new (ql)masters server & challenge

classic Quake III Arena master duels tournaments forum.
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new (ql)masters server & challenge

Post by adminless »


so as it seems that there's still interest on this and as I was finally paging some attention to the quakelive server too these days, today I finally decided to replace the training2 server that was completely death (it made something like a testing/setup connection a day and it was completely overshadowed, and therefor not even really needed, by the regular training1 server) with a new (vanilla/stock) quakelive duel server that might be of interest to run some duels here too. so basically I broke the quakelive server link, that never really worked very good for that particular game, and I made a second quakelive server at the route end-point. then now and are two actual different servers (clanarena and duel respectively). unfortunately is not as good (i.e. integrated) as the good old fashioned masters server so it notably lacks gtv (i.e spectators/public) support and it only works on windows (note that this has a strong following on other platforms) but well I think that is a starting point to offer/do something else a bit more "mainstream" than the well know old fashioned masters setup as people (various) have also requested across the different editions. among the other alternatives I had considered, a custom server or a cpma server, I finally end up doing this as I believe that probably by now is the best shot (compromise wise) so we'll see how it turns out and where it leads as usual. so that's it by now I wonder if some one want to volunteer during the next weeks to schedule some ranked duel fight to try the thing out and give it a start. overall I think that it can have good potential as a alternative for future editions. as usual anybody interested and/or any thoughts don't hesitate to leave them bellow.

as for the map pool at this qlmasters server as usual I drop it bellow. basically no surprises is almost the same well know pool just with the addition of the well know quakelive duel exclusives. essentially it can be broken into four five maps tiers, the standard Quake III Arena tier, almostlost (pro-q3tourney7), campgrounds (pro-q3dm6), lostworld (pro-q3dm13), provinggrounds (q3tourney2/pro-q3tourney2 remix) and verticalvengeance (pro-q3tourney4), the custom tier I, aerowalk (hub3aeroq3), bloodrun (ztn3tourney1), dismemberment (hub3tourney1), hektik (hektik_b3) and toxicity (pukka3tourney2), the custom tier II, battleforged (phanq3dm1_rev), houseofdecay (mptourney1/dc_map06), phrantic (cpm24 crap edition), useandabuse (cpm3a) and wicked (cpm1a) and the afford mentioned quakelive exclusive tier, cure, elder, furiousheights, silence and sinister. needles to say no download required here other than owning quakelive obviously.
  • map pool: almostlost , campgrounds , lostworld , provinggrounds , verticalvengeance , aerowalk , bloodrun , dismemberment , hektik , toxicity , battleforged , houseofdecay , phrantic , useandabuse , wicked , cure , elder , furiousheights , silence , sinister
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Re: new (ql)masters server & challenge

Post by fernandinho1337 »


I might be available (vacation coming up) depending on the exact date.


Ps if other players wanna do a ranked but not against me I am fine with skipping
Last edited by fernandinho1337 on Tue Jan 23, 2024 20:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: new (ql)masters server & challenge

Post by adminless »

sounds good then we'll see if somebody else volunteers for the fest. unfortunately as you know the only opponents of similar skill to you around at the moment are either fau or d4widoV so I don't know if fau wants to try some luck at avenging the last event outcome on this "new" map pool and with this different rulesets variation (probably not but who knows) or if d4widoV is still around to give a spin to that potential third place fight that never took place (probably not either). if neither of them is available/interested, I don't know, may be Kra7oS shows up as a recurring guest (out of the ranking) for some sparing. for the rest as you know the date will depend on when this happen but as usual don't stress much about it as there's no need to rush it. I mean, it can be done right on this same week at some day night if it happens but it can also be delayed on the next weeks if necessary.