don't worry I probably wrote that as you was posting, that's why I was reminding you off. btw following this I've just published now some new (testing so far) versions for the new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client version
here targeting your v-sync issue so I would appreciate if you could check them out and let me know if now those automatically turn off v-sync on your installment and also how they perform overall. just as a reminder you need both these files, the new
ioq3v6-openal (yes, it's different, re-download and replace, that's how stuff is deployed here, no unnecessary trash/obsoletes) and the new
unfreeze1-client.pk3 file (place under your unfreeze folder and this time in particular remove the previous versions, i.e. delete unfreeze0-client.pk3 and unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3).