[cfg] Guide for new Players and Proposition.

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OSP MOD [votable maps, kicks(laggers/trolls/hackers)] and new maplist (bigger and custom maps).

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[cfg] Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by Mus1n »

1.Enemy models
-u need: OSP mod
Just copy zz-osp-pak0 to 4. and paste it to unfreeze folder.
Commands in game: /cg_enemymodel [keel/pm],
/cg_enemyColor [2222].
2. Config
The best way to do good config is download cfg of famous pro player and adapt to your preferences.
I'll give You my own config and add some screenshots to show You how it looks.
psss: Lena noob :D

drive.google.com/file/d/15CDR7nNhsvn7CVVRUcnVYl_gJklxJymO/view ==> LINK <SCREENS and CFG>

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Last edited by Mus1n on Mon Jun 04, 2018 0:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mus1n »

This is real skill but i still dont belive how he did IT!!!

Start watch 2:47
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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Wyslij mi to na maila:) i co z tym pakiem osp zrobic? zmienic na pak4 i do baseq?
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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by fernandinho1337 »

nice trickjump movie but its promode i guess.

besides, i thought we have been over this discussion and now starting all over again.
unfreeze netcode is better. adminles can actually make changes to the mod. osp has been updated the last time almost 15 years ago. the map question is also a problem as it has proved that lots of newb players are relucant to get the custom maps...but well anyway...you can check other freeze server. it is in central europe with good ping using osp mod - and it is just DEAD ;-)

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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by Mus1n »

other server isn't played because isn't known. Unfreeze2 gas *good netcode* and is dead too. If not OSP mod. Admin should asd teamoverlay voting and maps.
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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Mus1n wrote: Mon Jun 04, 2018 13:24 other server isn't played because isn't known. Unfreeze2 gas *good netcode* and is dead too. If not OSP mod. Admin should asd teamoverlay voting and maps.
unfreeze got teamoverlay.
voting is an issue because certain players would permanently kick players like u and me
unfreeze2 is dead because of maps.

best regards ^^
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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by adminless »

nah as fer (correctly) answered you this has already been discussed long enough all over the place and it has been understood that it has been a good deal of work to get everything going and working as it does already and that it had already built a player base based on that and that therefor no more (significant/major) changes come in place (the server is well in production phase not in "development"/"experimental" state).

as for UnFreeZe2 ye I know, UnFreeZe2 is actually scheduled to be relocated and replaced by another server at another location, I've just started migrating it the past week but unfortunately after a couple of days trying to bootstrap it, it turns out that it's not gonna work that way and that I'm gonna end sooner by creating a new image for this server from scratch rather than trying to fit in the current one which unfortunately it's obviously going to take me more time than just a "couple of days" ("a week") or so as I had expected.

but nevertheless about what you saying about UnFreeZe2 you're wrong for the most part. probably you don't notice but let me tell you that by the end of the past year UnFreeZe2 was going quite strong (when it was a 100% percent UnFreeZe1 mirror) till the point that it was starting to rival UnFreeZe1 at many times. there it was when I swapped it to custom maps (as you're requesting me to do with UnFreeZe1 now btw) to "break" it (at least to some point) as well as to prove wrong all those fancy players that were always requesting them, so that, and the fact that there has been more than a hundred people banned already (that basically it would be the whole UnFreeZe2 population), just in a month of 24/7 custom maps killed UnFreeZe2 altogether for the rest of the project life (it never recovered anymore, you know why, because trust in a product, like this that you know that ok it may work better or worse and all you want, but you know that it actually works for a fact, is something that takes ages to build, years, yet it breaks in a single moment, days, as it happened with UnFreeZe2, as soon as something stop working for a couple of days people just discard it, get over it).

PS: as for displaying the team overlay without the UnFreeZe mod you can read that in this thread here
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Re: Guide for new Players and Proposition.

Post by fernandinho1337 »

remember the overkill introduction to unfreeze1? 50% of players were gone and it was one of the worst maps to be ever played on this server (right after q3dm12 which i also supported due to stupidity :-D)