hssnd ban

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do you think that hssnd cheats?

Poll ended at Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:40

I'm not sure
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hssnd ban

Post by nickaero »

Me and many other people in the community are confused regarding hssnd's ban from the servers, we would like to know who reported him and what proof did they have
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by adminless »

a couple of people reported him and there was various demos. I believe probably the most clear is the one attached. buddy game isn't even making any sense yet he is hitting everything even when sent flying regardless of the weapon and all. also looking his history he was literally a random out of nowhere and is very different how he played on that (old) demo as how he played now yet the overall performance remained the same.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by nickaero »

adminless wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 19:53 a couple of people reported him and there was various demos. I believe probably the most clear is the one attached. buddy game isn't even making any sense yet he is hitting everything even when sent flying regardless of the weapon and all. also looking his history he was literally a random out of nowhere and is very different who he played on that (old) demo as how he played now.
Just so we are clear what cheat do you think he is using? To me the only thing that is a bit suspect is the way he shoots when coming around a wall, but that isn't exactly evidence of cheating
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by adminless »

autoshot and wall hack, that's my take.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by nickaero »

I only suspect WH but I am not sure. Still I don't think what's shown in the demo is enough to ban him, that's my opinion
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by adminless »

there was more demos and more people reporting him for weeks besides as I said what look weirdest to me is just having someone that pretty much looks like a random trying to figure out the game hitting basically everything and everyway. yes finally (i.e. recently after months) the guy played properly but not at that point. also if that helps all those weeks came from people that spent big time playing with him and that also have a good knowledge of the game not by a random that just happened to come across the site to report "everybody cheats".
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by Lunya »

nickaero wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 20:22 [...] I don't think what's shown in the demo is enough to ban him [...]
I played few weeks against hssnd and I clearly remember a lot of his rails hits was pretty strange.
But after watch again demos I recorded of him, I wasn't able to define if it was great skill or masked cheat, which decided me not to report.
Even if the demo provided in this thread make me feel the same way, I think the fact numberous people share the same feeling appears like a proof.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

100% wh on that demo. Check moment with SERBO on RailGun Spot.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by PacMan »

nickaero wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 20:22 I only suspect WH but I am not sure. Still I don't think what's shown in the demo is enough to ban him, that's my opinion
Lol, I would have thought he appeals it if he's interested,

However you ever watch the pros play? They don't play this way, perhaps he is rapha or cooler undercover ....
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I looked at the demo

if you look at him overall. strong rail and other than that not proficient movement, missing basically all rocket jumps, weird choice of weapons and poor aim except for the rail. there are quite a few situations when he shoots as soon as the enemy moves over his crosshair and he does it on a constant basis. in the beginning there was also a situation at red armor when he actually moves his mouse a lot to get his cross on the enemy (usually he aims 'passively' and waits for enemy walking into the crosshair) and the rail did not go off at all - usually when the enemy falls down and gets out of sight you might try to desperately hit him anyways and rather miss a rail than not shoot at all. in the very end when he is on top of rl and the enemy pops up over the jumppad his shotgun also immdiately goes off. maybe he has some advanced zoom script but to me to and to be honest he is very sus the least. his overall skills do not match his rail at all.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by kf »

i was wondering how long he was able to play and not getting banned
from the first time, when i was at a server and played against or with him, i said to myself he MUST use autoshot or even got wh and there were 3 main reasons why i thought that...
- the first reason, which really gave me that feeling, was his bad movement... this man doesnt know how to strafe jump, and i think he doesnt know what a circle jump is anyways... his rocket jumps were also bad
- 2nd is the WHEN he hits those shots... he landed like 100 percent in 1vs1 situations... for example i remember being left pillar at RA at dm7 - both of us landed 2 rails - he came from quad and normally u stack up with both health bubbles and try to get the 3rd. which will be easier, cause ur enemy will go to the 50 bubble and u will be back faster to rail him at his way to the bubble... but he just didnt care like he would know he will land the 3rd rail... risky play? maybe not if u know u will hit :)
- last but not least his mousecontrol
U CANT TELL ME that somebody who is hitting like a 20% shaft can have like standard rail acc of 60% this just cant be
he moves his mouse like somebody who just plays quake like a week and will hit a 60% rail? OK :D

finally in this demo there are some situations, which look very suspicious, cause of the 3 things, that i just wrote, but the shots he fired would be doable, when u have o good, lucky day, but his mousemovement speaks for itself i would say

i think you caught a cheater there, but thats only my oppinion
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by imprecise »

hssnd shame on you, I thought you were a good player, I'm disappointed, it's really sad to see that there are always cheaters in Quake III, where does this irrepressible need to dominate by cheating come from, it doesn't make sense...it sucks...
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by oKo*Magister »

At first shot I didn't think he is a cheater, but it became very suspicious when he always knew from where I'm coming even if I'm sneaking, it was like 99% lol. I guess I wasn't wrong about him
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by i_cezar »


I spect hssnd many times during my time here(while i was frozen). He was one of the entertaining players to watch.

I dont recall any blatant giveaway aimbot shots by him. So imo i dont think he uses aimbot. He had about 62% overall acc rail. That is doable. I know this because i was about the same at some point and checked regularly the stats to see if i had surpassed him. Maybe his config is fine tuned for railgun use and that makes him struggle with other weapons, i dont know. With low sens is not that hard to hit someone while you get bounced in the air, only in close range yes.
As i see it aimbot could be out of discussion.
As for wallhack, we need more demos as anybody can predict where the player will come from a couple of times in a row. But the consistency of that aspect would be the real red flag. Here for example magister's observations mean something: if he consistently predicted where the opponent came from even with no sound giveaways then that is suspicious. But i didnt have the same experience, i would have noticed it i think. Also dont remember seing complaints during games by others in this long period of time.
I feel we need more proof for his wallhack to be sure.
I have some rail instagib experience and the players there make anticipation and prediction a joke, thats how good they can get. And same with playing around corners.
It would be nice if he himself gave some reply to this, but he's not active outside of game.
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Re: hssnd ban

Post by oKo*Magister »

To be honest I believe if he's not a cheater, he would try to solve the situation with some demos or something. I don't know, that's what I would do.
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