fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

fpsclassico masters 22 - Miroslav super champion
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fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by adminless »

ok, as various of you requested me already during these months I launch now another edition of the classic masters tournaments I host here. initially I had this planned for the winter but in light of all the activity that finally took place on the main UnFreeZe thing it obviously got delayed till this April 2022 basically (i.e. spring). as there seemed to be interest for this thing as well I'll keep this edition more casual and open oriented to anybody so this time I won't name/suggest anybody for it although obviously depending on who shows up I'll try to keep the matchmaking competitive somehow. for the rulesets and all that I believe that everything should be known already, these are just classic 10 minutes best of five duels played mostly on the fpsclasico masters server (masters.fpsclasico.eu:27966 or masters.fpsclasico.de:27966) although I believe that for this edition if all the parts involved agreed some matches could be as well played on the qlmasters server (quakelive.fpsclasico.eu:27978 only there) given there's enough interest and the situation calls for it. please note that the classic masters server setup is vastly different (almost a polar opposite) to the well know main UnFreeZe thing most around here are used to. thus before consider joining here make sure to have played at last a couple of competitive matches there with your friends in order to make sure that such server/settings meet your standards for taking part on a tournament. in case of any doubts or anything about this just ask them here or contact me as always.

ok good, just as a reminder the current map pools are as follow:
  • masters (classic): q3dm2 (beginners) , q3dm5 (beginners) , pro-q3dm6 (campgrounds) , pro-q3tourney2 (provinggrounds) , q3tourney3 (beginners) , pro-q3tourney4 (verticalvengeance) , pro-q3dm13 (lostworld) , pro-q3tourney7 (almostlost) , bloodcovenant (remake) , cpm1a (wicked) , cpm3a (useandabuse) , cpm15 (exclusive) , cpm24 (phrantic) , hektik_b3 (hektik) , hub3aeroq3 (aerowalk) , hub3tourney1 (dismemberment) , phantq3dm1_rev (battleforged) , pukka3tourney2 (toxicity) , q3shw19 (exclusive) , qxtourney1 (choice) , storm3tourney1 (exclusive) , ztn3tourney1 (bloodrun)
  • masters (quakelive): aerowalk (hub3aeroq3) , almostlost (pro-q3tourney7) , battleforged (phantq3dm1_rev) , bloodrun (ztn3tourney1) , campgrounds (pro-q3dm6) , cure (exclusive) , dismemberment (hub3tourney1) , elder (exclusive) , furiousheights (exclusive) , hektik (hektik_b3) , houseofdecay (choice) , lostworld (pro-q3dm13) , phrantic (cpm24) , provinggrounds (pro-q3tourney2) , silence (exclusive) , sinister (exclusive) , toxicity (pukka3tourney2) , useandabuse (cpm3a) , verticalvengeance (pro-q3tourney4) , wicked (cpm1a)
on quakelive obviously all the assets come included with the standard steam installation. on Quake III Arena you need to install them yourself as usual by either using one of the provided full client packages (ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v21.7.zip , fpsclasico-client-community-edition.zip), installing the provided masters_mappack.zip package that contains all the custom maps or just by individual installing them yourself from the provided links. whatever the case is in that regard please make sure to have at least those maps installed on your client and to familiarize to some extend with them (at least the most popular ones) as well before joining this tournament. as for the tie-breakers I think that ultimately the start of tournament fixed tie-breakers top popular list that was seen on the UnFreeZe thing is what worked best then I think that I'll just adopt that here so basically the tie-breakers for the tournament fights will be as follow: and I think that should be it by now just remember about the map pool and map choices that pro-q3dm6 and booldcovenant are both mutually exclusive and that all the maps of a fight must be different. I believe the plan should be to leave this open to sign up for 1-2 weeks from now and then close the details by then (that's it around the second week of April 2022 between the 11 and 15) depending on the circumstances and on what will ultimately be played. overall I believe the intention should be to complete this by late May at most and the play times will be as usual week days night with possibility to dispute some weekends if necessary as well. other than that unfortunately as you can understand as it largely depends on the response at the time of writing I just can't give any more specific calendar. ok, so who's finally up for this?
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by nickaero »

I am signing up for this
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by PacMan »

nickaero wrote: Thu Mar 31, 2022 22:14 I am signing up for this
Ok but your not allowed to use wtf.wannabe.fus1on!?

As it's banned )

@admin how about current standings? On last duels did you rank everyone ? , Or maybe make one
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by nickaero »

I don't understand why the map pool is so big tho, why not just have like 7 maps for the Masters server?
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

put me on the list, time to test yourself ;OO
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by sn1 »

im in
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by adminless »

sounds good thanks for joining in guys. ok, so then I have nick, cthulhu, and sn1 signed so far, anybody else?

@pacman you have the official ranking here and on the masters.fpsclasico.de server page all the games that has been played so far. on the later I'll pretty much upload everything, on the former it may depend on the circumstances (the significance of the event/fight). whatever the case is I'll try to accommodate sensible fights/calendar to everybody who signed as usual so do you want to participate or not?

@nick the map pool is big as to appeal/accommodate to the most wide array of people/styles (from total beginners all the way to hardcore modern players) and not just to a very specific limited one (i.e. die-hard old school).

btw that I just noticed now that I forgot to comment on the original post about it, the playing order for the fights here goes a-b-b-a-c, with a being the player regarded as the strongest of the fight (at least on first match up). notice that that's a difference compared to the UnFreeZe thing as to generally keep it more competitive since these are usually all knock out fights and the chance of a upset is a lot more slim. the c is obviously the tie-breaker which is fixed announced already since the beginning of the tournament as you can see on the initial post and the a choices have preference over the b ones. last but not least, needless to say so far I guess but just in case, all the map choices for each fight should be known at least 24 hours before each fight (recommended 36 hours in the case of the a player as to give time to chose to the b player).
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by oKo*Magister »

I'm in too! I hope that my opponent won't mind playing QL tho :D
It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by adminless »

sounds good ok we'll see the quakelive thing is mostly just a test so far as probably for other than random/casual pub servers I never really hosted/organized anything serious there. the main thing will obviously remain the classic one but if the interest for a quekelive edition is high I believe that given the case two different cups could be scheduled and then have some sort of unified bout under special conditions or something. anyways as usual we'll see how this plays out as more people shows up and so.
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by nickaero »

Will the tournament be held in May or will it start already in April?
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by adminless »

I think the idea is to give a couple of weeks at most to sign up and then just start afterwards (i.e. on the second half of April) and get the whole thing done no later than May probably. unfortunately as I said I think that as you can understand at this point until there's no tournament participation/scheme closed I can't be any more specific than that.
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by sn1 »

i can tell already that I won't play on ql as well,if thats a problem just tell
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by nickaero »

I am trying to get players from other communities to sign up
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by adminless »

@sn1 no that's not problem at all, the main thing here will obviously remain the classic masters (i.e. masters.fpsclasico.eu:27966 or masters.fpsclasico.de:27966) and that's what will be played. as said the quakelive setting is only provided as well just in case there's interest on that for specific fights/situations.
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Re: fpsclassico masters tournament 2022

Post by Heero-2b »

add me