=== Part 4: Custom Settings ====================================================================================
- Chapter 1: Connection Tweaking
- Chapter 2: Graphics Details (incl. Weapon Details)
- Chapter 3: HUD Overlays (incl. Crosshair)
- Chapter 4: Chat
- Chapter 5: Personalisation
- Chapter 6: Movement Configuration
Code: Select all
// ************************************************************************************************
// quake 3 arena configuration: custom settings
// ************************************************************************************************
// === connection tweaking ========================================================================
seta rate "25000" // modem speed/rate of data transfer, maximum rate at which you will be able to receive data from the server
seta snaps "40" // set the number of "snapshots" that you receive from the server per second (server run at 40Hz, so use 40, 20, or 10)
seta cl_maxpackets "100" // set the transmission packet size or how many packets are sent to client
seta cl_packetdelay "0" // simulate packet latency (0: off)
seta cl_packetdup "0" // using bandwidth to send packets twice, set higher if you have packetloss (0 to 3)
seta cl_timenudge "0" // effectively adds local lag in milliseconds to try to make sure you interpolate instead of extrapolate, use negative numbers if you have a higher ping (0: default)
seta cg_smoothclients "1" // enables players in your view will be predicted and will appear more smooth even if they are on a bad network connection, small prediction errors might appear and g_smoothclients have to be enabled on the server (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_deferplayers "1" // prevents the "hitch" effect when a player using a new model or skin joins the game after you
seta cl_allowdownload "0" // automatic downloading of maps from the connected server
seta cl_anonymous "0" // anonymous connection to a server
// === display ====================================================================================
seta r_swapinterval "0" // vsync but no no in-game effect! use your graphics driver settings to activate vsync!
seta r_displayrefresh "100" // monitor refresh rate but no in-game effect! use com_maxfps instead if you have vsync enabled
seta r_mode "-1" // resolution (see /modelist in console, -2 (ioq3): uses desktop resolution, -1: custom used with r_customheight and r_customwidth, 3: default)
seta r_custompixelaspect "1" // toggle the use of custom screen resolution/sizes (0: off, 1: on)
seta r_customwidth "3440" // resolution custom width
seta r_customheight "1440" // resolution custom height
seta r_fullscreen "1" // application window mode (0: window, 1: fullscreen)
seta cg_viewsize "100" // view port size (30 to 100)
seta cg_fov "115" // field of view (default: 90, lower: better frontal vision, higher: better peripheral vision)
seta com_maxfps "200" // set max frames per second you receive from the server (should match your monitors refresh rate if you activate vsync in your driver)
seta com_maxfpsminimized "0" // maximum frames per second when minimized
seta com_maxfpsunfocused "0" // maximum frames per second when unfocused
// === graphics details ===========================================================================
seta com_blood "0" // enables blood
seta cg_gibs "0" // display of animated explosions and flying body parts (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_marks "1" // display marks the projectiles leave on the wall (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_shadows "0" // set shadow detail level (0: off, 1: basic discs, 2: stencil buffered, 3: simple stencil buffered if r_stencilbits is not 0)
seta cg_simpleitems "1" // 2d sprite objects in place of the 3d animated objects makes some objects more "simple" and faster to render (0: off, 1: on)
// --- weapon details -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seta cg_drawgun "0" // visibility of the weapon you are holding (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_brasstime "0" // time shell casings being discharged from machine gun and shot gun are visible (2500: default)
seta cg_oldrocket "1" // rocket gun alternative rocket explosions (0: including smoke cloud, 1: default)
seta cg_truelightning "1" // lightning gun shows position of lightning trail (0: real position, higher: straighten it out to the direction of the crosshair)
seta cg_oldrail "1" // rail gun alternative rail (0: q2, 1: q3)
seta cg_railtrailtime "1499" // rail gun amount of time the rail trail is shown (1499: time it needs when rail is ready again)
seta r_railcorewidth "14" // rail gun radius of rail trail
seta r_railsegmentlength "64" // rail gun distance of rail trail segments
seta r_railwidth "0" // rail gun size of rail trail rings, only useable when cg_oldrail is disabled
seta cg_oldplasma "1" // plasma gun alternative plasma (0: added particles, 1: default)
// === hud overlays ===============================================================================
seta cg_draw2d "1" // drawing of 2d items or text on the status display (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_draw3dicons "0" // drawing of 3d icons on the hud and 2d icon for ammo (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawicons "0" // drawing of some icons on the hud and scoreboard (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawstatus "1" // display of health, armor and ammo (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawfps "1" // frames per second display (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawtimer "1" // timer since match start (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_lagometer "1" // display of lag-o-meter (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawsnapshot "0" // display of server snapshots counter since game start (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawteamoverlay "3" // set the drawing location of the team status overlay (0: off, 1: top right, 2: bottom right, 3: bottom left)
seta cg_drawammowarning "1" // low-ammo warning display (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawfriend "2" // show triangle above team mates (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawattacker "1" // toggle the display of last know assailant (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_drawrewards "0" // display of award icons above the "you fragged..." message (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_scoreplums "0" // display of the floating scoring number balloons when a player scores a (negative) point or points in any game type, the awarded point value floats up from the target like a balloon and slowly fades out (0: off, 1: on)
seta con_notifytime "4" // sets the amount of time text is being displayed
// --- crosshair ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
seta cg_drawcrosshair "1" // crosshair icon (0: disabled, 1 to 10: different styles)
seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "2" // show names when aiming at other player over crosshair
seta cg_crosshairsize "12" // size of crosshair
seta cg_crosshairx "0" // horizontal crosshair position
seta cg_crosshairy "0" // vertical crosshair position
seta cg_crosshairhealth "0" // changes crosshair color depending on health
// === chat =======================================================================================
seta cg_teamchatheight "3" // set number of lines or strings of text that remain on screen in team play chat mode (messagemode2) (1 to 8)
seta cg_teamchattime "5000" // set how long messages from teammates are displayed on the screen in milliseconds
seta cg_teamchatsonly "0" // only chats from team mates will be displayed
seta cg_novoicetext "0" // turn off the display of voice chat text copied to the console
seta cg_novoicechats "0" // toggle voice chat sounds (0: off, 1: on)
// === personalisation ============================================================================
seta name "^7newb^2.^7zi" // in-game name
seta sex "male" // in-game sex
seta model "bitterman/pm" // own model: body
seta headmodel "bitterman/pm" // own model: head
seta team_model "bitterman/pm" // own model in team matches: body
seta team_headmodel "bitterman/pm" // own model in team matches: head
seta cg_forcemodel "1" // forces model sarge on all players
seta color1 "4" // own rail trail color spiral core
seta color2 "3" // own rail trail color spiral ring
seta cg_autoswitch "0" // auto-switch weapons on pick-up (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_footsteps "1" // enables footstep sounds
seta cg_notaunt "1" // disables the ability to hear voice taunts (0: off, 1: on)
seta s_musicvolume "-1" // sets volume level of music while in-game (unfreeze -1: deactivates also every map ambient sound, 0: off, 1: loudest)
seta s_volume "0.06" // sets volume level of sound effects while in-game (0: off, 1: loudest)
// === movement configuration =====================================================================
seta cg_bobup "0" // set amount player view bobs up/down while moving
seta cg_bobpitch "0" // set amount player view bobs forward/back while moving
seta cg_runpitch "0" // set amount player view bobs up/down while running
seta cg_bobroll "0" // set amount player view rolls side to side while moving
seta cg_runroll "0" // set amount player view rolls side to side while running
seta cl_freelook "1" // use of freelook with the mouse (ability to look up and down)
seta cl_mouseaccel "0.12" // the mouse speeds up or becomes more sensitive as it continues in one direction
seta cl_pitchspeed "140" // set the pitch rate when +lookup and/or +lookdown are active
seta cl_yawspeed "140" // set the yaw rate when +left and/or +right are active
seta cl_run "1" // set running mode (0: off, 1: always running)
seta sensitivity "3.5" // mouse sensitivity (depends on mouse, dpi, sample rate, etc.)
seta m_filter "0" // turn on mouse interpolation which makes mouse movement smoother, adds latency (0 to 33)
seta m_forward "0.25" // set the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
seta m_side "0.25" // set the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves
seta m_pitch "-0.022" // set the up and down movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves (negative numbers result in inversed mouse)
seta m_yaw "0.022" // set the speed at which the players screen moves left and right while using the mouse
seta pmove_fixed "0" // fixes the fps jump bug by running pmove() at a fixed rate at every frame of the client side
seta pmove_msec "8" // sets the rate for pmove_fixed (8: default which is equivalent to normal physics at 1000 / 8 = 125 frames/second, 33: maximum and equivalent to 30 fps)
--- Part 4, Chapter 1: Connection Tweaking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here you can tweak your network performance. Check your Lag-o-meter (
cg_lagometer) to check the stability of your connection and use the following values to adjust it.
rate (integer)
Sets your bandwith. If you have a normal connection use the maximum value
"25000". Only reduce this value if you use a really slow connection (dial-in modem or such thing).
snaps (integer)
Sets the amounts of screenshots you can receive from the server and is capped to the servers value for
sv_fps. Should be set to
"40" or higher as
"40" is the established standard value on servers. Only reduce this value if you experience connection issues.
cl_maxpackets (integer)
Sets the maximum amount of packets you can send. This uses an integer divisor value of
com_maxfps. So you should set your
com_maxfps first and then use a value for
cl_maxpackets that fits your connection. The most packets you can send with a divisor of 1 (which then equals your
com_maxfps value). Then you can go lower in order to stabilize your connection.
Assume, your
com_maxfps value is
"125", then you can use one of the following values for
"125" (=
1, means for
each frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
"62" (=
2, means for every
second frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
"41" (=
3, means for every
third frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
"31" (=
4, means for every
fourth frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
- etc.
The best divisor is 1, of course and it is not recommended to use a higher divisor than 2. If you experience heavy connection issues or stuttering you should adjust
com_maxfps. Good combinations depending on your monitor, graphics card and network connection are:
cl_maxpackets =
"200" when
com_maxfps =
cl_maxpackets =
"125" when
com_maxfps =
cl_maxpackets =
"100" when
com_maxfps =
cl_maxpackets =
"100" when
com_maxfps =
cl_maxpackets =
"62" when
com_maxfps =
cl_maxpackets =
"50" when
com_maxfps =
cl_packetdup (integer)
Sets the amount of duplicate packets if you experience packet loss. Noticeable useful values are
"1" to
cl_timenudge (integer)
Sets the movement prediction time.
- positive values: simulates a higher ping (for LAN sessions, e.g.).
- negative values: compensates higher ping and simulate a lower one (maximum should be
cg_smoothclients should be disabled
The engine tries to predict the movement of other players according to their previous movement direction. This can lead to a player stuttering when the prediction fails. It takes some time to get used to it and I would not recommend negative values to players that have a ping lower than 40-50 ms.
cg_smoothclients (boolean)
Smoothes out the visibility of a high ping player that otherwise would stutter/warp around to you. In order to use this the server also has to enable it. That means your accuracy can vary from server to server.
"0": off (should be used when you are using negative timenudge)
"1": on
cl_allowdownload (boolean)
Allows the engine to download new
.pk3-files (incl. maps, skins, textures, sounds) from the server you are connecting to when it is needed. The server also has to allow this.
"0": off
"1": on
--- Part 4, Chapter 2: Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
r_swapinterval (boolean)
Should enable the VSYNC mode but actually has no in-game effect. Use your graphics driver settings instead.
"0": off
"1": on (no in-game effect)
r_displayrefresh (integer)
Should set the monitor refresh rate but actually has no in-game effect. Use your graphics driver settings and
com_maxfps (boolean) instead.
r_mode (integer)
Sets the resolution mode.
"-1": custom (uses the resolution set in
r_customwidth and
"0": 320x240
"1": 400x300
"2": 512x384
"3": 640x480
"4": 800x600
"5": 960x720
"6": 1024x768
"7": 1152x864
"8": 1280x1024
"9": 1600x1200
"10": 2048x1536
"11": 856x480
r_customwidth (integer)
You resolution width if you use a custom resolution. Only used when
r_mode =
r_customheight (integer)
You resolution height if you use a custom resolution. Only used when
r_mode =
r_fullscreen (boolean)
Sets the screen mode.
"0": off (windowed mode)
"1": on (fullscreen mode)
cg_viewsize (integer)
Sets the used display size.
"30": minimum
"100": maximum and default
cg_fov (integer)
Sets the peripheral vision. You should test it out. It should also be higher if you use higher resolutions.
"90": default
com_maxfps (integer)
Sets the maximum number of frames per second you can receive from the server.
At first, the Quake 3 engine can only render an integer divisor value of
1000 milliseconds:
"1000" (=
1, which means that
each millisecond a frame should be received and rendered, not really useable)
"500" (=
2, which means that every
2nd millisecond a frame should be received and rendered, maximum useable FPS)
"333" (=
3, which means that every
3rd millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"250" (=
4, which means that every
4th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"200" (=
5, which means that every
5th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered, new standard)
"166" (=
6, which means that every
6th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"142" (=
7, which means that every
7th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"125" (=
8, which means that every
8th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered, old standard)
"111" (=
9, which means that every
9th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"100" (=
10, which means that every
10th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"90" (=
11, which means that every
11th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
"83" (=
12, which means that every
12th millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
- ...
"30" (=
33, which means that every
33rd millisecond a frame should be received and rendered)
Furthermore, you have to consider your monitor refresh rate when you set this value as you will experience display stuttering if you render
less frames per second than your monitor refreshes. So you either set the value
equal to your monitor refresh rate or
higher. If you activate VSYNC on your graphics driver settings in your operational system your frames per second will be reduced to your monitor refresh rate automatically. Therefore you should use a monitor refresh rate value that is included in the above list and then set it also in
An optimum value is meant to be
"125" but nowadays also
"200" or even
"333" could be used if you do not experience frame drops or lag as
cl_maxpackets is connected to your
com_maxfps value (which probably is the cause why a value of
"1000" is not really useable).
At last, the native Quake 3 engine physics calculation method also depends on the FPS you are using and on the gravity setting the server has set. This is explained
here but to make it short: the highest jumps in standard gravity (
g_gravity =
800) could be performed with
com_maxfps =
125 or
com_maxfps =
333. This physics behaviour can be fixed by the server with the setting
pmove_fixed =
1 or is innately fixed by some mods (see
UnFreeZe discussion here).
com_maxfpsminimized (integer)
Sets the maximum number of frames per second you can receive from the server when the game window is minimized.
com_maxfpsunfocused (integer)
Sets the maximum number of frames per second you can receive from the server when the game window is unfocused.
--- Part 4, Chapter 3: Graphics Details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
com_blood (boolean)
Sets the display of blood.
"0": off
"1": on
cg_gibs (boolean)
Sets the display of animated explosions and flying body parts.
"0": off
"1": on
cg_marks (boolean)
Sets the display of marks that projectiles leave on a wall.
"0": off
"1": on
cg_shadows (integer)
Sets the shadow detail level.
"0": off
"1": basic discs
"2": stencil buffered
"3": simple stencil buffered if
r_stencilbits is not
cg_simpleitems (boolean)
Sets the display of items.
"0": 3D animated
"1": 2D sprite objects in place of the 3D animated objects, makes some objects more "simple" and faster to render
cg_drawgun (boolean)
Sets the visibility of the weapon you are holding.
"0": off
"1": on
cg_brasstime (integer)
Sets the amount of time that shell casings being discharged from machine gun and shot gun are visible.
"0": off
"2500": default
cg_oldrocket (boolean)
Sets the style of rocket explosions.
"0": including smoke clouds
"1": default
cg_truelightning (decimal)
Sets the visibility positioning of the lightning shaft. This could affect your overall aiming with the lightning gun.
"0": lightning shaft is shown on its actual position
"0.1" to
"0.9": lightning shaft is shown between actual and crosshair position
"1": lightning shaft is shown on crosshair position, default
cg_oldrail (boolean)
Sets the style of the rail gun.
"0": Quake 2 style
"1": Quake 3 style
cg_railtrailtime (integer)
Sets the amount of time the rail trail of the rail gun is shown.
"0": off
"1499": time it needs when the rail gun is ready again
r_railcorewidth (integer)
Sets the radius of the rail trail of the rail gun.
"0": off
"6": default
r_railsegmentlength (integer)
Sets the distance of the rail trail segments of the rail gun.
"0": off
"32": default
r_railwidth (integer)
Sets the size of the rail trail rings of the rail gun. Only useable when
cg_oldrail is disabled.
"0": off
"16": default
cg_oldplasma (boolean)
Sets the style of the plasma shots of the plasma gun.
"0": added particles
"1": default
--- Part 4, Chapter 4: HUD Overlays ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cg_draw2d (boolean)
Toggles the drawing of 2D items or text on the status display.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_draw3dicons (boolean)
Toggles the drawing of 3D items on the HUD and 2D icons for ammo.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawicons (boolean)
Toggles the drawing of some icons on the HUD and scoreboard.
"0": off (less distracting)
"1": on (default)
cg_drawstatus (boolean)
Toggles the display of health, armor and ammo.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawfps (boolean)
Toggles the display of your frames per second in the upper right corner.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
cg_drawtimer (boolean)
Toggles the display of the timer since match start in the upper right corner.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
cg_lagometer (boolean)
Toggles the display of the Lag-O-Meter in the bottom right corner.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawsnapshot (boolean)
Toggles the display of server snapshots counter since game start.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
cg_drawteamoverlay (integer)
Sets the display location of the team status overlay.
"0": off (default)
"1": top right
"2": bottom right
"3": bottom left
cg_drawammowarning (boolean)
Toggles the display of a low-ammo warning.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawfriend (boolean)
Toggles the display of a triangle above your team mates.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawattacker (boolean)
Toggles the display of last know assailant.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_drawrewards (boolean)
Toggles the display of award icons above the "You fragged..." message.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_scoreplums (boolean)
Toggles the display of the floating scoring number balloons when a player scores a (negative) point or points in any game type. The awarded point value floats up from the target like a balloon and slowly fades out.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
con_notifytime (integer)
Sets the amount of time text is being displayed.
"0": off
"3": default
cg_drawcrosshair (integer)
Sets the style of the crosshair.
"0": off
"1" to
"10": different crosshair styles (default:
cg_drawcrosshairnames (boolean)
Toggles the display of names over crosshair when aiming at other players.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_crosshairsize (integer)
Sets the size of the crosshair.
"0": off
"24": default
cg_crosshairx (integer)
Sets the vertical position of the crosshair.
"0": default
cg_crosshairy (integer)
Sets the horizontal position of the crosshair.
"0": default
cg_crosshairhealth (boolean)
Toggles the display of the crosshair color.
"0": always white
"1": crosshair color changes depending on health: <100: yellow, <50: orange, <30: red (default)
--- Part 4, Chapter 5: Chat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cg_teamchatheight (integer)
Sets amount of text that remain on screen in team play chat mode (
"0": off (default)
"1" to
"8": number of lines/strings
cg_teamchattime (integer)
Sets the amount of time messages from teammates are displayed on the screen in milliseconds.
"0": off
"3000": default
cg_teamchatsonly (boolean)
Toggles the display of team chats only.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
cg_novoicetext (boolean)
Toggles the display of voice chat text copied to the console.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
cg_novoicechats (boolean)
Toggles the sound of voice chats.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
--- Part 4, Chapter 6: Personalisation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name (string)
Your nickname in-game.
model (model)
Defines your model. You should use the most less distracting model from an acoustic perspective which is by far
"bitterman". You can also test
"ranger" and
"uriel". If you change this variable in-game you have to execute
vid_restart afterwards.
headmodel (model)
Defines your models head. See
team_model (model)
Defines your model on team matches. See
team_headmodel (model)
Defines your models head on team matches. See
color1 (color)
Sets the own rail trail color of the rail gun spiral core.
"4": default
color2 (color)
Sets the own rail trail color of the rail gun spiral ring.
"5": default
cg_autoswitch (boolean)
Toggle auto-switch weapons on pick-up.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_footsteps (boolean)
Enables footsteps when a player runs.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
cg_notaunt (boolean)
Toggles the voice taunt muting.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
s_musicvolume (decimal)
Sets volume level of in-game music.
"0": off
"0.25": default
"1": loudest
s_volume (decimal)
Sets volume level of in-game sound.
"0": off
"0.8": default
"1": loudest
--- Part 4, Chapter 7: Movement Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cg_bobup (decimal)
Sets amount player view bobs up/down while moving.
"0": off
"0.005": default
cg_bobpitch (decimal)
Sets amount player view bobs forward/back while moving.
"0": off
"0.002": default
cg_runpitch (decimal)
Sets amount player view bobs up/down while running.
"0": off
"0.002": default
cg_bobroll (decimal)
Sets amount player view rolls side to side while moving.
"0": off
"0.002": default
cg_runroll (decimal)
Sets amount player view rolls side to side while running.
"0": off
"0.005": default
cl_freelook (boolean)
Toggles the ability to vertically look around with your mouse.
"0": off
"1": on
cl_mouseaccel (decimal)
Sets the mouse acceleration (the faster you move your mouse in a particular direction the more the cursor/crosshair moves). Any acceleration of the operational system drivers should be disabled.
"0": off (default)
cl_pitchspeed (integer)
Sets the pitch rate when you look up or down.
"140": default
cl_yawspeed (integer)
Sets the yaw rate when you look left or right.
"140": default
cl_run (boolean)
Toggles the running mode.
"0": off
"1": on (default)
sensitivity (decimal)
Sets your mouse sensitivity.
"5": default
This value depends on your operation system settings, your mouse (I have a Logitech G502), mouse DPI (I use 800), mouse sample rate, mouse pad (I have a Razer Vespula), resolution, field of view (
cg_fov), which weapon you are using (therefore use weapon scripts), your muscle memory, alcohol level, the mood of your wife and thousand other things.
There are many discussions about the perfect mouse sensitivity and mouse settings in general and I recommend to study
some tutorials and videos (e.g.
this one,
that one or
this one, AAAAAHHH, CSGO!!! Whelp!

) and test it out for yourself.
To start, you should be able to rotate 180° to the left and to the right within the full range of your hand movement (without putting the mouse up and down again). For most in-game situations it is unnecessary to be able to rotate more but if you feel more comfortable you can leave a puffer to 210-270°. Try different settings and get used to them. Practice is everything.
m_filter (integer)
Sets the mouse interpolation which makes mouse movement smoother, but adds latency.
"0": off (default)
"1" to
"33": more interpolation
m_forward (decimal)
Sets the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves.
"0.25": default
m_side (decimal)
Sets the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves.
"0.25": default
m_pitch (decimal)
Sets the pitch rate of the vertical mouse movement (looking up or down). If you want to use an in inversed mouse like me then use negative values here.
"0.022": default
m_yaw (decimal)
Sets the yaw rate of the horizontal mouse movement (looking left or right).
"0.022": default
pmove_fixed (boolean)
Fixes the FPS jump bug by calling the internal function pmove() at a fixed rate according to
pmove_msec. This could lead to a display stuttering according to a difference between frame rate and position calculation, see
this thread.
"0": off (default)
"1": on
pmove_msec (integer)
Sets the waiting time in milliseconds before calling pmove() again. Can only be used when
pmove_fixed is
"8": default and minimum, is equivalent to normal physics at 1000 / 8 = 125 frames/second
"33": maximum, is equivalent to 1000 / 33 = 30 frames/second