Black Screen

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Black Screen

Post by tar »


getting regularly black screen and no-movement bugs on the server, atm.

Whats wrong?
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

I made some "final" builds for the server with any unsafe optimization left in the book yesterday in the new 2018 environment I was working past Christmas and it looks like it broke the code beyond belief :O sorry about that, I did not change much so I just reverted them now and I hope that tomorrow that should be back to normal, I'm currently digging that up more as we speak. weird thing is that I left it to run for a week more or less on a experimental new host I was testing and for the most part had no problems and it's really strange that it simply did not crash. well that's it I hope tomorrow that's back to normal, let me know if it doesn't and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by Plumse »

Yeah there have been strange things happening today - people getting stuck in mid-air, people getting thawed automatically by random people, the screen rendering all fucked up. Hope it all gets fixed by tomorrow as you said :)
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

me too sorry about that and thanks for report guys
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

ok, done, just uploaded to the server a new "corrected" build (will load early this morning), I've tested it now for about 5 games (an hour aprox) on that experimental test server and found no issues, in fact it pretty much feels like zero ping to me (it looks overall "improved", marginally, to me), however as is to understand it doesn't compare with the "testing" (aka the real use) of the thing at the server so I hope that that's get it fixed and then please let me know if it doesn't (well I'll be watching this anyways). if things gets serious, I'll simply revert back a "old" (2 days old) safe build I made prior this (in advance of these kind of issues).
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Re: Black Screen

Post by _Nisa_ »

Monday 1:55 PM GMT

Same random self-unfreeze occurrences as yesterday. Same display artefacts. Also players randomly jump from one area of the map to another. I also don't feel the "zero ping" effect you mentioned, to the contrary. My rails go through enemy players like I had ping 200.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

lol ok, broken beyond belief I guess that basically means that it simply can not be done any better than what was already done, I'll revert back the build then in some time, thanks for report.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

ok some build reversed (which required a server restart sorry about that), let me know if that gets stable (it should, I hope) if not then I guess something got corrupted and I'll have to look into that.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by Plumse »

Server seemed fine last night, I think things are back to normal.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by adminless »

ok, glad to hear that's good then :D thanks for feedback. yes I've been testing it yesterday and today in the morning and it seems to be doing good, I think that is not as fast as the crazy unsafe optimizations build but at least it seems pretty solid and stable and nevertheless I'm just talking about marginals 1-1.5% gains in performance on average, i.e. definitively not worth at this time to go trough months polishing it to end up getting that a 1.25% gain on average at best. anyways despite that I'm still going to continue some more days cleaning and "finishing up" the server code base to improve it a bit I don't think I'll make to that 1-1.5% gain I had in mind for the "final" build but I believe that I can still make a couple of tenths more of performance out of that code so let me know if there's more "catastrophes" like that so far this is already 75% complete and there's no much left so I hope that there's no more (important) issues.

overall I've been testing it and I believe it to work some better (more reliable) and be more precise overall, nevertheless like I said, only marginally, for the most part all that what's to do what's already done in something like the last year.
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Re: Black Screen

Post by _Nisa_ »

Yup, I played a few hours today and the server feels fine. I played with black.nastia and I may even have fragged him once haaa haahaaa :mrgreen: Yes, my rails hit much better again, now that the issues are resolved. Thank you for your hard work.