what are your favorite maps?

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what are your favorite maps from the current rotation?

Poll ended at Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:40

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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

I think that you're probably being unrealistically optimistic, neglecting the reality and overall making a subjective interpretation of the statements here.

first probably (since you were away) you're missing the fact that it does matter what maps I put on UnFreeZe2 as one of the reasons why it went 24/7 customs maps during February 2018 was because it was getting "too" popular when it switched to the standard rotation at prime time, as a matter of fact during that time it was getting 4/8 players typically at those times and just the next day it didn't switch to standard maps got zero players and only a successful 1vs1 in a month with a average of successful 6/7 connections per week (not even one per day most of the days). once again as UnFreeZe1 got overcrowded again the next month and UnFreeZe2 started balancing again into standard maps it started to get games going again frequently at prime times as usual which proves for a fact that it does actually matter what maps I load even in UnFreeZe2.

second of course if I would "kill" (be it by a bad rotation/changes or whatever) UnFreeZe1 it wouldn't die altogether the next day, it would still hold, at least for some time, but as proved for a fact it would half the population at best (i.e. at prime time) and probably would cut it by a quarter if no more the rest of the times which furthermore it also points another major flaw here, if you're realistically aiming with these changes at a 6-12 players max range (which is the proven reality for that) most custom maps won't even fit as precisely the point with them is that, fitting huge games (i.e. typically at least over 16 players, letting alone those usual for custom 1vs1) not the usual mid loads (for that the standard ones are even usually better most of the times) we would be working with.

third I also believe that you're missing the point here, this doesn't really have much to do with my specific liking, my main task here is first ensure that this works by a adequate technical quality standard and then to get the things going for everybody and by everybody here I mean everybody, not just the guys participating on the forum that altogether just account for a 20% of the servers population or a particular specific set of players that probably won't even account for more than 10% of the actual total servers population. so as I acknowledge and respect the specific needs of this set of players (in this case you for example) and try to do the best to accommodate this needs (as you can see, loaded custom maps on UnFreeZe2 24/7, killed it altogether, loaded custom maps on UnFreeZe1, halved the server load at best, created a specific package containing all the required custom maps, helped nothing etc etc) at the same time you (this 10%) must also acknowledge and respect the likes and preferences of the rest of the players, in this case 90% of the people, that aren't on the same page as you and that simply find those maps awkward and are not that interested.

for the record about this last, a typical criticism regular average players do about custom maps is that they just can't compete on them at all, usually most people is only minimally competitive on those maps they know well (i.e. the standard ones), therefor it would be a change that for the most part it would only benefit that 10% of the server population and it would go against the majority here which at the end of the day even if you think about it that majority is the reason why that 10% is really here and not the other way around as typically most of the times this 10% use to hate each other with a passion as can be seen daily at the server or even here at the forum. bottom line here at the end of the day even if it would worked it's something that it would even be go strongly against the very same people who is actually requesting it, it would end up turning the community much more wasted and toxic overall which won't be overlooked for much time I can tell you too.

fourth yes the current poll reflect your criticism of dm14 so as consequence a few weeks ago I already reduced greatly (halved almost) its chances of loading at the server to account for that, I no longer see that much of issue about that anymore, currently of the top maps dm14 is the less likely. anyways, besides although part of your criticism can be shared by others I believe that qualify dm14 as just only 12 players max I believe that is way incorrect as typically around 12 aprox is the bare minimum to really get games going on that map.

fith as fer has just told dm12 has also been tried at some point (as virtually anything already) and it definitively didn't work at all here for almost anybody. you can see what I'm talking you about in this thread here.

and yes of course sure as long as people doesn't "flood" (aka spam) the forums with always the same things over and over I pretty much always appreciate all kind of requests, although for some reasons or another I won't always take on them, at least, as you can see I'll consider them and even try the best to incorporate what's possible.

so that's all for now, I hope at least with this I could help to clear you up the topic a bit during your absence (yes, server improved/grown considerably this time and most of this has already been discussed long during this time).
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

ok, re-launched this poll to reflect the new changes/additions for this season. please recast your votes and explicitly bear in mind that this is merely a opinion poll to take as base for future revisions, nothing more. in no case exist the obligation to act on its results.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by WhoAmI »

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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

I like most. What would be nice is to have more rotation of them. Meaning, tonight for example if I recall correctly at least twice we got the same map in a row twice...probably because of the number of players, only certain maps can come up. I think it would be fun to at least sometimes throw in a smaller map just for a hell of it, to give a break from the same-old same-old. Perhaps it would stop people from whining about new maps all the time. I know the smaller maps would be terribly crowded, maybe not even enough spawn points and the game is almost stupid at that point, but I'm sure it would be fast, over very quick, and would give a small break in the rotation. I'm sure most players would just LOL for the most of something like that. Maybe not, I have no experience. But for example to throw in q3tourney4 in the middle of two q3dm11s would be a fun break :-D ...just to let some steam off. Maybe a bad idea, but it's an idea :-) Even a q3tourney1 or q3dm5 with 22 players would make a silly crazy house but for a very short game. It would bring variety though. And if not every evening, it could be like a "Friday night madness" where all small maps are rotated in regardless of the number of players :-D
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

lol do that just once and I'm pretty sure that WhoAmI (or name any other player more in the competitive side there) will suffer from some severe brain hemorrhage and will collapse and he won't be same anymore after that day hahahaha now seriously, start doing that and you will put your players off. people basically will start viewing the server just as a random noob fucked up shit and they will almost with total certainty will lose respect for it and will stop taking it any "serious". I don't see it happening.

as for the map repetition, thanks for report I haven't spot it yet. that's clearly a "bug" apparently something fucked up in the maps balance when I messed up with dm12. some map repetition is still expected but very very rarely (may be once a week or stuff like that). twice in a row (almost) is clearly a bug. I'll dig that and see what's going on, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Hehehe, I hear ya. Well, if nothing else, it's something you could throw in as an April's fool joke ;-)

What I've been doing recently is if I want a small map, well I just go on the Freefun, which is always less crowded and has a completely different cycle. That is probably the best solution anyhow, to have a choice between two servers this way.

Thanks for looking into the repetition, it's not a huge deal at all, I just figured I'll share.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

yes basically that's the point with having two servers beside accommodate the current close to thirty players load, have more map alternatives. yeah I know and I appreciate that you tell me as I haven't noticed it and it was kinda a "bug" (an unintended behavior). anyways just fixed now, still some occasional map repetitions are expected but like I told very very rarely not just like that. let me know if you ever encounter that situation again.