back-up or something isn't going to make it, you should have done that before instead of getting into some kind of personal war.

anyways this will be taken in consideration in case of future complains against him so thanks for report.

hey thanks, have some warn holidays with your beloved ones you too :D
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Re: ban zamknij morde

Post by imnotadragqueen »

I don't consider myself "un santo". Trust me ;) I never intended to avoid, as you said it, making trouble. I'm not that serious with the game, neither I will ever be, sorry 'bout it.
waiting to get banned to report someone without providing any particular back-up or something
- Man, are you kidding me? :D

You misunderstood me, it wasn't a report. I do not wish to lower myself to that gentleman's level. It was more a statement I wanted to make. And to all that improving one's behaviour - have I accidentally stepped into some anger control therapy? lol