[VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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[VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by fau »

Nice renders. I don't know if you know, but you can have original q3 hud in wolfcamql with "cg_qlhud 0". Some ppl complain about wolfcam that it doesn't look like q3 but I think it's mostly hud.
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by adminless »

to be honest I didn't know so thanks for the tip but anyways I believe that probably this looks like a improvement over the original in my opinion. I mean, I still use the classic UnFreeZe render since it's almost twice as fast and it probably even looks/fit better (at least quality/use/performance wise) as you note but mostly for lesser events. for the main events/finals and similar I believe this one works better and make the replays more exciting. on a side note, no the differences between the renders go beyond just the hud. the lightning is totally different, the effects and probably some shaders/textures as well differ and ultimately even the fov and perspective differ. overall I tuned it to make it look alike and recognizable but obviously ultimately they are not the same thing (which btw they don't have to). well I guess that if there's demand for it I don't really care about dropping classic renders of this on the inside fpsclassico videos as well as the already provided ones.
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by fau »

I haven't heard anyone complaining about your videos specifically. Just that some people don't want to use wolfcamql because it looks too much like ql. For me, playing both games, I also like when there is a distinction. I don't think it's worth making double renders - just wanted to share it with you and it's up to you which version you like.
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by oKo*Magister »

fau wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 19:48 Nice renders. I don't know if you know, but you can have original q3 hud in wolfcamql with "cg_qlhud 0". Some ppl complain about wolfcam that it doesn't look like q3 but I think it's mostly hud.
But textures are still QL, isn't it?
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by adminless »

no, they are mostly mixed since there's assets (maps included) that don't exist in quakelive.
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by Lisa_Ann »


If you want "very nice render" use opengl2 rendering. If you use windows u can edit C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Wolfcamql\wolfcam-ql\q3config.cfg

default is seta cl_renderer "opengl1" change seta cl_renderer "opengl2"

Compatible with most vanilla Quake 3 mods.
HDR Rendering, and support for HDR lightmaps
Tone mapping and auto-exposure.
Cascaded shadow maps.
Multisample anti-aliasing.
Texture upsampling.
Advanced materials support.
Advanced shading and specular methods.
RGTC and BPTC texture compression support.
Screen-space ambient occlusion.

https://github.com/brugal/wolfcamql/blo ... -readme.md Brugal wolfcamql opengl2 install.

https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/blob/ma ... -readme.md ioquake3 opnegl2 and descriptions.

If u change render you must manual edit the q3config.cfg.

Code: Select all

Cvars for simple rendering features:

r_ext_compressed_textures - Automatically compress textures. 0 - No texture compression. (default) 1 - DXT/RGTC texture compression if supported. 2 - BPTC texture compression if supported.

r_ext_framebuffer_multisample - Multisample Anti-aliasing. 0 - None. (default) 1-16 - Some. 17+ - Too much!

r_ssao - Enable screen-space ambient occlusion. Currently eats framerate and has some visible artifacts. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Yes.

Cvars for HDR and tonemapping:

r_hdr - Do scene rendering in a framebuffer with high dynamic range. (Less banding, and exposure changes look much better) 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_cameraExposure - Cheat. Alter brightness, in powers of two. -2 - 4x as dark. 0 - Normal. (default) 0.5 - Sqrt(2)x as bright. 2 - 4x as bright.

r_postProcess - Enable post-processing. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_toneMap - Enable tone mapping. Requires r_hdr and r_postProcess. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_forceToneMap - Cheat. Override built-in and map tonemap settings and use cvars r_forceToneMapAvg, r_forceToneMapMin, and r_forceToneMapMax. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Yes.

r_forceToneMapAvg - Cheat. Map average scene luminance to this value, in powers of two. Requires r_forceToneMap. -2.0 - Dark. -1.0 - Kinda dark. (default). 2.0 - Too bright.

r_forceToneMapMin - Cheat. After mapping average, luminance below this level is mapped to black. Requires r_forceToneMap. -5 - Not noticeable. -3.25 - Normal. (default) 0.0 - Too dark.

r_forceToneMapMin - Cheat. After mapping average, luminance above this level is mapped to white. Requires r_forceToneMap. 0.0 - Too bright. 1.0 - Normal. (default). 2.0 - Washed out.

r_autoExposure - Do automatic exposure based on scene brightness. Hardcoded to -2 to 2 on maps that don't specify otherwise. Requires r_hdr, r_postprocess, and r_toneMap. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_forceAutoExposure - Cheat. Override built-in and map auto exposure settings and use cvars r_forceAutoExposureMin and r_forceAutoExposureMax. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Yes.

r_forceAutoExposureMin - Cheat. Set minimum exposure to this value, in powers of two. Requires r_forceAutoExpsure. -3.0 - Dimmer. -2.0 - Normal. (default) -1.0 - Brighter.

r_forceAutoExposureMax - Cheat. Set maximum exposure to this value, in powers of two. Requires r_forceAutoExpsure. 1.0 - Dimmer. 2.0 - Normal. (default) 3.0 - Brighter.

Cvars for advanced material usage:

r_normalMapping - Enable normal maps for materials that support it. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_specularMapping - Enable specular maps for materials that support it. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_deluxeMapping - Enable deluxe mapping. (Map is compiled with light directions.) Even if the map doesn't have deluxe mapping compiled in, an approximation based on the lightgrid will be used. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_parallaxMapping - Enable parallax mapping for materials that support it. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Use parallax occlusion mapping. 2 - Use relief mapping. (slower)

r_parallaxMapOffset - Set the parallax height offset. 0 - Values map to -255 - 0. (default) 0.5 - Values map to -127 - 127. 1.0 - Values map to 0 - 255.

r_parallaxMapShadows - Enable self-shadowing on parallax map supported materials. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Yes.

r_baseSpecular - Set the specular reflectance of materials which don't include a specular map or use the specularReflectance keyword. 0 - No. 0.04 - Realistic. (default) 1.0 - Ack.

r_baseGloss - Set the glossiness of materials which don't include a specular map or use the specularExponent keyword. 0 - Rough. 0.3 - Default. 1.0 - Shiny.

r_baseNormalX - Set the scale of the X values from normal maps when the normalScale keyword is not used. -1 - Flip X. 0 - Ignore X. 1 - Normal X. (default) 2 - Double X.

r_baseNormalY - Set the scale of the Y values from normal maps when the normalScale keyword is not used. -1 - Flip Y. 0 - Ignore Y. 1 - Normal Y. (default) 2 - Double Y.

r_baseParallax - Sets the scale of the parallax effect for materials when the parallaxDepth keyword is not used. 0 - No depth. 0.01 - Pretty smooth. 0.05 - Standard depth. (default) 0.1 - Looks broken.

r_pbr - Enable physically based rendering. Experimental, will not look correct without assets meant for it. 0 - No. (default) 1 - Yes.

Cvars for image interpolation and generation:

r_imageUpsample - Use interpolation to artificially increase the resolution of all textures. Looks good in certain circumstances. 0 - No. (default) 1 - 2x size. 2 - 4x size. 3 - 8x size, etc

r_imageUpsampleMaxSize - Maximum texture size when upsampling textures. 1024 - Default. 2048 - Really nice. 4096 - Really slow. 8192 - Crash.

r_imageUpsampleType - Type of interpolation when upsampling textures. 0 - None. (probably broken) 1 - Bad but fast (default, FCBI without second derivatives) 2 - Okay but slow (normal FCBI)

r_genNormalMaps - Naively generate normal maps for all textures. 0 - Don't. (default) 1 - Do.

Cvars for the sunlight and cascaded shadow maps:

r_forceSun - Cheat. Force sunlight and shadows, using sun position from sky material. 0 - Don't. (default) 1 - Do. 2 - Sunrise, sunset.

r_forceSunLightScale - Cheat. Scale sun brightness by this factor when r_forceSun 1. 1.0 - Default

r_forceSunAmbientScale - Cheat. Scale sun ambient brightness by this factor when r_forceSun 1. 0.5 - Default

r_sunShadows - Enable sunlight and cascaded shadow maps for it on maps that support it. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_sunlightMode - Specify the method used to add sunlight to the scene. 0 - No. 1 - Multiply lit areas by light scale, and shadowed areas by ambient scale. (default) 2 - Add light. Looks better, but is slower and doesn't integrate well with existing maps.

r_shadowFilter - Enable filtering shadows for a smoother look. 0 - No. 1 - Some. (default) 2 - Much.

r_shadowMapSize - Size of each cascaded shadow map. 256 - 256x256, ugly, probably shouldn't go below this. 512 - 512x512, passable. 1024 - 1024x1024, good. (default) 2048 - 2048x2048, extreme. 4096 - 4096x4096, indistinguishable from 2048.

Cvars that you probably don't care about or shouldn't mess with:

r_depthPrepass - Do a depth-only pass before rendering. Speeds up rendering in cases where advanced features are used. Required for r_sunShadows. 0 - No. 1 - Yes. (default)

r_mergeLightmaps - Merge the small (128x128) lightmaps into 2 or fewer giant (4096x4096) lightmaps. Easy speedup. 0 - Don't. 1 - Do. (default)

r_shadowCascadeZNear - Near plane for shadow cascade frustums. 4 - Default.

r_shadowCascadeZFar - Far plane for shadow cascade frustums. 3072 - Default.

r_shadowCascadeZBias - Z-bias for shadow cascade frustums. -256 - Default.

Cvars that have broken bits:

r_dlightMode - Change how dynamic lights look. 0 - Quake 3 style dlights, fake brightening. (default) 1 - Actual lighting, no shadows. 2 - Light and shadows. (broken)

r_pshadowDist - Virtual camera distance when creating shadowmaps for projected shadows. Deprecated.

cg_shadows - Old shadow code. Deprecated.
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Re: [VIDEO] team masters vs team UnFreeZe, ultimate force super fight (3:2)

Post by adminless »

hey thanks for the tip. I know about the opengl 2.0 render on ioquake3 but in line with what was written before I actually prefer the classic render. the "new" render is painfully slow (in comparison) and it's probably not even worth the effort in my opinion. the classic render looks better at least with the standard/classic custom game assets.