dm14 unpopular map

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Re: dm14 unpopular map

Post by dunno »

Honestly I cannot complain about dm14 or any other map. Indeed with some maps it's harder to stay alive when it's 11vs11 and position in a more safe place against hordes of enemies. But personally I don't care much about my death as long as I'm unfrozen by teammates conveniently. I would suggest to pay less attention to stats/score as in the long run it will balance out anyway.

For the dm14 indeed there are basically 3 narrow ways. Not rail-friendly. But I have no problem with that even if my team spawns next to YA. Go lower way to jump pad with some rocket acceleration. It's rarely crowded. What I do myself - just push through and hope my teammates help out.

P.S. I'm more of a +forward rocket person, so all of it is very subjective.
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Re: dm14 unpopular map

Post by _Nisa_ »

Yup, dm14 does not work. All the fighting happens in the large room (quad?) near red armor. I nowadays always go spec or quit when that map comes around. On the other hand I always go spec or quit when autobalance switches me. And I'm not the only one.