fpsclasico teams and clans news

fpsclassico community based events and fights.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

@miro excuse me but with your answer is not clear to me whether or not you're fully aware and accepts that by now leaving the team you purposely allowed yourself to be a member of just a few weeks ago will incur on a random team switching/jumping offense that will carry a six months suspension from join any other team here and that if in base to that you still wants to leave. I need you to clear up that for me and explicitly accept that otherwise you won't be allowed here as I'll understand that you're simply not accepting the basic terms of behavior here. additionally just to be safe I make you publicly aware once again that as the undisputed and virtually uncontested number one player on this community and probably as the only one with a solid former professional background due basic balance rules on this community you later won't be allowed on any other team that features any other over-the-top players or a very strong significant set of top players nor they will be allowed on your team (considering you chose to stay).
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by fernandinho1337 »

hey adminless

situation: the core team of wtf is either banned or has left (including the founder). The whole wtf team is burned.

No complaining just stating the facts. What measures to bury this whole thing would be within the rules? Btw no intentions from my side to join the next team anytime soon. I will play on pubs and maybe community events if allowed and possible and other than that mind my own business.

So asking again: what is convenient and within the rules from your perspective?

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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

"the core team of wtf is either banned or has left (including the founder). The whole wtf team is burned."

as we discussed this time you were fully aware of the circumstances in what you allowed yourself to become a wtf member and I even made you fully aware (exactly as I'm doing now) that this kind of outcome (i.e. getting either you or the team banned) was the expected (i.e. what will happen) that didn't stop you from implicitly getting involved on all this situation anyways. so now that just come across as a mere excuse and it won't be accepted, the random team switching/jumping rule will apply, if you leave (which you can perfectly do at any time I simply want to make it clear so you don't come back later with any more appellations) you won't be allowed to join any other team for the next six months.

"So asking again: what is convenient and within the rules from your perspective?"

first of all, "asking again", where? look to be honest with you the expectation here is quite simple after you made all this mess just to get on a team and a fight the least I was expecting you was to stick along viper, ang3lfish and frag_masin which are all exceptional players, recruit a couple of berkut/porsche similar players (no fau, no ixsy etc), and take wtf (or any other random tag) to place where it was, the top. also it looks inappropriate that now you make it look like you have no interest in joining any teams and participating on some competitions here and now you're only interested pretty much on playing "randomly". I mean, after all this, it doesn't even sound credible but hey that's ok, so to answer directly to your question and not wasting any of your time, these are your options:
  1. stay on wtf and build a statistically and humanly perceived similarly strong team to wtf before you joined them and just normally engage the rest of the community (or not it's not like there's a obligation) as everyone else and have fun
  2. leave wtf as you're requesting and then get a six months suspension from joining any other team around here due random team switching/jumping (this won't affect you on anything else other than clan/team based activities)
now chose, a or b, your answer it's still unclear to me.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by fernandinho1337 »

hey adminless,

maybe you cannot tell by the way I am writing but: no bad intentions from my side so please do not get mad.

the wtf team as such does not exist anymore as a group - the players that made the core of the team are either gone or banned. so even if we restarted with new members it would not be the same team anymore.

regarding the team switching rule: you may apply this team switch rule to me and keep me from joining other teams. I am fine with that. I assure you I will not even try to join another team or accept a request of that kind during this period. I will honour that rule.

so for me it is b.

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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

ok removed now then and added to the list of players sanctioned from transfer (six months) and requiring special approval for transfer afterwards (i.e. balance rule).
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by fernandinho1337 »


have you considered what i wrote about vipers forums ban?
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

as for viper he requested me now on the contact form out of wtf so I just removed him too and basically disbanded wtf now as now yes wtf doesn't count with any significant amount of meaningful members. anyways. when it comes to all the fight messes probably his case was not the most severe and he always stuck to one team both in the good and the bad times so I believe that he probably has already been punished enough. I just informed him that he is free to join any other team and/or participate on events, play at the ranked server and so on if he wants to. as for the forum ban, I'm not so sure about it, he seemed like the only guy with high iq there so I'm not taking him lightly. I guess I could probably give it a try but I hope that he doesn't come with yet another billion pages of non sense already addressed appellations because I'm not gonna put up with any more unnecessary years old arguing.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by ang3lfish »


I would like to indicate that I have also left from WTF team.
What options do I have in the future? What am I banned from?

best regards
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

thanks for the update, yes as I talked with ami and as I just wrote with one or two players at most you can not register a team so I disbanded it. I'm not taking anything away from wtf but in what concerns me and these services wtf is no longer even recognized here and the tag will be banned from the servers (if nothing fails) starting in effect tomorrow. there was no other end to this as I believe that everyone can see. as with viper feel free to join any team or activity you want around here. now finally please be welcome to the forums and sorry for jumping you just like that when we first talked, things that happens.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by ang3lfish »

Thanks for the reply.
I hope we understand each other more easily in the future. :)

Have a nice day.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

@blaze I believe that after evaluation and finally with the wtf situation addressed, hopefully for good this time, I can do the Sunday 30 of January of 2022 for your ranked ban (i.e. until the upcoming superstar heat fight as the day the bans wears off). I think provided the incident and that you sorted it promptly and adequately three weeks ban seems like a reasonable and fair punishment.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by i_cezar »

I understand. I'm glad you reconsidered the initial ban period as you said you would. So thank you once again! On a personal note 30 jan is looking good since the competition is starting to get some traction with all the teams pouring in. I'll need to train on ranked server. Hope it will be a good one!
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by adminless »

ok registered now команда сообщество (read komanda soobshchestvo aka team community [rus]) just with five members (will likely gonna need another one more) for the upcoming tournament as well as added UniX to OfC.
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by PacMan »

Hi I have couple of suggestions

Can you scrap the extra community teams like A and B and.unofficial etc , ultimately that hold back players from joining any other clan , you could possibly have just one team , maybe 10 players max the represent the server, even the players who now play with each other can create a clan no problem , but play with a clan tag then? Or disband it.

Anyone else is in a clan or not , teams having a maximum of 10 players , and must apply for a player to join as opposed to saying we now have so and so , like anyone doesn't have a choice , because there is no balance, as you see existing clans aim for best players

Secondly no one can play for a clan in any match unless that's the name they generally play with , either there in the clan or not , many players will agree with me , that the clan system is as , you carry the tag if your in , and if your not , you can't register that player
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Re: fpsclasico teams and clans news

Post by oKo*Magister »

I agree with Pac, sometimes it's hard to gather 5 ppl for a event, as you can see by OfC example. Also about clan tag. My thought is like "What clan member you are if you don't want to represent it on server, only on events, fights?". Of course if somebody changes a nickname to a different for example to try another gamestyle and see how stats will look, or other things like only rail play, more focus on accuracy, then that should be okay, but mostly and generally we should play with our tag.
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