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do you think that .WhoAmI?! cheats?

Poll ended at Sun Oct 06, 2019 22:07

I just don't know
no, I think he is legit
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Post by tar »

Not played since weeks (therefore sorry my bad gameplay) but his "aim" is ridiculous as he is in no sense pre-aiming with rail on any enemies movement. Instead you observe a flickering of some corrected pixels 2ms before his railshots. In my opinion, there is some kind of heavy assistance involved.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by WhoAmI »

.WhoAmI?! = not WhoAmI?!
I have a dot in the my nickname.
Let's start with the fact that I am .WTF!Wrong!
And I've never used cheats to play Quake in my life.
I have been playing this server for half a year and many people say that I have every type of scam. It offends me.
I have always said that I can start streaming my game and show my file folder before each match what is in it if nobody believes.
I can also go to any server that is protected from scams and play on them.
I am fast like any other game of this type. This is called muscle memory. Now when I buy a 144 Hz monitor and a new computer I will be even faster.
And I will definitely check my strength in quake champions(and many other games) and start streaming if time permits.
I will defend myself because I hate if anyone thinks I am using cheats. Maybe most players on this server have not seen a good player.
Although good players know to what extent you can train your muscle memory and be at a high level in every match. But I don't always hit. Although most players move very slowly and do not use any dodges and let alone strafe jump.
Also for me it is no problem to hit perfectly even though I have an old 60 HZ monitor. It will change soon and it will be much better.
I often play especially worse so that others have a chance or when I'm drunk :D
The only thing that bothers me in my "impossible aim" is "lags" which I can't get rid of.
Soon after buying new equipment I promise that I will be even better. When I played Quake Live in FFA mode, I had 2,600 ELOs. I was in the top 100 in the world ranking and I was doing quite good duel. Although I played a lot on CA, TDM, CTF, Insta CTF, Insta TDM, Insta FFA and Freeze Tag modes.
I will also defend myself and I can prove in many ways that I am pure.
Sorry for my English. I'm Polish. Thanks.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by adminless »

@tar I agree that his aiming is definitively unusual and definitively contrary to what was described as probably the best practices for railgun aiming by our dear member miroslav here, point number 2, lock your mouse and wait for your opponent to cross your sight/cross your opponent by correcting with your step keys then shot. instead his actual aiming falls more into the point number 3 descrived there that even miroslav himself states that is no good, this is, move your mouse from side to side to cross your opponent then shot.

I watched a couple of times his parts of the demo at very slow mo and beside that rarity I didn't find any other concern. I also find that very rarely he uses that very same technique with rockets and even aiming at other places and that his stats are way beyond than just his aiming, hinting a possible furhter experience/skill. so although yes is rare and suspicious overall my opinion is that it can be legit.

@wtfwrong btw besides that, if you're a top 100 world class player with a world class elo in the range of 2600 and seasoned on duel games may be you're interested in going against our dear member miroslav that is our top ranked duel member and that has a estimated world class elo in the range of 2650 for a showdown event? it's not that I'm trying to promote anything now but that would be a good test/prove for this in case miroslav is avaible for the challenge. duel games typicially showcase much clearer the game of the players and it should be fairly balanced at least.

and btw wtfwrong also note that as I see the server your game isn't pure, that doesn't mean cheating, could be just custom models, sounds, textures, paks or whatever but you're running a unpure client.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by ...jutuli... »

Think he is legit player. He play a lot last times and he has also worse days/moments, but mostly very good skill, reflex shots, especially rail.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by tar »

I don't know what there is to discuss, at all. Any beamed pixel correction before a railshot is no aim, no "muscle memory" and no other fancy fairy tale from above the ocean.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by Agi »

I absolutely support wtf.wrong. Maybe I'm not totally objective, because we are in good terms, but he is really skillful player with long history. He has big knowledge, he often gives me advises and tells me what wrong I'm doing and what should I change. It's not cheating but real skill.

When I'm already here - I wanna take an opportunity to alarm admin about really rude and vulgar guy on server. He often changes nicks. Types really bad about players who frag him. Constantly insulting "ure shit", "noob" and other more advanced insults which I don't want to quote. He played as "........" and "welcomeback" but he changes nicks. People are constantly complaining about him.
Last edited by Agi on Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by ...jutuli... »

Agi wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:49 He played as "........" and "welcomeback" but he changes nicks. People are constantly complain about him.
Maybe he is the same as in the other post - named and reported as "hidihi"
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by adminless »

yes, that's the hidihi that got reported and chat banned yesterday and we'll see if an actual ban applies from here.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by WhoAmI »

Miroslav is right. It's the simplest and good aiming tactic. Only I don't want to wait for the player to go under the crosshairs. In TDM / CA / CTF mode, you need to have eyes around your head and shoot quickly using muscle memory. Even if you see a piece of leg or arm, shoot it. Enemies can come from different sides. You have to act quickly. Just train your muscle memory very well and be able to move. The number 2 will definitely work in duel, but not in fast and dynamic gameplay. See the player "HardcoreMazu" on YouTube here (link at the bottom). See how fast it turns and shoots without thinking, without aiming slowly. And it's completely clean. Of course, aim alone is not enough. You also need: to know maps, dodges, strafejump and above all sounds. You must always know where the player is. Then we have the advantage. And don't let the enemy get items / weapons.
@Tar. I did not find any pixel correction in this. All in all, you always thought I had an aimbot. Especially when I killed you. Btw, is it possible to use "aimbot" for one weapon at all? Besides, aimbot hit it every time and I don't.
@adminless. It is obvious that I will not aim for the Rocket Launcher because the rockets have a delay so you have to predict where the opponent will stand and aim from side to side. You can also shoot a rocket using muscle memory, but it's harder. This is shown in the movie HardcoreMazu. It's best to aim under your feet, if your opponent jumps and flies up, he's already dead.
Another useful information. I do not use a different mouse sensitivity for each weapon. It greatly impairs muscle memory. It's best to use a constant sensitivity. I rarely use zoom. I'm not waiting for the player to go under the crosshair. It attacks right away. Maybe sometimes it happens when I want to hit more accurately. Low mouse sensitivity means better aiming.
@adminless Yes I confirm. I use a lot of mods from different players. I used sound mods to make my opponents hear better. When the opponent has low hp, the character screams. Then I know that behind the wall is someone with a low amount of life :) But it's probably not a cheats. Of course, bright models, a darkened map so that you can see every part of the body. Also that I could see the enemy behind the frozen player. That these colors do not blend so much. I colored the grenades to see them well. I set the ray from LG without delay. We know what's going on. I don't have to translate.
@adminless I can play with Miroslav. No problem. I saw his game and skills. Tactically, I think it will be better. In general it can be much better. Has good positioning and knowledge of the map.
@adminless This duel with him is to be evidence? I do not know if this will prove that I do not have cheats. I think the best way to do this is to stream, show the folder before playing with files, and play on pure servers. Btw. I think there should be something like anti-cheats on the unfreeze server. That would confirm my point and eliminate real cheaters. Btw. My guess is that aimbot always aims at the same points of the body and I always at different points :)
@jutuli is right. There are days when I don't aim so well. Especially when I'm very tired or drunk you can already see the difference in aiming. I often get in the way of minimal lags that appear every 5 minutes, I don't know why. I also think the 60 Hz monitor limits my skills. In each game, players with a 120, 144 or 240 refresh monitor have the advantage. From what I know, Miroslav uses 120 Hz because I talked to him through YT and used his CFG.
I can show you how to play absolutely without crosshair on streams. And I will hit the railgun and every weapon very well. And in most matches I will be first. Completely without crosshairs! :) I know, you might think that I have a monitor with options for turning on the crosshair. No, mine is too old for such goodies :)
@Agi Affirmative! This guy also constantly insults me and wants to duel, although he has no chance.
P.S. Thank you to those who trust I'm not a cheater. Everyone on the forum and on the discord channel.
Sorry for my English. I'm Polish.

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Post by Black.Nastia »

Hi, long time didn't go to the forum) I think with this guy it's fine, just plays well. Although the that we not saw strong players this smiled at me. I sometimes train on another server, it is a pity that he does not come to visit the Moscow server, yesterday I played there with Clawz. even managed to win a couple of times), like this train of aim, for fun play with others quite a strong player. lg ~ 55. who has the desire to face off welcome)
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

WhoAmI / WTF is a legitimate badass player. No way he cheats!

As far as I know, he is -the- top player on this server.

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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by adminless »

.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:29Yes I confirm. I use a lot of mods from different players. I used sound mods to make my opponents hear better. When the opponent has low hp, the character screams. Then I know that behind the wall is someone with a low amount of life :) But it's probably not a cheats. Of course, bright models, a darkened map so that you can see every part of the body. Also that I could see the enemy behind the frozen player. That these colors do not blend so much. I colored the grenades to see them well. I set the ray from LG without delay. We know what's going on. I don't have to translate.

This duel with him is to be evidence? I do not know if this will prove that I do not have cheats. I think the best way to do this is to stream, show the folder before playing with files, and play on pure servers. Btw. I think there should be something like anti-cheats on the unfreeze server. That would confirm my point and eliminate real cheaters. Btw. My guess is that aimbot always aims at the same points of the body and I always at different points
well, all the graphic/sounds customization are ok and probably in tune with what a third of the other players do, that's fair, that isn't going to sky rocket anyone game. however, one thing is that and another thing is have a custom client gamemod with non standard features that allows you for example to hear opponents screaming when low hp to target them when behind a wall. that yes my friend, it's not the aim hack we were talking about but that's a cheat and it gives you a unfair advantage. I bet you probably also have on that custom version access to timers, maps/radars or may be even stabilizers and/or some degree of assist, who knows? I guess you probably didn't code that yourself.

as for the duel against Miroslav, ok, good then we'll see if he comes back at the site and he is interested/available on playing this, we typically play on Sunday's evening, like 18:00, are you available at that time? well, it's not that is going to prove anything but I think that it's a good opportunity for you to show your game and bring more input.

don't worry that surprisingly as you noted yourself you have received a strong positive reaction from the community (voting is as of now 1 yes versus 5 no) so far so I'm not really planning on banning you any time soon but if you want to show up anything the best shot is to physically record your screen (sound included) with a camera as well as your keyboard/mouse/hands. anyways, just saying.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

I recall one evening early summer when WTF was terribly drunk and barely coherent in the chat :-D ...and he was most definitely much easier pickings than otherwise. I also recall one time when he was just really quiet and generally finished with mid-group scores, far from being the first (which is generally his average place otherwise), I suspect this was a long day at school / work. I know he is rested and not drunk when his score is minimum 5x of mine :-D ....and yes, like Agi wrote I've also definitely noticed him sometimes giving me a chance to respond in situations when I just know I'd be frozen in an instant by his rail normally. Good guy overall, not your obnoxious ass who rubs in his skills every minute for us "noobs" as some other similarly skilled players will wipe their muddy shoes into the good "noob" crowd that shows up in the evenings. WTF is definitely duel material in my opinion, but he also able to keep it civil and family friendly on the server. I obviously cannot vouch for his setup, but I can for his character.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by tar »

.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:29@Tar. I did not find any pixel correction in this. All in all, you always thought I had an aimbot. Especially when I killed you.
As said, I have not played since weeks and have only complained in the demo being in your team, so I have no clue where your statement "Especially when I killed you." comes from.

But I owe you an apology - I watched my record again and have to admit that there is not enough evidence material. When playing, I noticed a "lock" at 3:28 and a strange cursor jump around 11:30 (where you kill 3-4 people near RA) which on local replay is not there anymore. Perhaps there was a slight simultaneous connection issue and the "lock" is also there when watching other players (even myself).
.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:29Btw, is it possible to use "aimbot" for one weapon at all? Besides, aimbot hit it every time and I don't.
Sure, as there are bots that can be triggered by a key.
.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:29@adminless This duel with him is to be evidence? I do not know if this will prove that I do not have cheats. I think the best way to do this is to stream, show the folder before playing with files, and play on pure servers. Btw. I think there should be something like anti-cheats on the unfreeze server. That would confirm my point and eliminate real cheaters. Btw. My guess is that aimbot always aims at the same points of the body and I always at different points :)
There is no reliable cheat protection as aimbot coder shade (who I know personally) said around 15 years ago:

[_shadE]: Um es auf einen Punkt zu bringen: Es gibt keinen wirklichen _Schutz_ ... Alles, was auf der CPU ausführbar ist, kann "reverse engineered" werden, was einfach nur heisst, daß alles was Du auf dem Monitor siehst intern analysiert werden kann. Nur so können Aimbots programmiert werden.


[_shadE]: To put it in a nutshell: There is no real _protection_ ... Anything that is executable on the CPU can be reverse engineered, which simply means that anything you see on the monitor can be analyzed internally. This is the only way to program aimbots.
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Re: WhoAmI?!

Post by WhoAmI »

@{black} nastia I'm not talking specifically about you. I didn't mean you didn't see good players or Tar. I meant those who constantly call me a cheater and can't write any argument as proof.
What are UnFreeZe cloning servers? Could you give me some other servers you play and pro players also play on?

I did not understand this sentence well. "I sometimes train on another server, it is a pity that he does not come to visit the UnFreeZe clone server / s, yesterday I played there with Clawz. Even managed to win a couple of times), like this train of aim, for fun play with others quite a strong player. lg ~ 55. who has the desire to face off welcome) "

In the sense you train on other servers with pro players? I have also played many times with pro players. Often with compatriots.
@adminless - I have a pure Quake downloaded from the forum and a pack from unfreeze. I put everything in there. So cfg and converted pk3 from different players. In them you can find character skins, custom sounds, changed grenade animations etc. Is this a custom version? I just put a few pk3 into the "Quake" folder. in which I can change all these things.
Access to timers? Do you mean the time until items appear? I will surprise you, but I don't have one. I have seen that some players have, even use special binds in which they inform when the shield is active. I know it was a cheat on Quake Live. Is it here too? I personally count in my mind when RA / MH appears and sometimes I play instinctively. Could you tell me how map radars or stabilizers work? What is that? I would like to know.
I didn't code anything. I am only substituting pk3. Of course, I make myself a cfg. Mine is very easy. I don't have unnecessary things. I also add sounds, skins etc. to myself. Nothing else.
As for the duel. I usually am on a weekday from 4pm to 9pm. I started my MA degree on weekends. Studies. I party on weekends. Although at these hours 16 - 21 I should be. Not always but it is possible. Certainly one day we'll be able to play. I'm sure about that.
There are many players in the game who think that I am a cheater, but they did not speak on the forum.
Yes, if I buy new equipment, I will try to record the game with sound. If I also buy the right camera and mount it on the monitor, I will also put a view on the keyboard and mouse.
Maybe I will also stream sometimes. Although I have problems with these lags. I plan to change internet to optical fiber soon. Until then I stay with it. Maybe you would know how to help me if I explained to you what my internet problem is?
@Dr.GreenThumb Exactly. When I'm drunk I don't feel so good :D The world is spinning :D
Yes, I often play without crosshair. I turn it off when I train. I often play without crosshairs and then I'm first or top of the table. However, I have a slight difficulty. It happens that I play without headphones, then you can see the difference. Sometimes my friends watch me play, so I have to talk to them and hear them, not the game :P When I'm drunk, I can barely see what's on the monitor so I can't play well. Hangover is also bad :D I play often without crosshair because it teaches my muscle memory. Although I am far from world class pro players :C I don't like playing maps I don't know. Then I'm not doing so well.
@Tar I didn't mean the last match we played in one team. We've played together many times. I remember 3 - 4 months ago we played against each other and you also thought it was impossible when I hit the railgun. You also wanted to report me to the forum. Or you wrote something like "Learn to play" Maybe it was a joke, maybe not. All in all, it doesn't matter anymore. I have nothing to you. I accept your apology. And I'm glad you don't think I'm a cheater though :)

I don't know aimbot or its code. Although I think aimbot gets it every time. Probably also aims at the same point on the body. Let's put in the head. Man aims at different punkt. Aimbot also has a constant turnover speed. Man will turn the mouse once faster and once more slowly. It's just my speculation.

Many links on this web dont work.
Sorry for my English. I'm Polish