small summer ctf event

casual fpsclassico ctf events
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small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

well as it seems that there has been some interest on the ctf thing and as there's currently no other planned events in the mean time I decided to finally give a try to some small casual ctf event open to everybody and outside the usual competitive settings (i.e. no clans, no ranking, no stats, no tittles etc) just to see how it goes. basically I believe the card should be like this:
  • event: 2022 small summer ctf event
  • gamemode: ctf
  • capturelimit: 7
  • timelimit: 20
  • format: 4vs4 minimum - 5vs5 maximum
  • maps: q3ctf1 , mkbase , q3ctf4 , oasago2 , dc_map24
  • settings: not competitive/casual/fun
  • server: |
  • password: to be established/distributed
  • date: the Sunday 4 of September of 2022 21:15 CEST (UTC+02)
ok and I think that should be it. in case of overbooking, the order of preference would be strictly by date of sing up (i.e. last in first out) so if you're interested don't waste your time and join before it's all booked. if it happens once people sing up I'll manually (since this time there's no stats assists on this mode) balance the teams as best as I can possibly guess and as usual if by the next week or so it's not closed then it just won't happen (it will just be something else later on). no rescheduling or anything that will be the date. all the maps except for mkbase that I just dropped it now on the well known packages are/were included on the afford mentioned packages. in any case, if you sign up make at least completely sure to have at least those maps (exactly those versions) installed on your client before connecting to the server.

as noted, the current need for this would be between 8 and 12 people for this to happen, ok, so who's up to this?
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by aimer »

Yea, i'll play some ctf 😀

The maps, though, are a bit 👀
Can you spin the map selection wheel again please? 😬
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

nah I don't think so, I believe that those are probably the most solid options for this. all those maps are at least consistent A+ tier ctf maps for small games, besides q3ctf1/4 are the top picks of the current public. just as I said if it were going to be a massive event it could probably be considered something else. unfortunately it just happens that for small 4vs4/5vs5 (at best) games there's not even that much to chose from so I believe that that's the best option for this to happen. ok, sounds good then we'll see who else joins.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I am in

*edit* not a fan of the map pool but since this is a test and it is not competetive with clans etc we should just go with it. looking forward to play ctf ^^
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by kf »

i really would be interested to sign in, but at this date im not available cause im at holidays :( otherwise i would sign in 200%
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

@miro great news and yes don't worry that as said it's just a casual/fun event since some people requested it not yet another intercontinental championship or anything.

@kf unlucky, unless force majure/drastic changes or something the date is gonna be that but well I guess I can note you in as reserve anyways just in case we don't meet enough people and there's interest in reschedule it or something and we might count/need you later on.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by Semisek48 »

Sign me in please!
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

ok, great then we have almost one team done already. given the case I believe that then until 12 people we have room to have some 5vs5 and a extra player/change/replacement. let's see if we meet it then.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by FilthyPirate »

Count me in! Please think about Q3 wcp-17 or wcp 18 as an alternative to ctf4
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by aimer »

i second wcp18 👀
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by nickaero »

I'll try to show up
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

awesome then I believe we're half way done with this with aimer, miro, semi, flithypirate, nickaero and kf as potential participant in case of a reschedule or something. great news, let's see if we complete the other half plus a few extra spots (12 people) if possible as changes/safe guard and we should be good to go.

as for the maps yes q3wcp18 is a classic and hopefully is not as massive but still that's probably better suited for a hardcore 7vs7/8vs8 than for this beside of that tier you also have q3wctf2 which probably would be a better top option. q3wcp17 could definitively be a solid option as well as bubctf1 as replacement for q3ctf4 however as I also said I don't think it makes much sense to run a event and miss the few maps that have ever been played on the pub (q3ctf1/4) in favor of some maps that probably are totally unknown for most around here. in that sense, I believe I'll probably stick to those maps to get started that are 100% proven to deliver 4vs4/5vs5 top games and if so given there's enough interest we can just probably do it again on the future with more people and more maps.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by MyWifeHatesQ3 »

I'm also interested. However, the date doesn't suit me.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for the input, if so, given there's enough people to make it happen, considering you and kf are on the same situation may be it could be considered so I'll note you as potential participant/reserve just in case as kf and then we'll talk.
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Re: small summer ctf event

Post by kf »

all maps, which i listed at that other thread, were played in 5v5 and all were pretty nice playable because they aren´t too small, you have to play as a team to cap etc. just think about some, maybe take a look yourself at those or maybe just ask the players (if there are enough) which 2 or 3 maps they would favor to have a cool fair matchup. it would be so awsome, hopefully there will be more players which are interested :D guess i need to go to public and tell everybody to look at forum :)

i will leave my country for holidays at sunday and will be back at 7th september.

greetings :D
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