so I'm back at here with some unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 update mostly relating the issues in this post so please make sure to redownlaod it and replace it as usual to stay up-to-date with the gamemod (important). in addition to that I also reviewed and updated first post of this thread (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11#p29) to reflect the latest additions and "complete" it with more info so make sure to take a look at it too.
then what's changed this time, not too much:
-fixed/removed some aesthetics/unnecessary map lightning effects that could occlude the view for everybody and were "broken" for picmips users in particular.
-replaced cg_marks by cg_markstime (in msecs) to control the amount of time the marks left by the shots will stay on the walls/floors (and cg_marks disappeared).
-embedded into the mod some sample standard and hardcore settings for fast and easy near complete client configuration.
the new cg_markstime client variable takes msecs as argument, its default value in vanilla Quake III Arena until now was 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds, i.e. hella lot of time) and it works as follows. for values lower than 3000 is just disabled as the old cg_marks 0 and for values from 3000 and on wards it represent the amount of msecs the shot marks will stay in the walls. it's recommended and typical values are 0 for standard settings (since there's explosions and those marks basically just turn everything into a messy stain and are simply no needed) and 3000, the minimum, for hardcore settings (since they have been found by newb.zi to be a good alternative to the explosions in the hardcore settings config).
finally that now the hardcore settings has been polished and are starting to come together the (updated) standard.cfg and hardcore.cfg files just posted some above in this thread have been embedded into the client gamemod in order to facilitate the configuration for basically everybody (not just the casual/newcomers). they are tested to be exec just from default settings (i.e. from "deleting", it can be just moved away, your current config). although they should generally work otherwise is recommended to use them in that fashion at least the first time. they're also quite handy in case of some lost cfg or as a "fail-safe" option and they are also tested to be switchable between them. although the regular "standard" settings will still stay in place and they are still recommended for people new to the game to familiarize with it the current hardcore settings really do improve the game in several aspects (from the obvious gameplay advantages to even technical, higher more stable fps etc) that from now on wards they make new "standard" and recommended settings here. I will likely update these cfgs in the mod from release to release so to stay in tune with them make sure to sync them in your client with the command down bellow (and just replace "hardcore" with "standard" if you prefer the later):
Code: Select all
\exec hardcore
enjoy and have fun guys, see you