Open Arena Server Map Rotation

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would you like to play other maps at the server?

Poll ended at Sat Mar 11, 2017 22:12

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Open Arena Server Map Rotation

Post by adminless »

hi there

please discuss in this thread the map rotation of the Open Arena server at unfortunately Open Arena doesn't come with very much maps for ctf, so the rotation came pretty small. the actual rotation contains only 3 maps and is as follows:
  • oa_reptctf11
  • oasago2
  • ps37ctf2
oasago2 is obviously the "stellar" map so it's even actually overpowered, it gets about twice as much air, definitively no questions here. however obviously at the same time even if it's good map, anything good but 24/7 will end up boring, so to add some variation I added a couple of maps more, oa_reptctf11 and ps37ctf2 whose quality I think that it's also out of question. oa_reptctf11 is a small map and it may sometimes get a bit overcrowded but I think it fits great for a server like this and it's definitively really fun to play. ps37ctf2 at the same time may lack some a bit more dynamic gameplay but it's also a essential addition to the rotation.

about the rest of the ctf maps at Open Arena, I think that they are great pieces of art and may be I missed some, but unfortunately I believe that they are just too big for the actual server (yeah may be some of them are good for 10vs10 or so, it's not the case here) or they are just not suitable for some reason or another, so that's what we've got here.

well, basically that's my impression, now it's your turn :P
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Re: Open Arena Server Map Rotation

Post by adminless »

hello, quick update here, it looks like the other maps just wasn't doing it for anybody, after spend sometime at the server I've got the impression that most people is just interested in join and have some casual fun not really in develop and grown the game so by now I think I'll go with the third option, remove the rotation and just make oasago2 24/7 and we'll see. anyways feel free to participate, if there's really interest in other maps (or if the server grows) those (or other ones) can be added in the future.