display issue

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Re: display issue

Post by imprecise »

Прывітанне, 9ll, Беларусь & Adminless

@ 9ll Беларусь Каб даведацца сваю карту альбо графічны чыпсэт, перайдзіце ў налады Windows, затым адлюструйце сістэму, а ўнізе старонкі націсніце Дадатковыя налады дысплея і, нарэшце, націсніце Наласцівасці відэакарты для дысплея 1, адкрыецца дыялогавае акно, памятайце каб паменшыць акно Параметры, каб убачыць яго

У сувязі з праблемай дазволу Quake3 у мяне ёсць прапанова, пачніце з таго, што зрабіце рэзервовую копію файлаў q3config.cfg, якія вы хочаце захаваць, а потым цалкам выдаліце ​​quake3 з кампутара, не забываючы файлы канфігурацыі, схаваныя ў розных месцах. у Windows 10, як C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Quake і/або Steam і ў іншых месцах.

Таксама выдаліце ​​пакет размарожвання 20.5, ачысціце кампутар Wipe https://privacyroot.com/apps/freeware/t ... -wipe-.php, а затым ачысціце рэестр Ccleaner https://www.ccleaner.com/ зрабіце *землятрус* і *q3* пошук на C: каб пераканацца, што нічога не засталося ...

Зрабіце перазагрузку кампутара, распакуйце пакет ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5.zip і змесціце тэчку непасрэдна на C: каб C:\ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5\ дадаў pak0.pk3, потым выберыце файл ioq3v6, які адпавядае вашаму абсталяванню, а пасля таго, як гульня пачнецца, вы напішаце /r_mode 16 у кансолі, і, такім чынам, вы будзеце ўпэўнены, што ваша праблема не звязана з канфліктам паміж вашымі старымі ўстаноўкамі Quake3 і пакетам Unfreeze

Я дазваляю сабе даць вам гэтую параду, таму што падчас першага ўсталёўкі пакета размарожвання ў мяне былі праблемы з канфліктам канфігурацыі, я вырашыў гэта, дзейнічаючы, як апісана вышэй

Нішто не перашкаджае вам пераўсталёўваць Quake3 у C:\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena, пакідаючы размарожаны пакет там, дзе вы яго размяшчаеце, а менавіта C:\ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5\ ён вельмі добра працуе такім чынам . Калі вам трэба, я магу выслаць вам 2 спасылкі на торэнт для quake-3-arena-over-plus-osp-pc і Quake.

На ўра

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Pryvitannie, 9ll, Bielaruś & Adminless

@ 9ll Bielaruś Kab daviedacca svaju kartu aĺbo hrafičny čypset, pierajdzicie ŭ nalady Windows, zatym adliustrujcie sistemu, a ŭnizie staronki nacisnicie Dadatkovyja nalady dysplieja i, narešcie, nacisnicie Nalascivasci videakarty dlia dysplieja 1, adkryjecca dyjalohavaje akno, pamiatajcie kab pamienšyć akno Paramietry, kab ubačyć jaho

U suviazi z prabliemaj dazvolu Quake3 u mianie josć prapanova, pačnicie z taho, što zrabicie reziervovuju kopiju fajlaŭ q3config.cfg, jakija vy chočacie zachavać, a potym calkam vydalicie ​​quake3 z kamputara, nie zabyvajučy fajly kanfihuracyi, schavanyja ŭ roznych miescach. u Windows 10, jak C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Quake i/abo Steam i ŭ inšych miescach.

Taksama vydalicie ​​pakiet razmarožvannia 20.5, ačyscicie kamputar Wipe https://privacyroot.com/apps/freeware/t ... -wipe-.php, a zatym ačyscicie rejestr Ccleaner https://www.ccleaner.com/ zrabicie *ziemliatrus* i *q3* pošuk na C: kab pierakanacca, što ničoha nie zastalosia ...

Zrabicie pierazahruzku kamputara, raspakujcie pakiet ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5.zip i zmiescicie tečku niepasredna na C: kab C:\ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5\ dadaŭ pak0.pk3, potym vybierycie fajl ioq3v6, jaki adpaviadaje vašamu abstaliavanniu, a paslia taho, jak huĺnia pačniecca, vy napišacie /r_mode 16 u kansoli, i, takim čynam, vy budziecie ŭpeŭnieny, što vaša prabliema nie zviazana z kanfliktam pamiž vašymi starymi ŭstanoŭkami Quake3 i pakietam Unfreeze

JA dazvaliaju sabie dać vam hetuju paradu, tamu što padčas pieršaha ŭstalioŭki pakieta razmarožvannia ŭ mianie byli prabliemy z kanfliktam kanfihuracyi, ja vyrašyŭ heta, dziejničajučy, jak apisana vyšej

Ništo nie pieraškadžaje vam pieraŭstalioŭvać Quake3 u C:\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena, pakidajučy razmarožany pakiet tam, dzie vy jaho razmiaščajecie, a mienavita C:\ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5\ jon vieĺmi dobra pracuje takim čynam . Kali vam treba, ja mahu vyslać vam 2 spasylki na torent dlia quake-3-arena-over-plus-osp-pc i Quake.

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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

btw as far as I recall he already got his issue fixed here (wrong/broken scaling system settings/drivers as suspected). I mean, not taking anything away from your advice just saying in case that got overlooked within all the messy conversation.
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

btw on this topic here about this windows dpi scaling issue I checked code base of reference and (supposedly) imported some fix for that I pushed now (along with other few patches) on a new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5a.zip package. I'd really appreciate if you could give a test to that package (don't forget about dropping the pak0.pk3 file inside it, baseq3 folder) and let me know if that finally displays properly on your computer "as-is" without the need to tweak further compatibility settings. as for the alt+tab thing I'll look it at other time, I don't think it's that important (I mean, dude's tweeter you wanna check got recently permanently banned) so it's probably not worth the effort at the moment (I'd rather deal with other more important issues).
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Re: Kamikaze

Post by 9ll Belarus »

adminless wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:49 not that I'm aware of, btw I just pushed a new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5a.zip package could you check if that fixed the dpi scaling issue on your system and then it works "as-is" (i.e. without the need to enable any compatibility options)?
1920x1200 is work. Thanx.
Alt+Tab don`t work.
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

ok, that's great then, thanks for test that out and get back to me, then issue solved. as for the Alt+Tab thing I just told before, that's not as a critical thing, I might look into that at other time (when it's more convenient) so far it will remain.
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Re: display issue

Post by 9ll Belarus »

adminless wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:11 the Alt+Tab thing I just told before, that's not as a critical thing
Can Q3 give me sound, then I melted?
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

currently not though I can consider it for a future version, thanks for feedback. btw about the alt+tab thing if you so desperately need it that much just as I mentioned early here you have a solution for that. thus basically grab the attached cfg, exec it in-game and after that F5 will release/grab again the game. tested with the afford mentioned package so please give it a try and let me know if it worked for you and if that finally meet your needs.
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Re: display issue

Post by 9ll Belarus »

Don`t undestand. F5 only switch Full/not Full screen for me now.
can consider it for a future version
I mean, sound which I hear When I will read facebook :think:
Last edited by 9ll Belarus on Fri Jan 22, 2021 22:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

also release mouse/keyboard with allows you to alt+tab and/or just do anything else, doesn't it?
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Re: display issue

Post by 9ll Belarus »

adminless wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 22:24 also release mouse/keyboard with allows you to alt+tab and/or just do anything else, doesn't it?
I need two motion here:
1. F5
2. Then Press Alt+Tab
Its nonconvinient, cose I switch a lot to another application.
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

ok but it does work right? as I said, that's not a critical thing and that now should be a functional solution to your problem so I'm not gonna spend that much time on that by now, that should make it so far.
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Re: display issue

Post by 9ll Belarus »

OK ☺ Thanx for that ☺

I paid attention to this because it is unusual.
I've been playing since 2000, since version 1.11
Alt+tab always worked... Including at the workplace :lol:
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Re: display issue

Post by adminless »

well in my experience atl+tab always broke fullscreen multimedia applications in one way or another and to be honest when I'm in-game, I'm in-game, I never really even cared about any of that to begin with. but anyways I appreciate you telling me and thanks for testing it out. btw re-download the previous cfg as I changed it now with a minor correction after further testing.